Title: East High School
1East High School West Chester, Pennsylvania
A Plan to Implement Curriculum Mapping Rick
Dunlap, Joe Arscott, Mary
Beans, Eric Bucci, BethAnn
Carozza, Tracy Heim, Linda Miller,
Eileen Riley, and Debbie
2(No Transcript)
3Outlearning the Wolves Surviving and
Thriving In a Learning Organization
By David Hutchens (Pegasus, 2000)
4Start Here
East High School
5Sounds Great, But......
6How do we improve Sundances performance in
7Why Curriculum Mapping?
- Benefits ALL students
- Creates guidelines for decision making about
curriculum - Allows all teachers to become familiar with the
entire curriculum in their building - Identifies gaps and repetitions
- Allows for vertical and horizontal alignment
8How will this help me?
- It is a GREAT communication tool
- It will focus instruction
- Great tool to align content, skills, and
assessments within the curriculum - Shows how instruction meets the State and
District standards - Assists departments in planning and supports new
9Curriculum Mapping is a Planning Tool
- Guides curriculum reform
- Ensures the meeting of standards
- Simplifies the ordering of materials
- Shows a variety of assessment choices
10Where do we start?
11(No Transcript)
12What is Curriculum Mapping?
The compilation of what we do in our classrooms.
It is a collaborative process that gives teachers
and administrators an accurate picture of
teaching and learning opportunities throughout
East High School, as well as the West Chester
Area School District. It answers the questions
of what has been taught, and what should be
taught to align curriculum with state standards.
13What is involved?
Essential Questions
14Isn't this going to be more work?
Not really, .. if it is done correctly. Whats
more, it can save time when planning.
15You have already started.....
Everyone should have some type of lesson plan for
each day, and some knowledge of how that lesson
meets a standard or fits into the curriculum.
16You should be able to write this in the 2 inch
square in the plan book! At the end of the
month, make sure the information is transferred
to your curriculum map. By the end of the year,
you have completed your map(s) with very little
effort. You now have an accurate picture of what
you have taught and can see what others have
taught as well.
17Essential Questions derived from standards (You
can have one or more for each unit!) These are
the key questions that drive the unit of study.
Activities should be designed to help the student
find the answers to these questions.
18Content what you teach using nouns
Skills learning that can be assessed using
verbs Assessments tangible demonstration of
student learning, expressed with nouns
19Can you give me an example of what it might look
20Essential Question(s) How do laws affect your
everyday life? What makes a good citizen?
21Content Constitution Branches of
government Current Events
22Skills Evaluate a legislative decision
Document inferences based on data Defend your
position in a mock trial Create a
constitution for your private island
23- Assessments
- Critique of mock trial
- Test
- Exhibits
- Performance (skit, rap, debate)
- Research Paper
- Portfolio
24- Technology
- PowerPoint
- CD-Rom
- Digital Video Camera
- FireWire
- Laptop and Projector
25Teacher (Page 1 0f 2) Subject Date
26What do I have to do NOW?
Keep a lesson plan diary be concise and
accurate! Include essential questions, content,
(standards would be helpful), skills or
activities, assessments, and technology and other
resources used. Use your plan book, paper map,
or online form. Eventually, all maps will be
27Keep in mind that maps should be revised as you
change your content or assessments. Keep an
open mind. We should be discussing gaps and
overlaps in our curriculum. Stay positive! This
is a new experience for all of us hopefully it
will help us reap huge rewards for our students.
28Before you know it. Well be there!