Title: Getting Started
1Getting Started
2Naming conventions
- Sorry, but it is necessary
- All Geant4 source files have a .cc extensions,
all Geant4 header files carry a .hh extension - All Geant4 classes have their name prefixed with
a G4 - G4RunManager, G4Step, G4LogicalVolume
- Abstract classes add a V to the prefix
- G4VHit, G4VPhysicalVolume
- Each word in a composite name is capitalized
- G4UserAction, G4VPVParameterisation
- Methods and functions obey the same naming
conventions as the class names - G4RunManagerSetUserAction(), G4LogicalVolumeGe
3Basic types
- For basic numeric types, different compilers on
different plattforms provide different value
ranges - To assure portability, Geant4 redefines the basic
types for them to have always the same bit yield - the definitions of these types are all placed in
a single header file (globals.hh), which also
provides inclusion of all system headers, as well
as global functions needed by the Geant4 kernel
int ? G4int long ? G4long float ? G4float double
? G4double bool ? G4bool (native, or from RW, or
from CLHEP) string ? G4String (from RW, and now
from STL)
4The main program
- Geant4 is a detector simulation toolkit, hence it
does not provide a main() method - Users must supply their own main program to build
their simulation program - The G4RunManager class is the only manager class
in the Geant4 kernel which should be explicitly
instantiated in the main program to specify - How the detector geometry should be built
- Which physics processes one is interested in
- How the primary particles in an event should be
produced - Additional requests during the simulation
- G4RunManager is the root class of the Geant4
hierarchy - It controls the main flow of the program
- Construct the manager classes of Geant4 (in its
constructor) - Manages initialization procedures including
methods in the user initialization classes (in
its method Initialize() ) - Manages event loops (in its method BeamOn() )
- Terminates manager classes in Geant4 (in its
destructor) - The method Initialize() takes care of building
the detector geometry (as specified by the user),
the physics processes and takes care of setting
all parameters needed for G4 to run - The detector setup and the physics processes and
cuts cannot be modified during a run. The
G4RunManager must be notified is one of these
were to change, before a new run
6User initialization and action classes
- Geant4 has two kinds of user defined classes
- User initialization classes
- used for customizing the Geant4 initialization
- assigned to G4RunManager by invoking the
SetUserInitialization() method - User action classes
- used during the run processing
- assigned to G4RunManager by invoking the
SetUserAction() method - The implementation of three user defined classes
is mandatory - setting up of the geometry
- event kinematics
- physics processes
7Mandatory user classes
- Three user classes have to be implemented by the
user (two initialization classes and one action
class) - The base classes of these mandatory classes are
abstract and no default implementation is
provided - G4RunManager checks whether objects belonging to
these classes have been instanciated when
Initialize() and BeamOn() are invoked - Users must inherit from the abstract base classes
provided by Geant4 and derive their own classes
8Mandatory user classes (2)
- G4VUserDetectorConstruction (initialization)
- the detector set-up must be described in a class
derived from this - Materials
- Geometry of the detector
- Definition of sensitive detectors
- Readout schemes
- G4VUserPhysicsList (initialization)
- Particles and processes to be used in the
simulation - cutoff parameters
- G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction (action)
- Primary event kinematics
9Optional user action classes
- G4UserRunAction
- run by run
- G4UserEventAction
- event by event
- G4UserStackingAction
- to control the order with which particles are
propagated through the detector - G4UserTrackingAction
- Actions to be undertaken at each end of the step
- G4UserSteppingAction
- Actions to be undertaken at the end of every step
10An example of main() (batch program)
include G4RunManager.hh // from Geant4,
declaration of the run manager include
G4UImanager.hh // from Geant4, declaration of
