Title: Agentbased Financial Markets and Volatility Dynamics
1Agent-based Financial Markets and Volatility
- Blake LeBaron
- International Business School
- Brandeis University
- www.brandeis.edu/blebaron
2Fundamental Input
Market Output
Price Volatility Volume d/p ratios Liquidity
Geometric Random Walk
Agent-based Financial Market
- Agent-based financial markets
- Example market
- Prices and volatility
- Future challenges
4Agent-based Financial Markets
- Many interacting strategies
- Emergent features
- Correlations and coordination
- Macro dynamics
- Bounded rationality
5Bounded Rationality andSimple Rules
- Why?
- Computational limitations
- Environmental complexity
- Behavioral arguments
- Psychological biases
- Simple, robust heuristics
- Computationally tractable strategies
6Agent-based Economic Models
- WebsiteLeigh Tesfatsion at Iowa
St.http//www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm - Handbook of Computational Economics (vol 2),
Tesfatsion and Judd, forthcoming 2006.
7Example Market
- Detailed description
- Calibrating an agent-based financial market
- Equity
- Risky dividend (Weekly)
- Annual growth 2, std. 6
- Growth and variability in U.S. annual data
- Fixed supply (1 share)
- Risk free
- Infinite supply
- Constant interest 0 per year
- 500 Agents
- Intertemporal CRRA(log) utility
- Consume constant fraction of wealth
- Myopic portfolio decisions
10Trading Rules
- 250 rules (evolving)
- Information converted to portfolio weights
- Fraction of wealth in risky asset 0,1
- Neural network structure
- Portfolio weight f(info(t))
11Information Variables
- Past returns
- Trend indicators
- Dividend/price ratios
12Rules as Dynamic Strategies
Portfolio weight
13Portfolio Decision
- Maximize expected log portfolio returns
- Estimate over memory length histories
- Olsen et al.
- Levy, Levy, Solomon(1994,2000)
- Restrictions
- No borrowing
- No short sales
14Heterogeneous Memories(Long versus Short Memory)
Return History
2 years
5 years
6 months
15Short Memory Psychology and Econometrics
- Gamblers fallacy/Law of small numbers
- Is this really irrational?
- Regime changes
- Parameter changes
- Model misspecification
16Agent Wealth Dynamics
17New Rules Genetic Algorithm
- Parent set rules in use
- Modify neural network weights
- Operators
- Mutation
- Crossover
- Initialize
18GA Replaces Unused Rules
In Use
- Rules chosen
- Demand f(p)
- Numerically clear market
- Temporary equilibrium
20Homogeneous Equilibrium
- Agents hold 100 percent equity
- Price is proportional to dividend
- Price/dividend constant
- Useful benchmark
21Two Experiments
- All Memory
- Memory uniform 1/2-60 years
- Long Memory
- Memory uniform 55-60 years
- Time series sample
- Run for 50,000 weeks (1000 years)
- Sample last 10,000 weeks (200 years)
22Financial Data
- Weekly SP (Schwert and Datastream)
- Period 1947 - 2000 (Wednesday)
- Simple nominal returns (w/o dividends)
- Weekly IBM returns and volume (Datastream)
- Annual SP (Shiller)
- Real SP and dividends
- Short term interest
23Price ComparisonAll Memory
24Price ComparisonLong Memory
25Price ComparisonReal SP 500 (Shiller)
26Weekly Returns
27Weekly Return Histograms
28Quantile RangesQ(1-x)-Q(x) Divided by Normal
29Price/return Features
- Mean
- Variance
- Excess kurtosis (Fat tails)
- Predictability (little)
- Long horizons (1 year)
- Near Gaussian
- Slow convergence to fundamentals
30Volatility Features
- Persistence/long memory
- Volatility/volume
- Volatility asymmetry
31Absolute Return Autocorrelations
32Trading Volume Autocorrelations
33Volume/Volatility Correlation
34Returns /Absolute Returns
35Crashes and Volume
- Large price decreases and
- Trading volume
- Rule dispersion
36Price and Trading Volume
37Price and Rule Dispersion
- Replicating many volatility features
- Persistence
- Volume connections
- Asymmetry
- Crashes, homogeneity, and liquidity (price
impact) - Simple behavioral foundations
- Not completely rational
- Well defined
39Future Challenges
- Model implementation
- Validation
- Applications
40Model Implementation
- Complicated
- Compute bound
- Nonlinear features
- Estimation
- Ergodicity
41Future Validation Tools
- Data inputs
- Price and dividend series training
- Wealth distributions
- Agent calibration
- Micro data
- Experimental data
- Live market information/interaction
- Volatility/volume models
- Estimation and identification
- Risk prediction (crash probabilities)
- Market and trader design
- Policy
- Interventions
- Systemic risk
- Forecasting