Title: BME 401 Progress Report
1BME 401 Progress Report
- Creating a Concentration Gradient of NT-3 in a
Fibrin-Based Gel
Group Members Jennifer Johnson, Katelyn McGary,
Matthew S. Reiter Mentors Philip Johnson, Dr.
Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert
- Damaged nerves in neurotrophin gradient
- Show directed outgrowth
- Possible nerve function recovery
- Saneinejad S, et al.
- Device will create a concentration gradient of
cross-linked NT-3 - Within nerve guidance tube
- Filled with polymerized fibrin gel
- To direct nerve growth
- To be applied to CNS or PNS after nerve damage
4Fabrication of Fibrin Gel
- Final stages of blood coagulation cascade
- What does a cross-linked fibrin gel look like?
5Fabrication of Fibrin Gel NT-3
- What happens when concentration gradient of NT-3
In Nerve Guidance Conduit
6Design Requirements
- Must create concentration gradient of NT-3
- Preserve sterility of all reagents for cell
culture purposes - Easily maintainable/reusable
- Using Chick Dorsal Root Ganglia (DRG) as a
regeneration model
71) Modified Gradient Maker
Fibrinogen w/ Factor XIII
Calcium Thrombin NT-3
Calcium Thrombin
Fibrinogen w/ Factor XIII
Linear Gradient of NT-3
Kapur TA, et al.
82) Microfluidics System
Calcium Thrombin Fibrinogen Factor XIII
Calcium Thrombin Fibrinogen Factor XIII
Calcium Thrombin Fibrinogen Factor XIII
Calcium Thrombin Fibrinogen Factor XIII
Jeon NL et al
9Microfluidics System
103) Combination of 1 and 2
NT-3 pre-polymer
pre-polymer solution
pre-polymer solution
pre-polymer solution
11Combination of 1 and 2
Calcium Thrombin NT-3
Calcium Thrombin
Fibrinogen Factor XIII
Fibrinogen Factor XIII
Conical Concentration Gradient
pre-polymer solution
Kapur TA, et al.
12Combination System Overhead
13Analysis Pugh Chart
14Combination of 1 and 2
Calcium Thrombin NT-3
Calcium Thrombin
Fibrinogen Factor XIII
Fibrinogen Factor XIII
Radial Concentration Gradient
pre-polymer solution (same, minus NT-3)
Kapur TA, et al.
15Parameters of Chosen Design
- Nerve growth conduit
- 15 mm long
- 1.4372 mm inner diameter
- .2286 mm wall thickness
- Tube exiting MGM 0.829mm
- Vsystem 0.061mL
- Assumptions use other neurotrophins
16Analysis - Calculations
- VNGC 5.026E-8 m3
- Flow Rate Calculation Assumptions
- Laminar flow
- Rigid cylinders
- Dissipation due to friction negligible
- Viscosity independent of shear
- Poiseuille-Hagen equation ,
- MATLAB Program to solve kinetic rate constants at
varying temperatures
17Inherent Considerations
- Temperature
- Flow Rate
- Maintenance
- Air Bubbles - interface
18Updated Design Schedule
19Team Responsibilities
- Jen
- Website, Flow Rate Calculations
- Matt
- Visual Aids, Website, Progress Report
- Katelyn
- MATLAB programming, Final Report
- All
- Design Specifications, Weekly Progress Reports,
- Kapur TA, Shoichet MS. J Biomed Mater Res. Vol
68A, 2004 235-243. - Jeon NL, Dertinger SKW, Chiu DT, Choi IS, Stroock
AD, Whitesides GM. Langmuir. Vol 16, 2000
21Additional Information
- http//userfs.cec.wustl.edu/fibrin/
- MATLAB analysis
- Philip Johnson
- Dr. Sakiyama-Elbert
- Dr. Elbert