- Elijah was a man just like us . . .
- James 517
2(No Transcript)
3King Louis XIV(1638-1715)
- I have just been reading a delightful book. .
.it pleases me to find in it arbitrary power in
the hands of one man, accountable to no one,
obeyed blindly by all his subjects, without
exception. Such boundless power is the closest
approach to that of God. - Did you finish it? No only the preface.
- When you finish it, take note of how many
Turkish Emperors died in their beds, versus how
many came to violent ends. You may find ample
proof that a Prince who can do whatever he
pleases, should never be such a fool to do so.
4Sermon Outline
- The Problem of Kings
- Gods Plan for Kings
- What can Christians do about kings?
5The Problem of Kings - 1 Samuel 8
- Now we want a king to be our leader, just like
all the other nations. Choose one for us!"
6Samuel was upset to hear the leaders say they
wanted a king, so he prayed about it. 7The LORD
answered Samuel, do everything they want you to
do. I am really the one they have rejected as
their king. 8Ever since the day I rescued my
people from Egypt, they have turned from me to
worship idols. Now they are turning away from
you. 9Do everything they ask, but warn them and
tell them how a king will treat them. - 10Samuel told the people who were asking for
a king what the LORD had said
6- 11If you have a king, this is how he will treat
you. He will force your sons to join his army.
Some of them will ride in his chariots, some will
serve in the cavalry, and others will run ahead
of his own chariot. 12Some of them will be
officers in charge of a thousand soldiers, and
others will be in charge of fifty. Still others
will have to farm the king's land and harvest his
crops, or make weapons and parts for his
chariots. 13Your daughters will have to make
perfume or do his cooking and baking. 14The king
will take your best fields, as well as your
vineyards, and olive orchards and give them to
his own officials. 15He will also take a tenth of
your grain and grapes and give it to his officers
and officials.
7- 16The king will take your slaves and your best
young men and your donkeys and make them do his
work. 17He will also take a tenth of your sheep
and goats. You will become the king's slaves,
18and you will finally cry out for the LORD to
save you from the king you wanted. But the LORD
won't answer your prayers. - 19-20The people would not listen to Samuel.
"No!" they said. "We want to be like other
nations. We want a king to rule us and lead us in
battle." - 21Samuel listened to them and then told the
LORD exactly what they had said. 22"Do what they
want," the LORD answered. "Give them a king."
8Queen Jezebels strategy and consequences
- Achieving an immoral goal in a lawful way
- False charges of blasphemy and treason
- You shall not bear false witness (but she
arranged for at least two) - Conspired with city elders
- Heart strategy lust sin death. James
113,14 - Satanic strategy Liar and a Murderer from the
beginning. John 844 - God brought His judgment on Ahab and Jezebel
through Jehu 2 Kings 9, 10
9Gods Plan for Kings
10Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
- If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer,
he desires a noble task. - . . . so that through them you may participate
in the divine nature and escape the corruption in
the world caused by evil desires. - Power provides opportunity, absolute power
provides absolute opportunity
11Gods rules for a King Deuteronomy 17
- 14People of Israel, after you capture the land
the LORD your God is giving you, and after you
settle on it, you will say, " We want a king,
just like the nations around us." 15Go ahead
and appoint a king, but make sure that he is an
Israelite and that he is the one the LORD has
chosen. - 16The king should not have many horses,
especially those from Egypt. The LORD has said
never to go back there again. 17And the king must
not have a lot of wives--they might tempt him to
be unfaithful to the LORD. Finally, the king must
not try to get huge amounts of silver and gold.
12- 18The official copy of God's laws will be kept by
the priests of the Levi tribe. So, as soon as
anyone becomes king, he must go to the priests
and write out a copy of these laws while they
watch. 19Each day the king must read and obey
these laws, so that he will learn to worship the
LORD with fear and trembling 20and not think that
he's better than everyone else. If the king
completely obeys the LORD's commands, he and his
descendants will rule Israel for many years.
