Title: First standardized presentation of WOCAT case studies
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2First standardized presentation of WOCAT case
Part I Analysis Policy implications Part II 42
Technologies 28 Approaches
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4Part I Analysis and policy implications
Analysis of SWC technologies what works where,
and why Analysis of SWC approaches putting
the practices into place Conclusions and policy
points support for decision makers
5Analysis of SWC technologies what works where,
and why
Prevention, mitigation or rehabilitation of land
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11Climatic zones in relation to the SWC technology
12Increase of soil moisture within the SWC
technology groups
13Water and desertification On-site
- 60 control dispersed runoff
- 40 control concentrated runoff
- 60 increase infiltration
- Harvest water
- Reduce soil evaporation loss
- 88 increase soil moisture gt yields!
14Soil productivity, human wellbeing, poverty
- Yield increase
- 39/42 of all cases
- Medium to high increase
- Crops 25/42 (60)
- Fodder 20/42
- Wood 8/42
15Establishment and maintenance costs in relation
to the SWC technology groups
16Analysis of SWC approaches putting the
practices into place
Average proportions of funding sources in
reported approaches
17Decision making on choice of technology for
project-based case studies
18Conclusions and policy points support for
decision makers
Example of policy points SWC-technologies -
general In dry areas, investments in water
harvesting and improved water use efficiency,
combined with improved soil fertility management,
should be emphasised to increase production,
reduce the risk of crop failure, and lower the
demand for irrigation water.
19- Example of policy points soil and water
conservation approaches general - More attention and support should be given to
local innovation as well as to traditional
systems, rather than focussing solely on
project-based SWC implementation of standard
technologies. - Further efforts are needed to identify
appropriate SWC technologies that assist
small-scale and subsistence farmers to improve
their livelihoods and escape from the poverty
20Part II Case studies
- Conservation Agriculture (5 case studies)
- Manuring / composting (3 case studies)
- Vegetative strips (8 case studies)
- Agroforestry (8 case studies)
- Water harvesting (3 case studies)
- Gully rehabilitation (3 case studies)
- Terraces (9 case studies)
- Grazing land management (4 case stud.)
- Other technologies (4 case studies)
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24Case studies technologies
Standardised 4 page summary of each technology
25Analysis local global issues Poverty Productivi
ty Carbon Desertification Biodiversity Water,
off-site / downstream
26Case studies approaches
Standardised 4 page summary of each technology
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28Case Studies Technologies
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34Less impacts on the Great Barrier Reef due to CA
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37Case studies Approaches
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44- Standard / prototype attractive format gt a must
for SLM - Sharing knowledge local, institutional and
research - Using knowledge for decision support at farm and
national level - Local case studies gt Analysis gt Policy
implications - Well illustrated gt280 photos, 33 graphs, 36
technical drawings, - Joint effort with long-term commitment SDC and
90 partners - Continuation Bangladesh, Ethiopia,
Mediterranean, TerrAfrica, Desire?,
H.P. Liniger, W. Critchley M. Gurtner, G.
Schwilch, R. Mekdaschi Studer Publishers CTA,
FAO, UNEP, CDE (5000 copies) Distributor
Earthprint http//www.earthprint.com/go.htm?to
wocat001 visit www.wocat.net