Title: Session 1: Newsupdates
1Primary Mathematics Subject Leader Network
Meeting Autumn Term 2009
Session 1 News/updates Feedback form the
Gap Task (June 09) Session 2 Renewed
Framework Assessing Pupils Progress (APP)
- the moderation process
2Session 2.Assessing Pupils Progress
- To review the implementation of Assessing Pupils
Progress (APP) in Staffordshire - To develop the moderation of evidence
- To introduce an APP related gap task
3Core and universal CPD
- There are 26 core schools mainly focusing on the
opposite discipline having introduced and begun
to embed APP for either literacy or numeracy.
Some of the core schools will be Hub schools - Day 2 APP universal training in Autumn 1 for
literacy and numeracy focusing on Ma2 - Continue to strengthen APP through
co-ordinators updates.
4Developing assessment using the National
Curriculum Level Descriptors
- Attainment target 1 (Ma1) Using applying maths
- Attainment target 2 (Ma2) Number
- Attainment target 3 (Ma3) Shape,space,measures
- Attainment target 4 (Ma4) Handling data
5SMT planning/implementation
In-school standardisation
Teachers collecting evidence making judgements
In-school moderation
Cluster moderation
6The purpose of moderation is to validate the
teachers judgements and ensure judgements are in
line with national expectations. It is important
that teacher assessment is accurate and supported
by evidence.
7Models for moderation
- One-to-one
- A teacher presents their evidence for one Ma to
the moderator/APP leader and describes - .is best described as In order to move to
the next level and/or make progress .needs
to. - b) Group moderation
- One teacher distributes copies of evidence for a
child for one Ma to each member of the group
(approx 3 other teachers). Each person looks at
the evidence (silent reading) for 10 -15 mins and
completes a blank assessment guideline grid.
There is then an opportunity to ask questions
about the child - oral evidence that may enrich
the main body of evidence. Pairs discuss the
level and then compare this with level being
proposed by the teacher. - A consensus is reached.
8What to bring to moderation
- Up to 6 pieces of evidence for 1 of your APP
focus children - Completed assessment guidelines for the agreed
attainment target focus e.g.. Ma2 or Ma2 Ma1 - Teachers notes/commentary
- Review of evidence form?
9APP - a collection of evidence
- Looking at a collection of evidence rather
than simply individual pieces of work is most
useful. Such work may be enriched with notes or
include conversations to support what you know,
have observed or heard during maths lessons
relating to that child. Such rich evidence is
crucial if secure judgements are to be made.
10Group Moderation
- I am Lauras Y3 teacher and have been asked to
collect evidence and complete a review of
evidence sheet. I have copied them for each
person in the group. -
11Group Moderation
- As moderators, individually look at the
Lauras APP evidence for Ma2 and complete the
blank assessment guideline grid (L2 L3 Ma2)
silent reading. - 10-15 mins
12Group Moderation.
- Compare and contrast as a group of moderators
what you now know about Lauras attainment. - Think of questions that you want to ask me
relating to Ma2 that would help decide more
accurately which sub level. - 10-15 mins
13Good evidence can cover more than one assessment
focus or even attainment target
- Evidence for a number of AFs can sometimes be
seen in the same piece of work e.g. how a pupil
has tackled a problem can show both how they are
using and applying their mathematical
understanding as well as particular calculation
14Developing assessment using the National
Curriculum Level Descriptors
- Attainment target 1 (Ma1) Using applying maths
- Attainment target 2 (Ma2) Number
- Attainment target 3 (Ma3) Shape,space,measures
- Attainment target 4 (Ma4) Handling data
15In pairs
- Each of the level descriptors for Ma1 UA has
been cut up into separate sentences. Discuss and
decide which sentences go together to form the
complete level descriptors for Level 1 to Level
16The assessment guidance sheets breaks Ma1UA in
to three assessment focuses then links them to
the related strand
17Standards files
18Standardisation for Ma1
- a) Using the range of evidence can you agree on
the following? - ..is best described as
- b) If you are confident with the level you may
wish to think about next steps. - To make further progress needs to.
19Developing an understanding of levelness
- Continuing with Ma2 now..
- using each focus children start to think about
what level the child is working in Ma1-UA and
what evidence could be used to support your
judgements. At the next moderation meeting bring
your judgements, guidelines and evidence for both
Ma1 and 2.
20SMT planning/implementation
In-school standardisation
Teachers collecting evidence making judgements
In-school moderation
Cluster moderation
21Autumn term Gap Task
- As maths co-ordinator
- Compare your school data with the county and
national data. What are the strengths and what
are the developments areas - Familiarise yourself with Ma 1 APP materials and
ensure this is integrated into your whole school
cycle of standardisation and moderation.