Title: Patrick MAZEAU EMCEF Deputy General Secretary
1European Social Dialogue
BDSZ seminar 28 April 2006. Balatongyörök
- Patrick MAZEAU EMCEF Deputy General Secretary
2The concept of social dialogue
- 20 years of European social dialogue (1985-2005)
- Initiative of Jacques Delors -1985
- Social partners should contribute to development
of social dialogue in the European Union. - The Barcelona meeting of the European Council -
2002 - The basis of the European social model is healthy
economy, high level social security, education
and social dialogue.
3Development phases of European social dialogue
Trade unions
2002 ...
4The European Social Dialogue
Institution acknowledged in Article 138 of the
EC Treaty
- The European Commission
- Promotes dialogue among the social partners
- Consultation with partners before submitting
proposals related to the social sphere - Social partners can operate according to the
procedure described in Article 139
5Mechanism of consultation, negotiation and
Social Partners
No or unsuccessful negotiation
Opinion or recommendation
Legislative procedure
Autonomous Agreement
Agreement applied under the decision of the
Application by social partners
6Autonomous Agreements
- Agreement on minimal norms which are applied
under special procedure and practice in the
member states. - Framework agreement on tele-working, 2002
- Agreement on European driving licence for drivers
working in transborder transport, 2004 - Agreement on work-related stress, 2004
- Agreement on muscular and osseous disorders ,
2005 - Agreement on the health of people working with
quartz crystalline) , 2006 (EMCEF)
7Minimal norms stipulated by agreements and
applicable under Council regulation
- Framework agreement on parental leave, 1995
- Framework agreement on part time work, 1997
- Framework agreement on fixed term work, 1999
- .
8Topics of European sectoral social dialogue (in
different wordings )
Elaboration of norms
Informative texts
Autonomous agreements 139.2
Recommendation of norms
Ethical codes
139.2 Agreement Council decision
Framework of actions
Political guidelines
Elaboration of joint opinion
Surveys and reports
Joint statement
Procedural rules Exchange of information
9The European social dialogue
- Today Europe is the region which represents the
economic strength the most (it is the strongest
economic and commercial power of the world) and
the viable social model. - However, it cannot prevent changes occurring
elsewhere globalization and innovation in
10 Based on three pillars
Whose characteristics are the following
- Sectoral Social
- Dialogue Committees
- 31 sectoral committees
- EMCEF 3 sectoral committees
- (Electrical energy, Mining, Chemical industry
- And to come natural gas industry )
- European Works Councils
- (enterprise level)
- 700 EWC in Europe
- 215 EWC within EMCEF
And the member states
11Social dialogue is necessary
- To modernise and adapt our structures.
- To address the challenge of the aging of the
population. - To establish professional and geographical
mobility. - To combat the social consequences of
restructuring. -
- The social partners should by all means
contribute to addressing the challenges.
12Improving the situation. (Les axes
damélioration) Evaluation of the situation
Com (2004) 557 final
- Exploration of effective synergies (co-effect,
total effect) - Enlargement
- Credibility and transparency
- To improve the means of monitoring the effects
- Shift to autonomous agreements
13Strengthening the co-effect (synergies) while
strengthening the sectors
- This opportunity is not used today
- While it would be the most appropriate to meet
the typical expectations of the different sectors
properly. - As the accompanying actions could be launched in
this way the most professionally
14Our role
- The appropriate interpretation of the challenges
of the sector and the application of direct
dialogue on all issues relevant IN OUR SECTOR. - The EU institutions have reviewed the joint
responsibility of social partners. - The European social model imposes a great
responsibility on us. We can do the most to
improve working conditions, training and work
- We should organise conferences in order to have a
better understanding of our sectors and branches.
