Title: Introduction to Computers and Programming
1Introduction to Computers and Programming
- Class 9
- Introduction to C
- Professor Avi Rosenfeld
2Loop Structures
- Event Controlled
- While Loops
- Do While Loops
- Counter Controlled
- Counter while loops
- For loops (next time)
3Parts of a while Loop
- Every while loop will always contain three main
elements - Priming initialize your variables
- Testing test against some known condition
- Updating update the variable that is tested
4Infinite Loop
- Infinite Loop A loop that never ends
- Generally, you want to avoid these!
- There are special cases, however, when you do
want to create infinite loops on purpose - Common Exam Questions
- Given a piece of code, identify the bug in the
code - You may need to identify infinite loops
5Infinite Loop Example 1
- include ltstdio.hgt
- main ()
- int index 1
- while (index lt 10)
- printf ("Index d\n", index)
Index 1 Index 1 Index 1 Index 1 Index
1 forever
Here, I have deleted part 3 the index index
1 statement.
6- include ltstdio.hgt
- void main()
- int number,EvenNumbers 0, OddNumbers 0
- printf("\nEnter a number between 0 9 inclusive
(999 to end program) ") - scanf("d", number) / why is this scanf
needed? / - while (number ! 999)
- switch (number)
- case 0 case 2 case 4 case 6 case 8
- EvenNumbers /what is the ? /
- printf("You entered a valid EVEN ")
- break
- case 1 case 3 case 5 case 7 case 9
- OddNumbers
- printf("You entered a valid ODD ")
- break
- default
7- include ltstdio.hgt
- void main()
- int number,EvenNumbers 0, OddNumbers 0
- do
- printf("\nEnter a number between 0 9
inclusive (999 to end program) ") - scanf("d", number)
- switch (number)
- case 0 case 2 case 4 case 6 case 8
- EvenNumbers
- printf("You entered a valid EVEN ")
- break
- case 1 case 3 case 5 case 7 case 9
- OddNumbers
- printf("You entered a valid ODD ")
- break
- default
- C provides abbreviations for some common
operations - Assignment operators
- Increment/Decrement operators
9Assignment Operators
- Abbreviations are provided for the basic binary
operations - Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Modulus ()
10Shortcut Heaven (or Hell?)
- include ltstdio.hgt
- void main()
- int x 2, y 3
- x 3 / same as x x 3 x is 6 /
- printf("X is now d\n", x)
- y / 2 / same as y y / 2 y is 1 /
- printf("Y is now d\n", y)
- y 2 / same as y y 2 y is 3 /
- printf("Y is now d\n", y)
- x - 2 / same as x x - 2 x is 4 /
- printf("X is now d\n", x)
- x y / same as x x y x is 1 /
- printf("X is now d\n", x)
Operator Initial Value Sample Meaning Assigns
10 c 7 c c 7 17 to c
- 10 c - 3 c c 3 7 to c
10 c 6 c c 6 60 to c
/ 10 c / 5 c c / 5 2 to c
10 c 6 c c 7 3 to c
12Increment and Decrement Operators
- C provides unary increment operators and
decrement operators - (no spaces between them) - Increment operators add 1
- Decrement operators subtract 1
- Not for other assignment operators (, /, )
- Guess where C comes from???
- The operator is after the variable
- Causes the initial value of the variable to be
used in the expression where it appears AND THEN
adds the 1 to the variable - For example,
- int iCount 5
- printf( d\n, iCount )
- Would print 5 but iCount is worth 6 after the
- The operator is before the variable
- Adds 1 to the initial value of the variable
BEFORE it is used in the expression where it
appears - For example,
- int iCount 5
- printf( d\n, iCount)
- Would print 6 and iCount is worth 6 after the
15More examples postincrement vs. preincrement
- int iTotal 0
- int iCount 5
- iTotal iCount 2
- printf( d\n, iTotal)
- printf( d\n, iCount)
- Would print 10 for iTotal and then 6 for iCount
- iTotal iCount 2
- printf( d\n, iTotal)
- printf( d\n, iCount)
- Would print 12 for iTotal and then 6 for iCount
16Decrement Operator --
- Similar to increment in syntax/operation
- Instead of writing
- iCount iCount - 1 or
- iCount - 1
- You can write
- iCount-- or --iCount
- Subtle difference between the two new options
call postdecrement and predecrement
- The -- operator is after the variable
- Causes the initial value of the variable to be
used in the expression where it appears AND THEN
subtracts the 1 from the variable - For example,
- int iCount 5
- printf( d\n, iCount-- )
- Would print 5 but iCount is worth 4 after the
- The -- operator is before the variable
- Subtracts 1 from the initial value of the
variable BEFORE it is used in the expression
where it appears - For example,
- int iCount 5
- printf( d\n, --iCount)
- Would print 4 and iCount is worth 4 after the
19For our last trick
- include ltstdio.hgt
- void main()
- int x 2, y 3
- printf("What is this number d\n", x y)
- printf("But x is still d and y is d\n", x, y)
- printf(What d ???\n", y / x-- x y)
- / 0 /
- printf("But x is still d and y is d\n", x, y)
20Summary Table
Operator Sample Explanation
c Use value of c in expression THEN add 1 to c
c Add 1 to c THEN use the new value of c in expression
-- c-- Use value of c in expression THEN subtract 1 from c
-- --c Subtract 1 from c THEN use new value of c in expression
21Introducing for loops
- include ltstdio.hgt
- void main()
- int counter 100
- while (counter--gt 0)
- printf("The counter is at d ", counter)