Title: Culpepper, Hance, Gipson, Rose
1Culpepper, Hance, Gipson, Rose
Course Standards
6th Grade Language Arts
Expressing ourselves through written and oral
language and how the stories we tell shape our
lives and community.
- What can I learn about myself by reading about
the lives of others? - How does reading different types of literature
help me understand myself and my community? - What personal qualities help or hinder the
formation of relationships? - Can people change on their own or do they need
others? - What can I learn from different generations and
cultures? - How does what others think about me affect how I
think about myself? - How can I improve my reading comprehension?
- How can I organize my ideas for different
audiences and purposes? - How can I use various resources to conduct
research? - How can the writing process improve my written
26th Grade Language Arts
Peer Tutoring Teacher Tutorials
Personal Best Respectful and Responsible Only
Appreciations Work ethically Lifetime Learner
Course Organizer Unit Organizers Frames
LINCing Routine Response Journal DEAR Spelling
Cooperative Groups Gradesheet
6th Six Weeks
Authors Purpose Types of Literature Cause and
Effect Characters Fact/Opinion Editing Poetry Writ
ing Process
1st Six Weeks
Conflict Dialogue Literary Devices Denotation Conn
otation Culture Vocabulary Oral Traditions
Drama Poetry Technical Writing
(Procedural) Persuasive/Expository Writing
Figurative Language Personal Narrative Main
Idea Supporting Details Context Clues Text
Structure Plot Research
Mood/Tone Theme Paraphrase Summarize Text
Analysis Suspense Comprehension
Reading/Writing Strategies Short
Stories Narrative Texts Descriptive
Writing Personal Narratives
5th Six Weeks
Multi-Cultural Literature and Oral
Tradition Multi-genre selections Narrative
2nd Six Weeks
Comparison of Historical Fiction, Fiction and
Nonfiction texts Critical Analysis Expository
3rd Six Weeks
4th Six Weeks
Science Fiction/Fantasy Theme Poetic
Form Expository/Technical Writing
Novel/Multi-genre informational texts Informative
and Persuasive Writing Expository Writing