Title: Frank Parsons Director of Sales
1Frank ParsonsDirector of Sales
2- The financial services world is changing
- have you identified your lighthouses?
3Interactive session
- What do you think will be the biggest issue to
you over the next two years? - Effective use of technology and e commerce
- Client segmentation
- Developing a marketing proposition
- Developing your people/HR issues
- TCF and working with legislation
- Transition to fee based model
4Interactive session
- What do you think will be the biggest issue to
you over the next two years? - Effective use of technology and e commerce
- Client segmentation
- Developing a marketing proposition
- Developing your people/HR issues
- TCF and working with legislation
- Transition to fee based model
- NEWCOB - inducements
- SIPP Regulation
- NEWCOB - inducements
- SIPP Regulation
- Retail Distribution Review
9Regulatory timeline
06/04/07 Retail Distribution Conference Discussion
paper issued
01/11/07 29/02/08 Retail Distribution
Review Consultation paper
01/11/07 NEWCOB Principle based regulation
04/01/07 21/04/07 FSA Distribution Review Meetings
Oct 07
Apr 07
Jul 07
Jan 08
04/01/07 24/01/07 ABI member consultation
06/04/07 PPP and SIPP Regulation
06/04/07 01/11/07 Retail Distribution
Review Consultation period
10Retail Distribution Review
- Retail Distribution Review
11Sustainability of the sector
- The financial services industry is too focused
on new business and upfront commission leading to
poor recommendations for customers and
unsustainable business models.Retail
distribution review
12Sustainability of the sector
- Profitability is an issue for both providers and
13Sustainability of the sector
- Profitability is an issue for both providers and
advisers - Transactional advice
- Lack of long term value
- Persistency
- Negative impact
14Sustainability of the sector
- Profitability is an issue for both providers and
advisers - Transactional advice
- Lack of long term value
- Persistency
- Negative impact
- Factory gate pricing
- Control earnings
- Long term valuable relationships
15Sustainability of the sector
- We fully support this approach
16Impact of incentives
- The industrys current model of financing
distribution creates incentives for advisers that
are not aligned with the interests of their
consumers.Retail Distribution Review
17Impact of incentives
- Commission certainly has its place
18Impact of incentives
- Commission certainly has its place
- Creating long term value in your business
- Determine the shape of your earnings with your
19Impact of incentives
- Commission certainly has its place
- Creating long term value in your business
- Determine the shape of your earnings with your
client - Considerations
- Your proposition
- Demonstrating its value
20Flexible Adviser Remuneration
21Flexible Adviser Remuneration
- Fund charges
- Pension product charges
22Flexible Adviser Remuneration
- Fund charges
- Pension product charges
23Flexible Adviser Remuneration
- Fund charges Reflecting the true cost of
advice - Pension product charges
24Flexible Adviser Remuneration
- Transparent adviser Remuneration
- FAR has been available for over 15 years
25Flexible Adviser Remuneration
- Transparent adviser Remuneration
- FAR has been available for over 15 years
- Fair and appropriate remuneration basis
- Agreed up front with your client
- Deducted openly and clearly from their fund
26Flexible Adviser Remuneration
- Transparent adviser Remuneration
- FAR has been available for over 15 years
- Fair and appropriate remuneration basis
- Agreed up front with your client
- Deducted openly and clearly from their fund
- Flexible payment system
- Can be taken initially and/or regularly during
term of product
27Professionalism and reputation
- a flexible financial services industry offering
a variety of products and services that meet the
needs of consumers and deliver on their
expectations.Retail Distribution Review
28Professionalism and reputation
29Professionalism and reputation
- Qualifications
- Differentiate
30Professionalism and reputation
- Qualifications
- Differentiate
- Competition
31Professionalism and reputation
32Professionalism and reputation
- Client Survey
- Market and proposition development
33Professionalism and reputation
- Client Survey
- Market and proposition development
- Information technology
34Professionalism and reputation
- Client Survey
- Market and proposition development
- Information technology
- Technical expertise
35Professionalism and reputation
- Client Survey
- Market and proposition development
- Information technology
- Technical expertise
- Transition to fees
36Professionalism and reputation
- Client Survey
- Market and proposition development
- Information technology
- Technical expertise
- Transition to fees
- Consultancy support
37Professionalism and reputation
- Client Survey
- Market and proposition development
- Information technology
- Technical expertise
- Transition to fees
- Consultancy support
- Professional Edge
- Support services for professional advisers
38- Retail Distribution Review
39Interactive session
- What do you think Winterthur should focus on over
the next two years? - Expand the product portfolio
- Technological solutions
- Our service and added value proposition
- Expand the fund range
Prepare to vote
40Interactive session
- What do you think Winterthur should focus on over
the next two years? -
- Expand the product portfolio
- Technological solutions
- Our service and added value proposition
- Expand the fund range
41Interactive session
- The HNW market is expanding and charging
- Offering significant opportunities
42Interactive session
- The HNW market is expanding and charging
- Offering significant opportunities
- Adapting to meet the needs of HNW clients
- with Winterthurs Professional Edge services
43Interactive session
- The HNW market is expanding and charging
- Offering significant opportunities
- Adapting to meet the needs of HNW clients
- with Winterthurs Professional Edge services
- Moving goalposts and increasing regulation
- Winterthur can help you face the challenges
44A wealth of HNW expertise
- Winterthur provider of specialist investment
and retirement solutions distributed through
quality IFAs to their HNW clients
45A wealth of HNW expertise
- Winterthur provider of specialist investment
and retirement solutions distributed through
quality IFAs to their HNW clients - Find out more, speak to your Business Development
Manager or visit www.winterthur-life.co.uk
46Winterthur Roadshow 2007A wealth of high net
worth expertise
- Winterthur Life UK Limited is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services Authority. - Information regarding tax and practice is based
on Winterthur Lifes understanding of current - legislation and HM Revenue Customs
policy/practice. Legislation may change in the
future. - Full terms and conditions of the products are
available on request. - Please note that past performance is not a guide
to future performance. The value of units - can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed.
Investors may not get back the full amount - invested.
- The information contained in this presentation
does not constitute advice. - Any sample screen shots displayed are correct as
date of issue but may be subject to change.
- Winterthur Life UK Limited. Registered Office
Winterthur Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6SZ.
Registered No 3116645 England and Wales