Title: Covariate Analysis of Face Recognition Algorithms
1Covariate Analysis of Face Recognition Algorithms
- Dr. J. Ross Beveridge
- Dr. Geof H. Givens
- Dr. Bruce Draper
- Mr. Yui Man Lui
- Colorado State University
- Dr. P. Jonathon Phillips
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
2But Wait - Someone Said LIDAR
Work on LADAR (LIDAR) Recognition - 1997
3Back to Faces - FRVT 2006
- NIST Sponsored Evaluations date back to the mid
1990s - Recent - FRVT 2006
4Face Recognition Progress
Fig. 1 from FRVT 2006 Summary
Caveat - this is for well controlled imagery!
2006 - Falsely turn away 1/100 people, when only
admitting 1/1000 imposters.
5Uncontrolled Lighting/Setting
6FRVT 2006 Uncontrolled
Fig. 7 from FRVT 2006 Summary
Turn Away 20/100
2006 - Falsely turn away 10/100 to 40/100
people, when only admitting 1/1000 impostors.
7Scope of the Study
- Algorithm - score fusion of 3 top performers.
- Imagery - Uncontrolled match to Controlled.
- Subset of FRVT 2006 Experiment 4
- 345 subjects and 110,514 match scores.
8Scope - Covariates
- Performance Variable
- Verification Outcome, Success of Failure.
- False Accept Rate - FAR
- Properties of Environment
- Mugshot lighting, indoor uncontrolled, outdoor.
- Attributes of People
- Gender, Race, Age.
- Measurable Properties of Imagery
- Distance between Eyes.
- Face Region In Focus Measure (FRIFM).
- An edge-density measure by Eric Krotkov
Active Computer Vision by Cooperative Focus
and Stereo by Eric Krotkov.
9Generalized Linear Mixed Model
Analysis is Mixed Effects Logistic
Regression with Repeated Measures on People.
- Let A and B be 2 covariates that might influence
algorithm performance. For example, Agender
(categorical) and BQuery-Eye-Distance
(continuous). - Let a index levels of A.
- Let j index the FAR setting, ?j
- Ypabj is
- 1 if Person p is verified correctly, 0 otherwise.
- Ypabj depends on
- person p, covariates A and B, and
- false alarm rate ?j.
Geof Givens, Statistics
10Finding 2 Gender
11Finding 4 Glasses
12Face Region In Focus Measure
- FRIFM Sum of Sobel edge magnitude inside an
ellipse bounding the face.
13Face Region In Focus Measure
Low FRIFM examples
High FRIFM examples
14Finding 5
15Finding 5
Size of query image (distance between eyes)
16Finding 5
Query environment
17Finding 5
Boundary of observed data
18Finding 5
Large PV range 0.90 ? 0.10
19Finding 5
20 21GLMM Model Continued
22Subject Variation
The Mixed in Generalized Linear Mixed effect
This means
The outcomes, i. e. verification success/failure,
are uncorrelated when testing different people
but correlated when testing the same person under
different configurations.