Using Excel to Analyze OSAT Results - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using Excel to Analyze OSAT Results


You can cut and paste tables of data from the internet onto a spreadsheet ... Using the template to create as many sheets onto which the groups can be copied as ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Using Excel to Analyze OSAT Results

Using Excel to Analyze OSAT Results
Workshop Agenda
  • Cutting and pasting data from the ODEs website
    into Excel
  • Adding calculations (formulae) to Excel
  • Copying formulae
  • Downloading student results from secure Internet
  • Performing calculations on those results

Agenda (cont.)
  • Creating new worksheets in Excel workbook
  • Well create a template for disaggregated groups
  • Using filters to view subgroups of your choosing
  • Copying subgroups to separate pages

Copying Results from ODE Site
  • Go to http//
  • Point at Most Requested Items and a drop down
    menu appears
  • Click on Assessment Scores 2003
  • Pick year youd like to download using View
    Previous Years Test Results menu
  • Click Search Test Results

Copying Results from ODE Site (cont.)
  • Use scroll bar to scroll down to the district of
    your choosing
  • Click on the district name
  • Click District Report
  • Click School Name or District Summary
  • Use drop down menus to select the type of report
    and subject of test you wish

Copying Results from ODE Site (cont.)
  • Minimize Internet Explorer (IE) Screen by
    clicking on leftmost of three buttons in upper
    right of screen
  • Open Excel sheet into which youd like to copy
    the data
  • Click on the IE logo on the task bar to expand it
    onto your screen
  • Highlight the data you want to copy by dragging
    cursor across that data
  • Edit / Copy
  • Minimize the IE screen again

Copying Results from ODE Site (cont.)
  • Click on cell that you want to the upper left
    most cell of the data to be pasted (A2)
  • Edit / Paste
  • Add labels in the first row
  • Ill demonstrate adding 2002 Youll add 2003
  • Some Hints
  • Arrange data on the spreadsheet the same as it is
    on the website
  • When pasting multiple sets of similarly arranged
    data, separate them with the same number of blank
    rows every time

Lets do some math
  • What change do you see?
  • How can we make it more clear?
  • Lets calculate the change from year to year
  • Click the cell to the right of the top-most Grade
    Does Not Meet Percentage in the 2nd set of data
    (2002) well call this the target cell (F12)
  • Well put the formula for change in Percentage
    Not Meeting in this cell

Entering Formulae
  • This formula will not use any built in functions
    Well simply subtract last years percentage
    from this years percentage to get the change in
  • Click on the sign to the left of the formula
    bar a formula tool appears
  • Click on the cell with the percentage for this
    year just to the left of where your target cell
    is the cells reference (E12) appears in the
  • Type a into your formula to indicate you want
    to subtract
  • Click on the cell to subtract (E3)
  • Check the Formula result in the tool to assure
    its working
  • Click on OK The formula tool disappears and the
    result appears in your target cell

Now youre gonna do it
  • Youll calculate the States change in the
    percentage of ? graders not meeting for the two
    years Your target cell will be just to the
    right of the States percentage not passing (L12)
  • Click on your target cell
  • Click on the sign to the left of the formula
    bar a formula tool appears
  • Click on the cell with the percentage for this
    year just to the left of where your target cell
    is the cells reference (K12) appears in the
  • Type a into your formula to indicate you want
    to subtract
  • Click on the cell to subtract (K3)
  • Check the Formula result in the tool to assure
    its working
  • Click on OK The formula tool disappears and the
    result appears in your target cell

Lets Talk about Relational Formulae
  • Click on the first formula we entered
  • In the cell you see the result and in the cell
    editing window above you see the formula
  • The computer doesnt remember the cells in the
    formulae it remembers their relationship to the
    target cell
  • It remembers take the cell one to the left and
    subtract from it the cell one to the left and 9
  • We can copy this formula to any cell where the
    relationships are the same

Where Can We Use the Formula?
  • Will this formula work to the right of the Meets
  • How about all the other changes?
  • We need to talk about copying formulae
  • There are ways to copy one formula to multiple
  • There are ways to copy a single cell to a range
    under it or to the right of it
  • There are ways to copy multiple cells to others
    in the same configuration