the User Interface manager include
MyDetectorConstruction.hh // by the user
definition of the detector geometry include
MyPhysicsList.hh // by the user, list of
physics processes to be added include
MyPrimaryGenerator.hh // by the user,
kinematics of the event int main ()
G4RunManager runManagernew G4RunManager
// the run manager runManager-gtSetUserInitializa
tion(new MyDetectorConstruction) // the
geometry runManager-gtSetUserInitialization(new
MyPhysicsList) // the physics
MyPrimaryGenerator) // the kinematics runMana
ger-gtInitialize() // run
initialization G4UImanager UIG4UImanagerGetUI
pointer() // pointer to the
UI UI-gtApplyCommand(run/verbose 1) //
set the printlevel int numberOfEvent3
// nr. of evts to be run runManager-gtBeamOn(numb
erOfEvent) // generate the events delete
runManager // end of run return 0
11Batch mode with macro file
- You can ask the UI manager to execute a macro
int main(int argc, char argv) // construct
the default run manager G4RunManager runManager
new G4RunManager runManager-gtSetUserInitiali
zation(new MyDetectorConstruction) runManager-gtS
etUserInitialization(new MyPhysicsList) runManage
r-gtSetUserAction(new MyPrimaryGeneratorAction)
runManager-gtInitialize() // read a macro file
G4UIManager UI G4UImanagerGetUIpointer()
G4String command /control/execute G4String
fileName argv1 UI-gtApplyCommand(commandfile
Name) delete runManager return 0
12Batch mode with macro file (2)
- The previous example can be run with the command
- gt myProgram run.macro
- where myProgram is the name of the executable
and run.macro is a command macro which could look
like - set verbose level for this run
- /run/verbose 2
- /event/verbose 0
- /tracking/verbose 2
- 100 electrons of 1GeV Energy
- /gun/particle e-
- /gun/energy 1 GeV
- /run/beamOn 100
13Interactive mode
int main(int argc, char argv) G4RunManager
runManager new G4RunManager runManager-gtSetU
serInitialization(new MyDetectorConstruction) ru
MyPhysicsList) G4VisManager visManager new
MyVisManager visManager-gtinitialize() runMana
ger-gtSetUserAction(new MyPrimaryGeneratorAction)
runManager-gtInitialize() G4UIsession
session new G4UIterminal session-gtSessionStart
() delete session delete visManager delete
runManager return 0
14Interactive mode (2)
- The previous example will be run with the command
- gt myProgram
- where myProgram is the name of your executable
object - After the initialization phase, Geant4 will
prompt - Idlegt
- At this point, an interactive session can begin
- Idlegt /vis/create_view/new_graphics_system DAWN
- Idlegt /vis/draw/current
- Idlegt /run/verbose 1
- Idlegt /event/verbose 1
- Idlegt /tracking/verbose 1
- Idlegt /gun/particle mu
- Idlegt /gun/energy 10 GeV
- Idlegt /run/beamOn 1
- Idlegt /vis/show/view
- For ages, people asked for the possibility of
recalling the previous command (by using the up
arrow) or completing the current command (by
using the Tab key) - Finally, someone listened to them
include G4UIterminal.hh include
G4UItcsh.hh int main(int argc, char argv)
... G4UIsession session new
G4UIterminal(new G4UItcsh) session-gtSessionStart
() delete session ...
- Very basic example, depicting some kind of fix
target experimental setup - not very well written but very much complete and
good for reference - Change directory to geant4/N02 which contains
- a GNUmakefile
- very basic, essentially defining the name of the
executable and running binmake.gmk - the main program (exampleN02.cc)
- a macro file (prerun.g4mac)
- an include directory
- class header files
- a src directory
- implementation of all methods
17ExampleN02 (contd)
- create the executable with gmake
- run the executable by typing
- G4WORKDIR/bin/G4SYSTEM/exampleN02
- a macro file should initialize grapics for you.
This is run automatically - draw the experimental setup and get the GUI by
- /vis/show/view
- tell the tracking of storing all track segments
by - /tracking/storeTrajectory 1
- and run one event
- /run/beamOn 1
18ExampleN02 (contd)
- You can change the beam condition by using the
/gun commands - /gun/List // to have a list of all
possible particles - /gun/particle e
- /gun/energy 10 GeV
- /gun/position 0 10 30 cm
- /gun/direction .3 .3 .1
- have a look at the online help to see what can
you do...
19ExampleN02 (contd)