Title: What is the purpose of life
1- What is the purpose of life
- for born-again believers?
- Be good moral examples to others
- Try to obey the Ten Commandments
- Go to church and study the Bible
- Witness to unbelievers
2- Whats the purpose of life for
- Born-Again Believers?
- We are commanded to glorify God,
- 1 Peter 416, . . . but if anyone suffers
undeserved suffering as a Christian, let
him not feel ashamed, but in
that name on behalf of Christ, let him
glorify God pam. -
3 4- When believers Faith-Rest through undeserved
suffering, they are blessed and God is glorified.
It is His grace and His power that enables them
to endure suffering. - Its not what we do but what God does for us
and through us that is glorious. -
5- The more God can do for us, the more He is
glorified. - The problem is, believers try to glorify God
through what they do rather than what He does. - Believers are impressed with their puny efforts,
but God isnt.
6- But doesnt our service glorify God? Yes,
because of what He enables us to do. - We are commanded to serve the Lord
- Romans 1211, Do not be slothful in zeal, be
fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. - The question is HOW?
7 He motivates us, gives us instructions and the
power to serve so He gets the credit.
Philippians 213, for it is God who is at work
in you, both to will motivation to learn
doctrine and to work apply doctrine for His
good pleasure.
82 Corinthians 61, And working together
with Him, we also urge you not to receive the
grace of God in vain Negative, ignorant,
arrogant, apathetic believers will never know the
wonderful things they lost out on until its too
late. They received the grace of God in vain.
9 Heres the point we cannot glorify
God or serve Him in ignorance. We have no
excuse we have written instructions as to what
to do and how to do it. However, ignorance is
only removed when one is humble and seeks God.
10 James 46, But He gives a greater grace Super
Grace. Therefore it says, "God is opposed to
makes war against the proud arrogant, but
gives grace to the humble." A believer who is
humble and seeks God will be Experientially
Sanctified. God will be glorified by all of the
wonder- ful things He will do for this kind of