13From James Madison
- We have not staked the whole future of
American civilization on the power of government
far from it! We have staked the future of all
our political institutions upon the capacity of
mankind for self-government upon the capacity of
each of us to govern ourselves, to control
ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the
Ten Commandments of God.
14Gods Plan for Kings and for all of us
- All the nations surrounding Israel structured
their government by - REX gt LEX
- Israels government was designed as
- LEX gt REX
- This would demonstrate Gods great love and
wisdom, and enable Israel to fulfill her calling
as a light to the nations. Deuteronomy 41-8
16Gods law respecting property
- Do not move an ancient boundary stone
set up by your forefathers. Prov. 2228 - Judah's leaders are like those who move
boundary stones. I will pour out my wrath
on them like a flood of water. Hosea
510 - Do not move an ancient boundary stone or
encroach on the fields of the fatherless, - 11 for their Defender is strong he will
take up their case against you. Proverbs
17- Do not move your neighbor's boundary stone set
up by your predecessors in the inheritance you
receive in the land the LORD your God is giving
you to possess. - "Cursed is the man who moves his neighbor's
boundary stone." Then all the people shall say,
"Amen!" Deuteronomy 1914 2717 - "Why does the Almighty not set times for
judgment? Why must those who know him look in
vain for such days? Men move boundary stones
they pasture flocks they have stolen. Job 242
18Gods laws regarding property
- Keep property in the family line
- Israel had no land or property taxes
- Gods law protected everyone, and ensured
prosperity due to security for return on
investment - Designed to minimize poverty
- Redeemable by kinsman
- Returned at Jubilee
- Property Liberty, Family, Stability, Prosperity
19Gods Plan for Kings and for all of us
- What can individual Christians do?
- What can churches do?
20What can Christians do? Job 29
- 12When poor people or orphans cried out for help,
I came to their rescue. 13And I was highly
praised for my generosity to widows and others in
poverty. - 14Kindness and justice were my coat and hat
- 15I was good to the blind and to the lame.
- 16I was a father to the needy, and I defended
them in court, even if they were strangers. - 17When criminals attacked, I broke their
teeth and set their victims free.
21Make Government Accountable - Transparency
- Australia loans to small businesses
- Obtain in 48 hours
- High numbers of people starting businesses
success? - When tracked 95 of businesses closed in 2
years or less - For every 100 businesses started, 105 closed,
because cheap money caused unequal competition to
existing businesses - Politicians refused to stop program because it
bolstered their image
22What can the church do?
- Jesus said there are limits to the state
- Whenever we ask the state to fulfill our role
(mercy and truth) or Gods role (provision) we
are doing just what Israel did wanting to become
like the nations, and thus dimming our light to
them - Like Naboth, we may be called by God to show
truth through suffering - When we introduce truth into the marketplace, we
bring blessing to the world
23- When we insist on righteousness, we may be
penalized for it but we also are blessed
Matthew 510 - When we remind government of its limits, we are
acting as the conscience of reality all
injustice and unrighteousness will be judged one
day - When the righteous are in authority, the people
rejoice, when the wicked rule, the people groan.
24Lessons to remember
- It is the natural tendency of men to centralize
all power in the state, and finally into one man - It is the beauty, wisdom, and mercy of God to
decentralize power into individuals and into
families - Ultimately, and historically, the only limit on
mans desire for centralization is the gospel - Conscience is our most sacred property Naboth
said No. - Righteousness and Justice in law is our sacred
task Jeremiah 923,24
- Elijah was a man just like us . . .
- James 517
26Righteousness in Law historically limits on the
power of authority
- 1215 Scripture in common language Magna Charta
- 1500 Protestant Reformation local
self-government, liberty of conscience, English
common law Bill of Rights - 1770 American Revolution Constitutional
Republic. (No Eminent Domain) - 1778 God gives rights (Life, Liberty, Property)
government protects them