Title: OBryant AP Physics Chemistry, Marine Biology
1OBryantAP PhysicsChemistry, Marine Biology
- Teachers Steve Fernandez, Myriam Hibbard
- Fellow Seth Baum
2OBryant Mission Statement
- The John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and
Science is a diverse, supportive community of
learners that engages in a rigorous and
comprehensive Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics program integrated with
Humanities. Our college-preparatory exam school
enables our students to reach their full
potential and become leaders who will shape the
direction of society.
3Fellows Work To Date (Aug 2006)
- Bridge to AP Physics
- 1 week in May
- 1 week in right now
- Bridge to AP Calculus
- 6 week summer program at NU
- Overlap with AP Physics students
4Fellows Anticipated Role (Aug 2006)
- General support for AP Physics
- Large class size (30 students)
- Curriculum development for Marine Biology
- Ocean imaging
- Possible field trips to Nahant, WHOI
- Connecting NU students to education outreach
opportunities at OBryant - CenSSIS Scholars
- Field trips to Northeastern
5Did I Play This Role?
- General support for AP Physics Yes
- Regular assistance in problem solving
- Curriculum development for Marine Biology Some
- Ocean imaging Some
- Possible field trips to Nahant, WHOI Unlikely
(discipline) - Other miscellaneous support
- Connecting NU students to education outreach
opportunities at OBryant - CenSSIS Scholars Not yet
- Field trips to Northeastern Not yet
6Other Roles, Pre-Nov 6
- Killing on the Canal
- Inspired by Marine Bio student interest in
forensic science - Used by Marine Bio AP Physics
- Unit conversion sheet
- Included every-day units such as MPH, L/100km
- Used by Marine Bio 10th Grade Chemistry
- Marine Bio discipline
- The college perspective
- Greentimes connections
- College guidance
7And Then Steve Left (Nov 6)
- Class leadership divided equally between Larry
McGrail and myself - My role included
- Planning class periods
- Giving lectures
- Writing worksheets
- Designing homework assignments
- Contributing to tests
8And Then Larry Left (Nov 27)
- Surprise!
- Full class leadership for 7 periods over two
weeks - Wrote ( graded) one test yikes!
- Gave many lectures
- Wrote worksheets
- Designed homework assignments
9My Style
- More sophisticated, multi-faceted problems
- Requiring multiple concepts, including concepts
from multiple course sections - Goals
- Master all content at once
- Problem solve creatively
- Have some fun with the content
A 2-Liter water bottle is dropped off a 5 meter
ledge. What is its wavelength just before it
hits the ground?
10My Style, Ctd.
- Conceptual problems
- Goals
- Understand underlying physics instead of just
equation plug chug - Prepare students for AP multiple choice
If a waves period increases, then the speed of
ejected electrons _________
11My Style, Ctd.
- Longer exams, stricter proctoring
- No pre-exam review
- No hints during test
- Goals
- Higher achievement on AP and beyond
- Prepare students for college exams
12Where To Go From Here?
- AP Physics
- Back to normal or can we not go back?
- Were my strategies effective?
- Lasting impact on Steves style?
- Marine Bio
- Has discipline appeared?
- If so, then we can have some fun
- Field trips, special activities, etc.
13NSTA Article
- Published in Dec 2006 The Science Teacher
- Response to editorial by Linda Froschauer, NSTA
President - Main points
- Science in other countries is a good thing
- Discussion of science education should include
the students interests - Not all economic progress improves quality of
life some makes it worse (e.g., over-work)
14Meanwhile, A Career Change
- Applying to PhD programs in geography
- Intended area of study
- Impact of climate change on quality of life
- Bringing science/engineering perspective to
social science work - Environment-economy relationship
- Quality of life as physiological phenomena
- Problem solving, analysis, modeling