Title: Creating Databases for Web applications
1Creating Databases for Web applications
- More SQL
- Classwork Systems Logic Design. Diagrams.
- Homework Present plan for project
2General principles for SQL
- You need to build the Select statement
- pencil in hand, work in steps
- Decide the tables needed
- Decide on logical conditions for records
contributing to the result - WHERE
- Decide on conditions connecting tables
3General principles, cont.
- The GROUP BY command combines / aggregates
records based on common values, using aggregate
operations such as COUNT, AVG, SUM,etc. - If you want to maintain individual records but
bunch them together, use ORDER - Remember order high to low requires DESC
4General principles, cont.
- For condition in which individual records to use
WHERE - For condition on aggregated (GROUP BY) records
HAVING - DISTINCT will extract just one from a table for
the specified field
5Operational definition
- is what you call the definition of something
that is used in a process. - For example
- freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors
- Dean's list, academic probation
- ???
6Students in clubs
- students sid, sname, deptname, gpa, credits
- Note could have department table
- Note could have first and last names
- clubs clubid, clubname, clubdesc
- clubmemberships mid, sid, clubid
7Generate a list of names of clubs
- Just need one table
- SELECT clubname FROM clubs
- But what if I wanted clubs with members?
- need the clubs table and the clubmemberships
table - Join on cid
8List of names of clubs with members
- SELECT DISTINCT clubname FROM clubs as c JOIN
clubmemberships as m ON c.cidm.cid - could write c.clubname, but not needed since
there is no ambiguity. Don't worry about this.
9List names of clubs with at least 5 members
- SELECT c.cid, c.clubname, COUNT() as n FROM
clubs as c JOIN clubmemberships as m ON
c.cidm.cid GROUP BY c.cid HAVING ngt5 - This produces more information than requested.
- Could probably leave out the c.cid and instead
GROUP by clubname. This would be better if there
is a chance of ambiguity.
10List names of any club with at least one freshmen
- SELECT DISTINCT clubname FROM clubs as c JOIN
clubmemberships as m ON c.cidm.cid JOIN students
as s ON m.sids.sid WHERE s.credits lt30 - Creating a table using the clubmembership table
with information added from other tables. - Records only go into the table if the students
record has creditslt30. - Use DISTINCT to get the distinct club names.
Don't need other information.
11Answer question
- Sophomores, juniors, seniors
- What about upperclassmen?
- What about upperclassmen with at least B
averages? - Consider BETWEEN operand
12List names of any club with at least one freshmen
- SELECT DISTINCT clubname FROM clubs as c JOIN
clubmemberships as m ON c.cidm.cid JOIN students
as s ON m.sids.sid WHERE s.credits lt30 - Creating a table using the clubmembership table
with information added from other tables. - Records only go into the table if the students
record has creditslt30. - Use DISTINCT to get the distinct club names.
Don't need other information.
13List all clubs by name with number of sophomores
- Need to use all 3 tables
- Need to use WHERE clause to get sophomores
- Operational definition sophomore means between
30 and 60 credits. - EXTRA CREDIT BETWEEN inclusive or not?
- ANSWER is yes this means 30lt ??? lt60
- Use two comparisons if this isnt what you want
(or you forget about BETWEEN. - Use LEFT JOIN to pick up clubs with no matches
since for this example, I want clubs with no
sophomores to show up! - Use COUNT(m.id) to NOT count any NULL fields!
14should check use of ( )
- SELECT clubname, COUNT(m.mid) as num from CLUBS
as c LEFT JOIN (clubmemberships as m JOIN
students as s ON m.sid s.sid WHERE s.credits
BETWEEN 30 AND 60) ON c.cidm.cid - GROUP BY clubname
15Possible result
- Young Dems 40
- Young Repubs 3
- Origami 10
- Hiking 0
16Generate list of students with the clubs each one
belongs to
- Will need SQL and then php
- Need 3 tables (need club names and student names)
- Need to place all records for each student
together, but not aggregate. Use ORDER BY
- SELECT s.sid, s.sname as a,c.clubname as b FROM
students as s JOIN clubmemberships as m ON
s.sidm.sid JOIN clubs as c ON m.cidc.cid ORDER
BY s.sid s.sname - Note information just in the clubmembership
table isn't part of the resultset BUT those
records are the only ones represented in the
- // assume result is the result of query
- curstudent""
- print("lttable border'1'gtlttrgtltthgtStudentlt/thgtltthgtC
lublt/thgtlt/trgt") - while (rowmysql_fetch_array(result))
- print("lttrgtlttdgt")
- if (curstudent!row'a')
- curstudentrow'a'
- print("curstudentlt/tdgt")
- else
- print ("nbsplt/tdgt")
- print("lttdgt".row'b'."lt/tdgtlt/trgt")
- print("lt/tablegt")
- Can order using multiple fields
- .. ORDER BY lname, fname
- WHERE or HAVING condition can use
- IN
- . WHERE clubname IN ('Hiking', 'Origami')
- ALSO can use BETWEEN for dates and times
- NOTE other ways to do these.
- ROLLUP can be used with GROUP to generate
different levels of aggregation - students table sid, sname,school,bos
- SELECT sname, COUNT() from students GROUP BY
school, bos - NSS Math/CS 5
- NSS Biology 10
- AD Painting 17
- AD Sculpture 4
22with ROLLUP
- SELECT sname, COUNT() from students GROUP BY
school, bos WITH ROLLUP - NSS Math/CS 5
- NSS Biology 10
- NSS null 15
- AD Painting 17
- AD Sculpture 4
- AD null 21
- null null 36
23Alternative to ROLLUP
- is to do calculations and formatting in php or
other middleware program. - May be easier to get exactly what you want.
- Note the MySQL way MAY be faster.
- Planning (system design where design has broad
meaning, not specifically the look) - comes first!
- can change
- Document the structure of database using ER
diagram and the potential functions of the
application using the DFD
- Draw tools in Powerpoint
- Draw tools in Google presentation
- Work alone or in teams on systems design!
- Proposals overdue!!!!
- Presentations on Monday!