Title: The Treaty of Versailles
1The Treaty of Versailles
Fourteen Points
- No Secret Treaties
- National Self-Determinism
- All nations will cut arms and weapons
- Each country pays for his or her own damages
- Peace without victory
- League of Nations will be formed
3June 1919 Versailles Treaty
- Germany takes ALL the blame or war guilt
- Germany pays huge reparations (damages in )
- to the Allies
- Germany must disarm
- Germany looses territory
- Some new nations created (self-determination)
- League of Nations created
33 Billion Dollars ( 50 million yrly. for 66
4Nov. 1919 U.S. Senate rejects treaty
5Failure of the Versailles Treaty
OR How Hitler Came to
Power in Germany
6Germans see war guilt as unfair
- Hitler promises a rise to greatness
Hitler promises a rise to greatness again and
blames the German government.
7Economic Problems for Germany
- due to high reparations
- Hitler promised to fix
German women feeds Stove with cash vs. using it.
8Disarmament Seems Unfair
- ONLY for Germany, not Allies
9Germany and Russia dont help make the treaty
- dictated peace for Germany (no say)
- leads to important land losses for both
The Big Four, leaders of Allied nations, make the
final decisions.
10Unresolved Self-Determination
- allowed in some lands, not in others
- some borders decided w/o input from people
of the areas
11No self-determination for Arab states
Ottoman Empire. 1914
Middle East in 1919
Ottoman Empire divided and occupied - France -
dark green Britain -light green
12League of Nation fails
- Russia and Germany not allowed in U.S. does
- not join so weak
- when treaty was broken, didnt enforce