Title: School Counselors: Connecting to School Improvement
1School Counselors Connecting to School
2The Question We Are Discussing Today Is
How does the school counseling program impact
student achievement?
3School Counselors Also Have
- A Comprehensive Model for School Counseling
4School Counselors Are Connected to School
- Mission
- Elements
- Analysis
- Stakeholders-Unite
- Results
- Educate
5School Counselors Support Our Schools Mission
Put Your Mission Statement Here
6ElementPut Your Example Heredouble click on
the empty chart label the columns/rows and,put
your data in the table.
7Example Our critical data elementwas to improve
the of students passing with 0 failures.
8When we analyzed and disaggregating the data
element we discovered that not all groups were
performing equitably!
9Stakeholders-Unite To Take Action
How do we work together to move this data and
improve student achievement?
10and help our students realize their dreams.
11Everyone Can Contribute
Counselor (s) Work with 9th graders on transition and adjustment issues
Parent Community Members
Higher Education Members
Business Partners
Agency Members
12Resultslook at your results and reanalyze and
revise your action plan for next year.
????? We Did It!
13Educate Others As To The Results
Our Report Card will show how we all contributed
to improving this important data.
14How can we best work together? IDEAS?
MEASURE is a School Wide Effort Collaborating
and Teaming to Improve Student Achievement