Oracle 8i Editions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Oracle 8i Editions


Personal Edition: For desktop computers and in a situation of single user. ... Edit: Call the defined editor (default is Notepad) to edit the contents in SQL buffer. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Oracle 8i Editions

Oracle 8i Editions
  • Lite Edition Smallest database requirement. For
    mobile computers (e.g., laptop)
  • Personal Edition For desktop computers and in a
    situation of single user.
  • Standard Edition For standard business usage
  • Enterprise Edition For high volumes of
    transaction and high level of availability

Oracle 8i Main Utilities
  • SQLPlus A query editor, lack full windows
  • Enterprise Manager A GUI provides most database
    administrating functions.
  • Navigator Personal Edition version of Enterprise

Oracle Database Architecture I
  • Table the basic unit of the storage of data in
    an Oracle database.
  • View a visual table, consisting of a
    pre-compiled SQL SELECT statements.
  • Index a collection of the index key values.
  • Cluster physically make the records linked

Oracle Database Architecture II
  • Trigger a defined rule to maintain the data
  • Stored Procedure a pre-compiled (p-code) program
    written in PL/SQL. Can be either a Procedure or a
  • Package a single object to group
    procedures/functions and the variables.
  • Sequence a persistent object that can generate
    unique numbers according to the prescribed order.

Oracle Database Architecture III
  • Synonyms An alias name for a database object.
    Purpose same object with different names to meet
    the application needs.
  • Tablespace An integrated unit to hold the data.
    Normally it contains several physical files with
    a collection of tables and indexes.
  • Schema A logical view of the database that
    represents a set of database objects can be
    accessed by a user.

Oracle Main Data Types I
  • Char Fixed length string up to 2000 bytes
  • Nchar Fixed unicode string
  • Varchar2 Variable length string up to 4000
  • Nvarchar2 Variable length unicode string
  • Long Long string up to 2 GB

Oracle Main Data Types II
  • Decimal/ Float/Number Decimal data up to 38
    digits of precision
  • Number(p,s) p is precision (number of digits),
    s is scale (number decimal digits)
  • Decimal Doesnt accept precision or scale
  • Float(b) b is the number of binary digits
  • Date
  • Rowid A unique identifier of rows in a database.
    Note not just in a table.

Using Personal Navigator
  • Tables
  • Views
  • Users Add new user
  • Roles Add new role

Accessing SQLPlus
  • Enter SQLPlus Windows version
  • Enter SQLPlus DOS version (run sqlplus.exe)
  • Useful Access Pair
  • scott/tiger
  • system/manager

Using SQLPlus I
  • Ending SQL with or / or blank line
  • Clear SQL/Buffer Empty the SQL buffer
  • Connect userid/password Change to another user
  • Describe schema.object Provide the object
    details. The object can be a table, a view or a

Using SQLPlus II
  • Edit Call the defined editor (default is
    Notepad) to edit the contents in SQL buffer.
  • Define Define a user variable with the value.
  • Define _Editor Specify the name of your editor.
    _Editor is a system variable
  • Execute Execute a SQL statement, usually a
    stored procedure
  • Execute id scott.test(parameter)

Using SQLPlus III
  • ExitQuit Exit SQLPlus
  • Get filename Load the contents from a file into
    the SQL buffer
  • Help topic Get the help info for the topic
  • Host DOSCommand Run the specific DOS command
  • List List the contents in SQL buffer

Using SQLPlus IV
  • Password userid Change the password for the
    specified user
  • Run or / Run the SQL statement in the buffer
  • Save filename Save the contents in SQL buffer
    into a file
  • Set sysvariable value Set the system variable
    into a new vaule

Using SQLPlus V
  • Show sysvariable Show the value in specified
    system variable
  • Start filename Run the SQL statements in the
    specified file

Oracle Security I
  • Authentication
  • Only the authorized users can use Oracle
  • The activities of each user can be traced
  • Object Privileges Specify the operations allowed
    by specific users to the specific database
  • Grant ltprivilegesgt On ltobjectgt To ltusersgt
  • Revoke ltprivilegesgt On ltobjectgt From ltusersgt
  • Object Privileges are listed on Page. 594
  • Multi privileges/users are separated by comma

