Title: GM V
1GM VV PDG Reference Manual
St. Margherita, June19 Submitted by Rene
- 1345 1400 GM VV PDG introduction
welcome Ad Van LIER - 1400 1415 PDG Organisation Ad Van LIER
- 1415 1430 Proposed Products Rene
Jacquart - 1430 1445
- Scheduling of the PDG Ad Van LIER
- 1445 1530 GM VV Foundations The GMVV
SG Rene Jacquart - 1530 1600
- Break
- 1600 1615 GM VV Ref Man Presentation
disc. Rene Jacquart - 1615 1630 Fall SIW events (PDG VVA
Summit) Ad Van LIER - 1630
- Adjourn Ad Van LIER
3Presentation Outline
- GM-VV Documents Overview
- VVA Issues
- The embedding context of VVA
- VVA guidance principles
- Methodology components
- VVA templates and conceptual model
- Schedule for documents delivery
4GM-VV Documents overview
For VVA Executioners
How ? When ? Who ? Detailed Description Particula
r Activities Parts of Process Specific Roles
Specific Task oriented
For VVA Method deployment
For Accept leader VV leader
Specific Product oriented
VVA Rationale Why ? For what ? For whom
? Definitions Concepts Fundamentals Products
How ? When ? Who ? Description Activities Process
Roles Responsibilities
VVA products specification Techniques and
tools support
For VVA Experts
5GM-VV Reference Manual
- Methodology rationale
- Methodology conceptual tools
- Methodology components
- Appendix
- Conceptual Model of VVA information
6VVA Concerns
- MS Problem Owner questions
- MS Sponsor questions
- VVA Project Manager issues
- VVA Executioners issues
7The embedding context of VVA
The "four world" view
8The embedding context of VVA
From MS intended purpose to VVA needs
- Taking into account the MS project context and
constraints - Incompleteness of reference information
- Risks analysis (negative outcomes of uses)
- Resources (budget, schedule, skills)
- Judgment biases
- etc.
- To derive the actual, contextual VVA needs
9VVA guidance principles
The "3 pillars" concept
- This concept is used for the
- organisation of the VVA activities
- organisation of the analysis of MS
10VVA guidance principles
The three facets of VVA for the Products
The MS system of interest is to be examined from
- The Model, including the embedded data,
- The Experimental Frame,
- The results and the outcomes.
11VVA guidance principles
The tailoring
- Taking into account
- The GM-VV methodology (Generic Process,
Organization, and Generic VVA products), - The project intended purpose and the risks, costs
and benefits, - The project VVA needs,
- The available resources,
- The tailoring shall provide
- The workable instantiated process,
- The actual organization for the VVA activity,
- The detailed description of the VVA products
which have to be released, - The allocation of the VVA effort.
12Methodology components
The meaning of Acceptance
13Methodology components
Organization and roles
MS Sponsor
Problem owner
VVA party
VV information provider Manager
Acceptance Leader
VV Leader
VV information providers
VV Executioners
14Methodology components
The VVA products
- Non-VVA products
- VVA Needs,
- VVA deliverable products
- The ToA,
- The Acceptance Report,
- The VV Report,
- Inner VVA products
- The ToVV,
- The VV Items of Evidence,
15Methodology components
The Memory
- The (VVA) Project Memory
- The VVA entities (ToA, ToVV,),
- The logical and chronological relationships among
VVA entities, - The contextual information
- The (MS) Corporate Memory
- The formal corporate memory MS body of
knowledge, - The informal corporate memory SME sources,
16Methodology components
The GM VV process
Purpose -Impact
Decision Utility, Risks, Envelope
Problem World
VVA Needs
VVA World
Acceptance Report
Develop Acceptance Criteria
VVA knowledge base Project Memory
Assess the VVA needs achievement
VV Report
Assess the Validity and correctness
Develop VV criteria Plan VV
Items of Evidence
MS base Referent knowledge Corporate Memory
Gather and assess VVA information
17Requirements for compliance
The GM-VV compliance relies on
- The production of the core documents using
defined templates (e.g. ToA, VV report,
Acceptance Report) - The documented execution of the actual VVA
process (stored in the Project Memory)
18Acceptance Report template
- Work in progress
- mostly in conjunction with Users Manual, RPG and
Technical Notes
19ToA, VV Report templates
- Work in progress
- in relation with the Users Manual, RPG and
Technical notes
20Conceptual Model of VVA information
- Work in progress
- specification of the VVA entities and
relationships supporting the GM-VV process
21The follow-on GM-VV documents