Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
1International Cardiology, Metabolismand
Thrombosis Congress(ICMTC)
January 20-23, 2010 São Paulo, Brazil
A crossroad for clinical and practical
exchanges among different specialists
Held under the auspices of
2Congress Venue
WTC Convention Center Av. das Nações Unidas,
12.559 - CEP 04578-905 - São Paulo - SP -
Brazil Telephone (55-11) 3055.8000 - Fax.
(55-11) 3055.8001 - E-mail hotel_at_wtchotel.com.br
3Why attending ICMTC?
- International prominent experts from several
therapeutic areas - A state of the art for exchanges between
different specialists - cardiologists,
- diabetologists,
- internists,
- emergency physicians,
- anesthesiologists,
- nephrologists
- On top of high quality plenary lectures a focus
on clinical cases (Clinical Corners) and clinical
skills training (Practical Corners)
A most stimulating, interdisciplinary
and must-attend congress for all physicians
caring for their cardio and vascular patients
4Committees (1)
5Committees (1)
Faculty (tentative)
7Preliminary Scientific Program (1) Committees (2)
- Diabetes
- Management of cardiovascular risk in diabetes
- How to evaluate the risk of CHD in diabetic
patients (epidemiology, clinical scores, imaging) - How to prevent CVD in diabetics (lipids, blood
pressure, anti-platelets, glucose control) - Challenges in obesity and metabolic syndrome
treatment and cardiovascular disease prevention - Prognostic significance of the change in glucose
level in acute myocardial infarction - Therapeutics
- Controversies on the use of TZD and
cardiovascular risk in diabetics - New therapies for diabetes control and their
implications in cardiovascular risk (GLP-1
analogs and DPP4 inhibitors) - Intensive glucose control and cardiovascular
disease prevention friend or foe? - Cardiology and Atherothrombosis (1)
- Dyslipidemia debates
- Cholesterol lowering and risk of cancer - fact or
fiction? - Use of imaging and inflammatory markers for CHD
risk stratification whats next after the MESA
and JUPITER studies? - The importance of non-HDL cholesterol, HDL and
Apolipoprotein B for CHD risk evaluation in both
primary and secondary prevention beyond LDL for
risk stratification
8Preliminary Scientific Program (2) Committees (2)
- Cardiology and Atherothrombosis (2)
- Anti-thrombotic therapy
- New advances in anti-thrombotic therapy for ACS
plasugrel, clopidogrel dosages, bivaruldin, newer
anti-thrombin drugs - Newer anti-thrombotic therapies for chronic
patients, are they better than the old warfarin? - Is heparin the best medication for ACS patients?
- Controversies in antiplatelet medications and
primary cardiovascular prevention current
guidelines, aspirin resistance, gender, diabetes,
hypertension - Recent advances in Stenting
- Controversies on the use of drug eluting stents
do we still have to worry of late thrombosis? - Can stents be used as a safe alternative to
surgery for carotid disease? - Are newer pharmacological stents better than
older ones? - Revascularization procedures in diabetic patients
- which is better stents or CABG? - Advances in Coronary Heart Disease
- State of the art of STE myocardial infarction
treatment - New recommendations for NSTE acute coronary
syndrome - Treatment update of stable angina
- Two years after the COURAGE study - is medical
treatment a valid option for stable CHD patients? - MISSION LIFELINE Improving the System of Care
for ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients
(STEMI Chain of Survival)
9Sponsorship Opportunities Levels
- Sponsorship Opportunities
- Satellite Symposia
- Lunch or Breakfast Debates
- Branding of Lunches, Coffee Breaks, Clinical
Practical Corners - Branding of Cyber Cafés, Lounge, Relaxation area,
Poster Area, Preview Area - Exhibition booth
- Registration of Industry invited physicians
- Company branded doctors bag, block-note
- Inserts of product reminder card, leaflets,
brochure, publication or reprint, CD-Rom, etc.
Sponsorship Levels
10Exhibition Floorplan
11Diamond Sponsor
VAT excluded
Currency exchange rate from June 10, 2009
12Platinum Sponsor
VAT excluded
Currency exchange rate from June 10, 2009
13Gold Sponsor
VAT excluded
Currency exchange rate from June 10, 2009
14Silver Sponsor
VAT excluded
Currency exchange rate from June 10, 2009
15Bronze Sponsor
VAT excluded
Currency exchange rate from June 10, 2009
16Other Marketing Opportunities
Exchange rate June 10, 2009. FREE insert of a
brochure or a publication or a CD-ROM For 1
element ordered, we offer you the possibility to
insert FREE a company branded pen, for 2 ordered
elements, 20 rebate on the overall price, for 3
ordered elements, 30 rebate on the overall price.
17Who to contact?
Mr. Eduard Otte Medical Director Discovery
Cascade Paris, France Email eduard.otte_at_discovery
Mrs. Alexandra Quetard Public Relations
Manager Discovery Cascade Paris, France Email
Informações no Brasil - Sociedade de Cardiologia
do Estado de São Paulo Ana Paula Fantin Telefone
(11) 3179-0039 e-mail anapaula_at_socesp.org.br Ende
reço Av Paulista, 2073 Edif Horsa I 15º andar
sala 1511 - CEP 01311-940 São Paulo - SP