- We should get to know the acquis communautaire,
the norms and standards and we should share our
experiences with the new member states. - We should involve the new member states in the
EWC-s. (EWCEuropean Works Council)
16The Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee of the
Mining Sector
17Establishment of the sectoral social dialogue
committee (see attached)
18Topics of debate
- Opinion on the draft directive on trading with
gas emission quotas resulting the greenhouse
effect (8/11/2002). - The social dialogue committee of the mining
sector accepts the measures aimed at preventing
the climaticc changes, as they appear in the
Kyoto Agreement. - In order to transpose these measures into a
European directive the following aspects should
be taken into consideration - The results achieved so far
- Listing 6 gases triggering greenhouse effect in
the directive (naming, integration) - Adopting the directive to voluntary agreements
established to prevent climatic effects . - Balancing energy policy and climate policy..
- the European legislative instrument aiming to
prevent the climatic effect should not endanger
19Topics of debate
- Opinion on the nitrogen-monoxide limit value
(NO), (2003/01/21). - According to the parties participating in social
dialogue the proposal of the CSLEP related to
this topic (Comité Scientifique Limites
dExposition Professionnelle Scientific
Committee on Exposition Limit Values in the
different professions - is no not well founded From the scientific point
of view (the negative effect of nitrogen
monoxide is contradictory and uncertain according
to the Committee). - Measurement is possible from technical and
financial point of view (The cost of investment
necessary to determine the proposed limit value
is beyond the opportunities of mining companies). - Consequences
- The principle of competitiveness is permanently
violated. Jobs will be lost and deep mining will
20Topics of debate
- Joint Opinion on the maintenance of a permanent
organisation controlling the safety and hygiene
of coal mines and other extraction industries
(February 2003). (Position commune concernant le
maintien de l'Organe permanent pour la sécurité
et la salubrité dans les mines de houille et les
autres industries extractives (Février 2003) - To maintain the independent status of the
permanent Organisation. - To control the operation of the mining industry
and mining companies and to monitor the potential
hazards as occupational safety requires special
attention. - The above mentioned issues are of major
importance due to the accession of Central- and
Eastern European countries. - The support of the Commission is required in
order to apply the increased safety norms in an
effective way in certain Central- and Eastern
European countries.
21Topics of debate
- Opinion on basic qualifications and life-long
training (April 2003) - the utmost necessity of life-long training.
- life-long training requires a competitive
education system and an effective vocational
training policy. - The acquisition of qualifications necessary in
the particular professions and of social
competences is becoming more and more important.
- language skills and the so called European
competences are indispensable today. - - To improve the employment rate in qualitative
and quantitative terms..
22Topics of debate
- Joint opinion of the European Commission on
anti-dumping procedures (January 2004) - The Sectoral Committee of Mining operating within
the framework of social dialogue demands that the
European Commission should follow this procedure
as this way facts are acknowledged and no
interests are violated. - Acco4rding to the proposal of the Sectoral
Committee the protective and consultative rights
of organisations representing workers should be
guaranteed. - Dumping violating the principle of competition
does not only weaken the European enterprises but
also endangers the jobs operated by them.
23Topics of debate
- Joint opinion on general questions relate to
occupational health and safety (2004/08) - Scope of application
- Basic and life-long vocational training
- Prevention of occupational hazards
- Preventive medical measures
- Hygiene at the workplace
- Participation rights and obligations of workers
- Survey of situation and assessment
24Topics of debate
- Joint opinion on the necessity to elaborate a
European strategy on mineral reserves (22. August
2005.) - Balance employment rate, production, data on
annual turnover - Tasks
- Taking responsibility
- Safety of supply
- Economic growth and welfare
- Safe planning
- Respect of the environment (respect de
l'environnement) - Addressing the challenges of the 21st century
- Signatory parties
- IMA-Europe, APEP, Euromines, EURACOAL
25Topics of debate
- Social responsibility of enterprises in the
European mining sector (under way) - Awareness raising about environmental risks ( ER)
and to improve knowledge in this field - To develop competencies to prevent environmental
risks - To create the necessary conditions for preventing
environmental risks - To develop activities to map and prevent
environmental risks - Knowledge about effective legislative background
and analysis of international references, - ER report, with the involvement of internal and
external stakeholders, - To develop positive attitude vis-à-vis trade
unions and social dialogues, - To analyse the social pillar on the basis of
predetermined indices.
26The only strategyemployment.
Thank you for your attention