Title: NCCT 3330
1NCCT 3330
- Scarborough Phillips Library
- Services and Research
2Library Services
- Library Web page with access to
- Library information
- Online catalog
- Online databases
- Research Guides
- Reference Librarians
- Interlibrary Loan
- TexShare Program
3If you need it, you can get it
Interlibrary Loan Requests
TexShare Reciprocal borrowing privileges to each
with most academic and public libraries in Texas.
4Reference Librarians Your new best friends
5Research 101
Your assignment dictates what kind of information
you need. What kind of information you need
dictates what type of source to use. What type
of source you need dictates what tool(s) you use.
6Information Timeline
7Characteristics of Popular Trade Magazines
From general interest to specific audience Wide
range in level of authority Not written FOR
experts, even if by experts
8Characteristics of Scholarly Journals
Specific to a particular field or
discipline Includes original research or expert
analysis References previous research Written for
experts by experts Peer Reviewed / Refereed
Broad and in-depth coverage Ranges from popular
to scholarly
Pain killer a "wonder" drug's trail of addiction
and death By Barry Meier. 2003 . Emmaus. (Barry
Meier is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative
reporter for the New York Times and a 2002
recipient of a George Polk Award for outstanding
Pharmaceuticals and society critical discourses
debates By Simon J Williams and Jonathan Gabe.
2009. Wiley Blackwell. (Simon J. Williams Ph.D.
is a Professor of Sociology at the University of
Warwick, Coventry. Jonathan Gabe PH.D. is a
Professor of Sociology at Royal Holloway,
University of London)
10Reference Sources
Overview of topic Usually written by an expert in
the field Good starting point for your research
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol Addictive
Behavior. Ed. Pamela Korsmeyer and Henry R.
Kranzler. Vol. 3. 3rd ed. Detroit Macmillan
Reference USA, 2009. p264-269. Prescription Drug
Prescription drugs have become as of 2008 a major
category of abused substances, and the prevalence
of prescription drug abuse may soon overtake that
of illicit drugs. Abuse of prescription
medications may result from the inappropriate
dosing or route of administration or use for
reasons other than those for which the
prescription is indicated
11Research Sources Tools to Use
12Web Sites, Use Caution!
Easy to find access Seemingly endless amount of
information Ranges wildly in authority
accuracy Must understand source to determine
appropriate use
Research Guide Is This Web Site Credible?
13Reference Sources, Print Online Subject
encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, etc.
14Books, Print Online
Articles (Journals, Magazines, Newspapers)
15Your Assignment Finding a topic
Websites ProCon.org OpposingViews.com PublicAgenda
Databases CQ Researcher Issue Tracker Opposing
Viewpoints Resource Center Lexis-Nexis
Congressional Hot Topics