Title: Assessing the critically ill patient
1Assessing the critically ill patient
REACT Course
2Dont forget
- You are part of a team
- So work as a team
- If in doubt call for HELP
3Assessing Patients
- Observe
- Listen
- Ask relevant questions
- Examine
- Special investigations
4If critically unwell
- Airway
- Breathing
- Circulation
- Disability
- Exposure
5If critically unwell
Always A gt B gt C gt D gt E
- Chin Lift
- Suction
- Guidal airway
- Oxygen mask / Reservoir
- Do you need to call for HELP ?
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- Rate
- Laboured
- Use of Accessory muscles
- Symmetrical chest expansion
- Colour
- O2 Sats
- Bag and mask, CPAP, intubate
- Do you need to call for HELP ?
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14Central and Peripheral Cyanosis
15Oxygen Sats
- BP, pulse
- Capillary refill
- Limb temperature
- Minijets, Volume
- Do you need to call for HELP ?
17Blood Pressure
19Capillary Refill
20IV Access and Fluids
- Pupils
- Check BM
- Do you need to call for HELP ?
22AVPU for assessing level of consciousness
A Alert
V Respond to Voice
P Respond to Pain
U Unresponsive
- Wounds
- Drains
- Always respect patient
- Do you need to call for HELP ?
24Do you need to call for HELP?
25Assessment of sick patient
- If patient looks sick CALL FOR HELP
26Look at the Charts at the end of the bed
- BP, HR
- Temp
- Urine output
- Balance / weight
- Sats
- Respiratory rate
Pic of chart
27Modified Early Warning System (MEWS)
Score 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Respiratory Rate lt 8 9 - 15 16 - 24 25 - 29 gt30
CNS Conscious Level Non Compliance New agitation or confusion A Alert V Voice P Pain U Unresponsive
HR lt 40 41 - 50 51 - 100 101 - 129 gt 130
BP Systolic lt 70 71 - 80 81 - 100 101 - 180 gt 180-200 Any significant change
Urine Output mL/Kg/Hr lt 0.5 for 2 hours lt 1 gt 1 Not Pud 8-10 hours Not Pud 10-12 hours
Temperature lt 35 35 37.9 38-38.5 gt 38.5
SaO2 () lt 88 88 - 89 90 - 94 gt 95
28Special Investigations
- BM
- FBC, UE, LFT, Clotting
- Do you need to call for HELP ?
29Special Investigations
- Never unnecessarily put patient in a dangerous
environment eg CT scanner - Portable CXR, not departmental
- Monitor if transport anywhere
- Appropriate resuscitation equipment during
transfers eg drugs, defib, airway, and
appropriate personnel
30Management Plan
- Do they need transfer to ITU ?
- Start treatment
- Patient position in bed,
- Fluids,
- Nebs,
- iv diuretics,
- Analgesia
- Start investigations if appropriate
- Do you need to call for HELP ?
31Dont Forget
- Write it in the notes
- Communicate with your colleagues