Title: Preserving Access for the Future
1Preserving Access for the Future
- OCLC Digital Collection Services Preservation
Service Centers
2Digital collections lifecycle
Digitization,OCR, XML,CatalogingandMetadata
Assess user needs and collection conditions
Discovery / Access
Content Management, microfilm,and
Online access to your collection
3What you can do with OCLC
- Convert print, audio, video to digital in our
Preservation Service Centers - Organize digital collections with CONTENTdm
- Preserve digitized or born digital information in
the Digital Archive - Expose your digital collections thru WorldCat
4Preservation Service Centers
Lacey, WA
Winnipeg, MB
Bethlehem, PA
Dublin, OH
Richmond, VA
5Preserving Access for the Future
- Video digitization
- John Walko, Scene Savers
- Audio digitization
- George Blood, Safe Sound Archive
- Digital Preservation _at_ WSU
- Alan Cornish, Washington State University
- Digital Preservation Approaches _at_ OCLC
- Taylor Surface, OCLC
6Preserving Access for the Future
- OCLC Digital Collection Services Preservation
Service Centers