Title: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
1The Seven Wondersof the Ancient World
- An Internet Scavenger Hunt
2List the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
- Wonder 1
- Wonder 2
- Wonder 3
- Wonder 4
- Wonder 5
- Wonder 6
- Wonder 7
3Place a picture and description of Wonder 1 here
4Place a picture and description of Wonder 2 here
5Place a picture and description of Wonder 3 here
6Place a picture and description of Wonder 4 here
7Place a picture and description of Wonder 5 here
8Place a picture and description of Wonder 6 here
9Place a picture and description of Wonder 7 here
10More About the Wonders
- The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World can be
traced back to ____ century B.C. - The final list was compiled during the _____
Find a picture of the Ancient Wonders and place
it here.
11Find a Map of the where the Seven Wonders are
Located and place here.
12Place a picture and the name of the builder of
the Hanging Gardens of Babylon below.
13Which is the only Ancient Wonder still standing?
Place a picture below.