Copying a Formula to Other Cells
  • Copy a single cell into another cell
  • Select the cell to copy by clicking on it
  • Edit / Copy
  • Select cell into which you want the formula
  • Edit / Paste
  • Note The cell can be copied multiple times
    without Edit / Copying again

Copying a Formula to Other Cells (cont.)
  • Copying cells to cells beneath (or to the right
    of) it
  • Select the cell to be copied and, continuing to
    hold the mouse button down, drag the selection
    down through the range to be filled with the same
  • Edit / Fill / Down
  • To Copy a cell to the right select the cell and
    the range to the right to be filled, then Edit /
    Fill / Right

Copying a Formula to Other Cells (cont.)
  • Copying a range of cells into an analogous range
    of cells
  • Select first cell to be copied
  • Drag the cursor over the range to be copied
  • Edit / Copy
  • Select top-left cell analogous to the set of
    cells selected
  • Edit / Paste

Lets Review
  • You can cut and paste tables of data from the
    internet onto a spreadsheet
  • You can perform calculations on the numbers
    derived from the internet
  • You dont have to re-enter a formula if it is the
    same (relationally) as those needed in other
  • You can copy single cells (formulae) or ranges of
    cells into new places and the same calculation
    will be done (relationally) as in the original

Saving your Excel worksheet
  • Click on File / Save
  • Find the folder into which you want to save the
    worksheet or create a new one
  • Lets create one on your desktop by
  • Clicking Desktop icon to move to the desktop
  • Clicking on New Folder icon
  • Naming the folder (WCC Workshop)
  • Now provide a name for the worksheet (School
  • Click Save

Lets Practice
  • Take five minutes to practice
  • building simple formulae
  • Copying formulae singly, with the fill feature,
    and in groups
  • Using the fill tool to create sequenced data
  • When we start again, well get more complete data
    from the internet and learn to disaggregate
  • Well learn to do more complex math on those

Getting the OSAT Data
  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Type http//
    onto the address line and click Go
  • Enter District ID
  • Enter Password
  • Click Login
  • Click Student Test Results 2002-2003 School Year

Lets Get the Data (cont.)
  • Select the Reading test at the bottom of the list
    (reconciled results for entire year) and press GO
  • On File Download dialog press Save
  • Click Desktop on the left of the Save As dialog
  • Click on your Training Materials folder
  • Click Save on the bottom right of dialog to save
    the file in that folder

Lets Get the Data (cont.)
  • Scroll down on the same page to find documents
    describing field headings for the files just
  • Click Word 97 logo next to the one you want
  • On File Download dialog click Save
  • Save this in your Training Materials folder too
  • Close your Internet Explorer
  • Open the Training Materials folder and double
    click on the Word document you downloaded (or
  • Then minimize that window and double click on the
    Excel file you downloaded (or mine)

Structure of the Data File
  • Terminology
  • Fields and Records
  • Field Headings
  • Adjust column width
  • Select the column A
  • Use scroll bar to move to far right row
  • Shift / Click on last columns letters
  • Point at any of the separators between columns

Structure of the Data File (Cont.)
  • Save As an Excel Workbook to preserve formatting
    and formulae
  • Click on File / Save
  • Navigate to desktop / WCC Workshop folder
  • Set Save as type to Microsoft Excel Workbook
  • Click Save
  • Look at cryptic field headings on Excel file
  • Look them up in Word file
  • Lets look at whats here (and whats not)

Overview of What Youll Learn
  • Adding useful analysis formulae to calculate the
    performance of the group(s)
  • Creating a template sheet with no data but with
    all the calculations
  • Using the template to create as many sheets onto
    which the groups can be copied as you wish
  • Using Auto Filter to isolate the group you want
    to study
  • Copying subgroups onto your blank calculation
    pages and renaming them appropriately

Adding calculations
  • Most common calculations
  • Averaging RIT scores
  • Counting Not Mets, Mets, and Exceededs
  • Calculating Percentage Not Met, Met, Exceeded
  • Lets create some space for calculations
  • Highlight rows 1 through 9 by clicking on the 1
    and dragging down to 9 and releasing
  • Click on Insert / Rows
  • Why create space at the top?

