Introduction to the very basic computational aspects of the modern Quantum Chemistry for Software Engineers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to the very basic computational aspects of the modern Quantum Chemistry for Software Engineers


Typical tasks, their parameters and computational complexity ... MP2, MP3, MP4 etc... Various Multi-Reference and/or Quasi-Degenerate perturbation theories ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to the very basic computational aspects of the modern Quantum Chemistry for Software Engineers

Introduction to the very basic computational
aspects of the modern Quantum Chemistry for
Software Engineers
  • Alexander A. Granovsky
  • The PC GAMESS/Firefly Project

July 23, 2009 MSU, Moscow, Russia
  • Quantum Chemistry purpose and methods
  • Typical tasks, their parameters and computational
  • Conventional, direct, and semi-direct methods
  • Standard and fast methods
  • Typical parallel algorithms key features and
    open problems
  • Canonical example four index integral
    transformation step

Quantum Chemistry purpose and methods
  • Quantum Chemistry (QC) is the science based on
    the applications of the first principles of
    Quantum Mechanics to the modeling of chemical
    systems and processes.
  • All chemical systems are treated as the sets of
    electrons and nuclei described by the molecular
    Hamiltonian operator. Solutions of the molecular
    Schrödinger Equation contain information on all
    the molecular properties.
  • The molecular Schrödinger Equation has to be
    solved approximately to obtain information on the
    properties of the molecular system of interest.

Quantum Chemistry standard model
  • Non-relativistic or weakly relativistic theory
    mainly based on the standard Quantum Mechanics
  • Most widely used approach
  • Note, spins of electrons are still very important
  • More or less quasi-relativistic and purely
    relativistic approaches are primary used to
    describe systems with heavy nuclei
  • Adiabatic or Born-Oppenheimer approximations
  • Nuclei are fixed or moving slowly.
  • Molecular Hamiltonian now acts on electronic
    variables and depends parametrically on nuclear
  • Algebraic approach
  • Use of finite basis sets to solve
    eigenvalue/eigenvector problem
  • Modern QC is the highly algebraic science!

Quantum Chemistry algebraic approach
  • Hamiltonian is a two-particle operator acting on
    the functions of 3n variables (electronic
    degrees of freedom)
  • One needs a suitable basis to deal with
  • Electrons are fermions
  • Basis functions are thus the antisymmetrized
    direct products (Slater determinants) of the
    (orthogonal) single-electron basis functions
    (Molecular Orbitals or MOs)
  • The set of single-electron basis functions can be
    obtained e.g. from the mean-field SCF
  • Finally, single-electron basis functions are
    expressed as the linear combinations (MO LCAO) of
    the nuclei-centered properly chosen
    (non-orthogonal) atomic basis set functions
    (Atomic Orbitals or AOs).

Some important facts
  • One needs the rules to compute matrix elements of
    Hamiltonian and other operators
  • These are so-called Slater rules
  • Most important consequences of the two-body
    nature of electronic Hamiltonian
  • Matrix elements can be expressed as the
    combinations of four-index quantities (ijkl) -
    so called two-electron integrals
  • Called atomic integrals in the original AO
    basis set
  • (????)
  • Called molecular integrals being transformed to
    the MO basis
  • (ijkl)
  • Simple consequence use of four-index quantities
    (tensors) are more or less unavoidable in QC!

Some important collisions
  • Let N be the number of atomic basis functions
    (AOs) the main parameter controlling complexity
  • The native size of dense matrices typical to QC
    methods is about of N by N, e.g. 1000x1000
  • Relatively small matrices
  • Has nothing common with HPL
  • The native size of sparse matrices typical to QC
    methods varies but is usually very large (e.g. up
    to ca. N!)
  • No any regular structure usually
  • The native size of intermediate quantities to be
    computed and reused can be up to N4 (two-electron
    integrals in MO basis) and more.
  • 10004 double precision numbers would require 8
    TBytes of RAM or storage

