Title: Dr Seuss Explains Computers
1Dr Seuss Explains Computers
If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a
dash, and the double-clicking icon puts your
window in the trash, and your data is corrupted
'cause the index doesn't hash, then the
situation's hopeless and your systems gonna
crash! When the copy of your floppy's getting
sloppy on the disk, and the microcode
instructions cause unnecessary risk, then you
have to flash your memory and you'll want to RAM
your ROM. Quickly turn off the computer and be
sure to tell your mom. Author unknown
2Blogging in the Library and ClassroomGet
All material used under fair use exemption and
creators credited.
- Mark Weems
- Staci Perkins
- Hays CISD
3A weblog (usually shortened to blog, but
occasionally spelled web log or weblog) is a
web-based publication consisting primarily of
periodic articles, most often in reverse
chronological order." Wikipedias Definition
Blogboy says, Blogs are about communication
among a community of people. In the case of
educational blogs, a community of learners.
4What Can a blog do for my students?
- Help them find a voice
- Weblogs provide an opportunity for the
student to find a personal "voice" and to develop
individual interests. Unlike traditional journal
writing, blogging finds immediate audiences and
fosters extended communication on many subjects. - Create enthusiasm for writing and
communications. - Students are frequently more interested in
communicating electronically than verbally or
other written formats. - Engage students in conversation and learning
- Students who wouldnt normally speak out in
class can communicate with their peers online. - Provide an opportunity to teach about
responsible journalism - Students can and will participate in online
communities at some point. Teaching them
netiquette in classes first will help them and
can encourage safe practices. - Adapted from Educational Blogging Wiki
5Why will a teacher love to blog?
- Easier than a traditional website to update for
information on current classroom events - Communicate with students, parents, anyone
interested in what you do! - Share materials, lessons, offer discussion or
tutoring forums, and more!
6From webjunction.org
- Why should libraries care about blogging?
- The good news is that many already do. Libraries
are using blogs for a variety of purposes - Some provide up-to-date information on local
events, fulfilling their role as a news and
information source for their community. - Others provide library news (both local and
national), advocating for the importance of
library support. - Still others are using blogs to provide
announcements of new library acquisitions,
promoting the services that they work so hard to
provide. - And then there are those who are doing all these
things at once!
7Edublogs and 10 ways to use your edublog to
teachFrom http//edublogs.org/10-ways-to-use-you
- 1. Post materials and resources
- Share your classroom handouts, tips, and more.
Librarians can share author - information, reading promotions, Book Fair alerts
and requests. - 2. Host online discussions
- An easy way to share your thoughts with a
community of other educators or - learners, near or far!
- 3. Create a class publication
- 4. Replace your newsletter
- 5. Get your students blogging A secure place to
teach social technologies! - 6. Share your lesson plans
- 7. Integrate multimedia of all descriptions
- 8. Organize, organize, organize
- 9. Get feedback
- 10. Create a fully functional website
8Blogboy says, Lets look at some educational
The following examples of exceptional educational
blogs from different schools across the country.
For blogs administered by S. Perkins or M.
Weems see Rebelslibrary.com
9This teacher follows up on lessons and provides
helpful links on concepts covered.
10Heres a high school English classs literature
circle group blog for 10 books across six
classes. Lehman High School, Mrs. Hertel and Mrs.
11This blog is dedicated to professional
development and sharing ideas.
12This teacher puts all of her class information,
including lesson plans, on her blog. Students can
also see her favorite links.
13Getting any ideas yet?
14Offering links, plans and extra credit
15Dawn Davis, Lehman HS
16Environmentalism and supporting curriculum by a
17Fantastic library blog!
18(No Transcript)
19Mark Weems and Staci Perkins
20You may want a rubric for teachers
21(No Transcript)
24Where can I get a free blog?
Some free sites you can checkout Blogger
http//www.blogger.com/start Epals
http//www.epals.com/ Edublogs
http//edublogs.org/ Wordpress
25Where will your blog take you?
27Try it out and ignore the bugs until you get it!
From ComputerJokes