Averaging groups RIT scores
  • Averaging
  • Find TOTSCALE on Subgroup sheet
  • Click Row 9 above the heading
  • Insert / Function / Statistical / Average
  • or
  • Use Formula Tool to enter formula
  • Select data to be averaged
  • Some tricks to find the bottom
  • Click top cell use scroll bar to find the
    bottom shift / click
  • Click top two or three cells edit row number in

Calculating Numbers of Students Did Not Meet,
Met, Exceeded
  • Counting Did Not Meet, Met, Exceeded
  • Find TOTPER_G column
  • Click on Row 9 above field heading
  • Insert / Function / Statistical / CountIf or use
    Formula Tool to create formula
  • Select Data to look in for Range
  • Enter D in Criteria
  • Click OK
  • Do same process with M and E in two cells above
  • Label it all.

Calculating Percentage of StudentsDid Not Meet /
Met / Exceeded
  • Calculating of Didnt Meet, Met, Exceeded
  • Label 3 cells above as E, M, NM
  • Enter formula for calculating of Exceeded
  • Type equal sign
  • Click number of exceeded
  • Type divided by sign /
  • Insert / Function / MathTrig / Sum or Formula
  • Select all three numbers to get total number
  • Type enter ?.
  • Follow same procedure to calculate M and NM

Copying Calculations
  • Would these formulae work (relationally) above
    the subtest results?
  • You betcha
  • Copy range of calculations
  • Determine top left of place to paste over subtest
  • Paste range of calculations there
  • Do this for all subtests

Creating a template page for subgroup analysis
  • Right Click on tab for this sheet (Sheet1)
  • Left Click on Rename
  • Name this sheet District Data (Enter)
  • Now right click on that tab again
  • Left click on Move or Copy
  • Click Save a copy box
  • Click OK
  • Now highlight all the student data / Edit / Clear
    / All
  • Click on tab for District Data (2)
  • Click Rename
  • Name it Subgroup Template (Enter)

Creating Subgroup Pages
  • Rearrange the order of the sheet tabs
  • Click and drag the template sheet to the right
  • Now right click on template tab
  • Left click on Move or Copy
  • Click on Sheet 2 so the new copy will go before
    that sheet
  • Click Create a copy
  • Click OK
  • Do this as many times as you have subgroups

Lets Review
  • You can create space for calculations by
    inserting rows
  • You can have the computer average, count, and
    find percentages using built-in formulae
  • You can create a blank template page containing
    all these calculations
  • You can make as many copies of the blank page as
    you want
  • Now lets separate out some subgroups and put
    them on these pages

Separating Groups
  • Click on the row number next to the column
    headings to select the row
  • Click on Data in the menu bar
  • Point at Filters in the drop down menu the then
    click on Auto Filter in the 2nd menu
  • The heading row will have changed so that the
    headings are now drop down menus

Separating Groups (cont.)
  • Click on the triangle to see the contents of that
    column click on the content youd like to
  • All records that do not contain that content are
  • The other records are still there only hidden
  • We must copy these unhidden records to another
    location to do calculations on the subgroup

Separating Groups (Cont.)
  • Select the entire group youve separated
  • Select the topmost row click on its number
  • Scroll down to last row of group
  • Shift / Click on number of last row
  • Click on Edit / Copy
  • Click on tab of first open copy of the template
  • Click on top left cell under headings (A11)
  • Click Edit / Paste
  • Rename to page to reflect the sub-group
  • Go look at the results

Lets Review
  • Use Data / Filters / Auto Filter to turn on
  • Select contents to preserve by using drop down
    menus on headings
  • Select the unhidden group
  • Copy that group to a blank template page
  • Rename it
  • Disaggregate as many groups as you want

Saving and Cleaning Up
  • Click File / Save
  • Close Excel (X in upper right corner)
  • Double Click on both the WCC Workshop and
    Training Materials folders
  • Drag the WCC Workshop.ppt file from the Training
    to the Workshop folder
  • Close both folders by clicking on the X

Saving and Cleaning Up (cont.)
  • Right Click on WCC Workshop folder
  • Left click on Properties
  • Check Size on Disk
  • If its bigger than 1.44 Mb youll have to delete
  • Close that dialog by clicking OK
  • Put a floppy disk in the disk drive
  • Double click on My Computer
  • Drag WCC Workshop folder onto 3½ Floppy icon
  • Drag Training Materials folder to the trash

  • Use the Slide Show in your Packet and the File
    youve just created to do this at home with your
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