Typical tasks, their parameters and computational
  • QC myriads of theoretical approximations
  • To name just a few
  • Hartree-Fock (Self-Consistent Field) and Density
    Functional Theory
  • Simplest Mean Field Theories
  • Perturbative approaches
  • Single-reference RS-type perturbation theories
  • MP2, MP3, MP4 etc
  • Various Multi-Reference and/or Quasi-Degenerate
    perturbation theories
  • Configuration Interaction (CI)
  • Linear variational principle
  • Lots of different types of CI
  • Coupled Clusters
  • Truncated exponential Ansatz
  • Lots of different approximations/variants
  • Lots of multi-reference methods
  • Green functions, propagators and similar
  • Time-dependent approaches

Quantum Chemistry computation complexity
  • Hartree-Fock (Self-Consistent Field) and Density
    Functional Theory
  • From N2 to N4
  • Perturbative approaches
  • N5 at the second order, N6 at the third, N7 at
    the fourth order of PT
  • Configuration Interaction
  • Lots of different CI types
  • E.g., N6 for CISD
  • Up to N! for Full CI
  • Coupled Clusters
  • Lots of different approximations/variants
  • Most widely used approaches - N6 and worse

Conventional, direct and semidirect methods
  • Basically, the question is whether to store
    intermediates on disk or recompute them as needed
  • Conventional
  • store almost all, never recompute
  • More advanced variants use real-time data
    compression and may store some metadata instead
    of raw intermediates
  • Direct
  • recompute as much as computationally feasible,
    store minimal amount of data
  • Semidirect
  • Reasonable compromise between fully Conventional
    and fully Direct limits

Standard (canonical) and fast methods
  • Fast methods
  • An attempt to improve algorithmic complexity for
    large problems
  • Some examples
  • Use of Quantum Fast Multipole Method (QFMM)
  • Based on FMM ideas but much more involved
  • Use of Laplace transform or other tricks to avoid
    so-called energy denominators (e.g. Laplace
    transform MP2)
  • Use of spatially-localized intermediate basis
  • (Density) fitting and related approximations
  • Two classes of methods
  • Allowing to get exact answer within given
    theoretical model
  • Resulting only in approximate answers

Typical large-scale QC calculation requirements
  • Petaflops of operations
  • Terabytes of data
  • Gigabytes of memory

Efficient highly-scalable parallel algorithms are
Typical parallel algorithms key features and
open problems
  • Key features and open problems
  • Efficient I/O is very important
  • Use of advanced I/O features of OS directly
  • On the fly data compression/decompression
  • Efficient memory management is very important
  • Efficient multithreading is very important
  • Typically, OpenMP is just not enough flexible to
    be used.
  • Direct use of OS-level API
  • Efficient communications are very important
  • In particular, MPI-1 and MPI-2 are just not
    enough flexible to use in all situations.
  • Use of proprietary communication interfaces.
  • Main problem myriads of very different
    theoretical and hence computational methods
  • each has a set of different combinations of
    controlling parameters with their own optimal
    computational strategy
  • For optimal efficiency, each theoretical model
    has to be coded multiple times as a set of
    several separate, very complex algorithms.
  • The degree of code reuse is not too high

Canonical problem Integral transformation step
  • (pqrs) ?? ?? ?? ?? Cp?Cq?Cr?Cs? (????)
  • Formally N8 step
  • Usually considered as a sequence of four
    sequential quarter-transformations
  • (p???) ?? Cp?(????)
  • (pq??) ?? Cq?(p???),
  • etc
  • Computation complexity N5 or below!
  • Lots of different strategies
  • complete integral transformation vs. partial
    transformation specific to particular
  • different requirements to the size of RAM and
    intermediate files to be used
  • different parallelization strategies
  • different requirements to the way of distribution
    of computed quantities across nodes
  • Etc
  • Hundreds of publications so far

Medium size moleculeFullerene dimer C120
MP2 calculation (PC GAMESS, Spring 2004) for
Fullerene dimer
Pentium 4C 2.4 GHz / 1024MB / 120GB / Gigabit
Thank you for your attention!
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