Oracle Security II
  • System Privileges The ability to execute
    specific Oracle commands
  • Grant ltprivilegesgt To ltUsersgt
  • System Privileges are listed on Page. 595
  • Example Grant create table To demo
  • Role A collection of privileges that can be
    assigned to users.
  • Grant ltprivilegegt To ltrolegt
  • Grant ltrolegt To ltusersgt
  • Show example of add/grant user/role together with

PL/SQL Concepts I
  • Comments
  • Use --
  • Use / /
  • Constants
  • String Use single quotations
  • Number
  • Date Use string format
  • Identifier Name of a database object or local
    variable. Use double quotation if the identifier
    contains spaces.

Interactive Result
  • Table dual Provides the dual communication
    between client and server
  • DBMS_Output A system package assisting to show
    the output
  • .Put(ltvaluegt) Display a single value
  • .New_line Change to another line
  • .Put_line(ltvaluegt) Equals .Put() .New_line
  • Set Serveroutput OnOff EnableDisable server

System Functions
  • String
  • ASCII(A), Chr(65)
  • Length(str) The length ( of characters) of str
  • Lower(str), Upper(str) Convert the letter case
  • Ltrim(str), Rtrim(str) Remove the leading or
    tailing spaces

System Functions II
  • Instr(str1,str2) The start position of str2 in
  • Substr(str,s,l) Get a substring from str
  • s the start position. If sgt0, count from left
    if slt0, count from right if s0 then s1
  • l The required length of substring. If l is
    ignored, then the substring goes to the end of
  • Note No Left() or Right() functions
  • Replace(str,str1,str2) Replace str1 existing in
    str with str2.

System Functions III
  • Numerical
  • Ceil(num) Return smallest integer greater than
    or equal to num
  • Floor(num) Return biggest integer less than or
    equal to num
  • Round(num,dec) Round num to a new number with
    dec digits decimal.

Procedures, Functions and Packages
  • Procedure vs Function
  • Both consisted of a set of statements and
  • Function must return a value.
  • Procedure is executed as a line of command
  • Function is executed as part of an expression
  • Package A database object consisted of several
    procedures/functions and global variables.

Procedure Structure
  • Declare
  • Begin
  • Statements
  • Exception
  • End
  • Uncommon Operators
  • Assignment var expression (Adopted from ADA)
  • String concatenation

Flow Control I
  • Block
  • Begin End
  • If Statement
  • If ltconditiongt Then Elseif Else End If
  • Repetition
  • Loop
  • Statement Block
  • End Loop

Flow Control II
  • Repetition
  • While ltconditiongt Loop
  • Statement Block
  • End Loop
  • For var In varstart varend Loop
  • Statement Block
  • End Loop
  • Exit When ltconditiongt Exit the loop

Cursor I
  • Definition A special type of variable that allow
    to access the contents at the row level.
  • Syntax
  • Cursor ltcursornamegt AsIs
  • Select Statement

Cursor II
  • Cursor Attributes
  • Found True if the last operation was successful
  • Isopen True if the cursor is open
  • Notfound
  • Rowtype Return a record variable contains the
    current row
  • Type Return the data type of current column

Cursor III
  • Cursor Methods
  • Open ltcursornamegt Open a cursor
  • Open ltcursornamegt Close a cursor
  • Fetch ltcursornamegt Into rowvarvar1,var2,
    Retrieve next record into the variable
  • Update lttablegt Set ltcol1gtltval1gt, Where Current
    Of ltcursorgt To update the current record.
  • Delete lttablegt Where Current Of ltcursorgt To
    delete the current record.
  • For above two methods cursor must be declare as

Stored Procedure
  • Create or Replace Procedure ltproceduregt AsIs
  • Procedure block
  • Drop Procedure ltproceduregt
  • Exec ltproceduregt
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