Qualima Project GAL Appennino genovese, LIGURIA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Qualima Project GAL Appennino genovese, LIGURIA


Comunit Montana Valtellina, Regione Lombardia IT. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, IT ... To increase high quality tourism in mountain ares. WP5 Objectives and tasks ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Qualima Project GAL Appennino genovese, LIGURIA

Qualima ProjectGAL Appennino genovese, LIGURIA
  • Quality of life improvement by supporting public
    and private services in the rural areas of the

  • Second call of Alpine Space Programme
  • Duration apr-03 / mar-06
  • Lead Partner Regione Veneto, Commerce Department
  • ERDF fund 945.000
  • Overall project cost 2.345.781

QUALIMA Partners
  • Regione Veneto, Leader Partner, IT
  • LAG Appennino Genovese, Regione Liguria IT
  • Comunità Montana Valtellina, Regione Lombardia IT
  • Provincia Autonoma di Trento, IT
  • Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, IT
  • Regione Piemonte, IT
  • Regional Forum Pongau, A
  • RRA Severne Primorske Regijska Razvojna Agencija
    DOO, Nova Gorica, SLO
  • Haute Ecole Valaisanne Groupe de competénce
    économie et tourisme, CH
  • Comuni valle Blenio, CH
  • Ticino Informatica, CH

  • WP 2, Transnational Project Management
  • WP 3, Project Management
  • WP 4, Information and Publicity
  • WP 5, Studies and intervention planning
  • WP 6, Action implementation
  • WP 7, Vocational stages

WP 4, Information and publicity
  • Production of advertising material in order to
    inform the population about the
    initiative.Definition of the website,
    www.qualima.org joint implementation, selection
    of the contents, and study focused on the best
    way to let it known by other national or
    transnational economical parties that are not
    directly involved in the project.Creation of
    paper and/or multimedia information transnational
    supports focused on the best knowledge of the

WP 5 Studies and intervention plan
  • Studies and situation analysis context and local
    operators analysis competencies surveying data
    working out and synthesising intervention
    planning.Study and creation of the specific
    network as foreseen in the project.Awakening
    plan working out and realisation addressed to
    zones inside and outside testing pilot
    areas.Definition of management patterns and of
    possible combinations of the multifunction
    centres supply.

WP 6 Action implementation
  • Developing innovative models experimenting the
    evolution of selected small shops as
    polyfunctional services/centres.Implementation
    activity of each single multifunction centre.The
    shop keeper will sign one or more
    agreements/contracts in order to widen the range
    of his activities.

WP 7 Vocational stages,
  • Definition of training modalities in order to
    improve the innovative management and
    professional abilities related to the
    experimental models to be carried out in the
    project.Training of the managers of the new
    multifunction centres drawing up, planning and
    implementation of a management and/or vocational
    course aimed at optimizing each single selected
    pilot activity.Training of employees of SMEs.

SWOT of pilot areas
GAL AP, focused Qualima project in the most
marginal areas of Genoa Province Val Trebbia
and Valli Aveto-Graveglia-Sturla, where there
  • Streght-ness
  • High level of environmental quality
  • Good presence of local associations
  • Presence of local productions of high quality
  • Weakness
  • There area a large lack of services and
  • High level of old persons among inhabitants
  • Very low inhabitation density
  • Long distance from most important urban centres
    where are located services and infrastructures

SWOT of pilot areas in Val Trebbia and
Aveto-Graveglia e Sturla
  • Threats
  • To lose cultural values and local indentity
  • To increase more and more old people share among
  • To lose the few public services
  • Opportunities
  • To create services by networking public-private
  • To create e-commerce system to sell local
  • To increase high quality tourism in mountain ares.

WP5 Objectives and tasks
  • To have a good knowledge of local reality about
    private/public/healthcare services
  • To create a network among local realities to
    improve qualities of services in marginal areas
  • Planning pilot actions to increase
    private/public/healthcare or services by
    bottom-up approach
  • Analysis of opportunities offered by regional
    programs about public services to create
    synergies with Qualima actions.

WP 5 tasks and activities
  • To interview local public administrators, private
    operators, inhabitants about actual situation and
  • To elaborate a common strategy with regional
    institutions crossing bottom-up with top down
  • To plan the local pilot actions involving local
    institutions and local actors

Outputs and Results of WP5
  • Situation analysis about public and private
  • Feasibility study to networking public and
    private actors to improve services in Val
  • Feasibility study to create some short-chain
    processes to sell local high-quality productions
    from Aveto-Graveglia-Sturla area in urban area.

Foreseen results within WP6 in progress
  • Project 1, Aveto- Graveglia- Sturla
  • To create e-commerce system to sell high quality
    products. Synergy between mountain agricultural
    entreprises and Fare trade.
  • Promotion activities
  • Call centre, website, e-commerce
  • Actions to promote cultural values of mountain
    areas productions.

  • Project 2, Val Trebbia
  • To create a network among public insitutions
    (municipalities, a regional park, Comunità
    Montana,..) to improve public services. Intranet
  • To improve the connection of mountain areas
    reducing digital divide. Wide band system to
    improve internet connection. To permit
    e-commerce, tourist information.

WP4, Publicity in progress
  • To communicate aims, actions, results, to look
    for synergies with regional/local plans and
  • Local meetings with local actors
  • Press conferences
  • Press office

NEXT Steps
  • Within July 2005 to work out WP6 results,
    concluding the two project pilots
  • Publicity and communication of local and
    international output of Qualima projects

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