Title: Great Britain
1Great Britain
2 3Information General
- Surface- 244,1 tys. Km2
- Population- 59,1 mln
- Density populating- 241 person/ km2
- Capital- London
- Monetary unit-1 funt sterling 100 pensów
- Time zone- Greenwich- GMT
- Direction number- 44
4Situation Great Britain in Europa
5Great British consists with four constituent
- The Union Flag (also known as the Union Jack see
discussion below) is the national flag of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. Historically, the flag has been used
throughout the former British Empire. It still
retains an official or semi-official status in
many Commonwealth Realms. The current design
dates from the Union of Ireland and Great Britain
in 1801.
- London is capital Great Britain
- Surface- 1607 km2
- Number population-8.2 mln
- Density- 5102 person/km2
8London-Antiques-It is necessary to see
it!!London Tower
9Big Ben and Parliament- Big Ben was opened in
1859, however Palace Westminstnerski has emerged
in 1265. Big Ben is biggest clock in whole Europe.
10Tower Bridge is one in most klown places in
capital England. It is characterized Victorian
style. Structure has been ended in 1894.
- Sometimes name Millenium Wheel- biggest circle
in World. Eye have to height 135 m.
12We thank for note!! ) Elaboration Joanna i
Patrycja Jaroszek kl. III c