Title: Over%2050%20years%20of%20Serving%20The%20Philadelphia%20Community%20
1As One Marketing
WDAS 105.3-FM Radio Advertising PromotionsYear
End Sale to Help You Increase Business Fast!This
is the opportunity youve been waiting for Act
Commercial Length Radio Spots Streaming Spots Total Spots Weeks Available Cost Per Week
PKG A (Value) (60) 34 50 84 12/28/08 1/4/09 990
PKG B(Full -Station) (30) 37 50 87 12/28/08 1/4/09 2,370
PKG C (Value) (30) 24 50 84 3 Months Jan Mar 09 1,900
PKG D(Full -Station) (15) 38 50 88 3 Months Jan Mar 09 1,995
PKG E (Value) (15) 36 50 86 3 Months Jan Mar 09 950
- Weekday Highlights
- Steve Harvey M-F 6AM 10AM
- Patty Jackson M-F 10AM 3PM
- Michael Baisden M-F 3PM 7PM
- Tony Brown M-F 7PM-12M
- Weekend Highlights
- Gregg Evans SAT 8PM 2AM
- Rev. Jesse Jackson SUN 8AM-9AM
- Joe Butter Tamburro SUN 7PM-12M
- Add 12 months
- of Radio-Online
- Key Words for only
- 120.00 Additional!!
Call or Fax TodayReserve Now!
Rachelle Gaymon, Marketing Consultant Phone
215-919-7342 Fax 267-286-0162
Over 50 years of Serving The Philadelphia
Community One Strong Opportunity For Advertisers
2WDAS FM 2009 Priority Access Event Opportunity
(Value Inventory) 60 units
Monday-Friday 8p-12m (10) 60 units Monday
Sunday 12m-5a (10) 60 units Saturday
Sunday 6a-10a (6) 60 units 8p-12m (8) 60
units 6a-8pm, Monday-Sunday (50) 60 units on
WDASFM.com (Streaming) 84 Total
Commercials Total Investment 990 All
commercials guaranteed to run!
Add 12 months of Key Word for only 120
Please Circle Your Weeks 12/28 1/4
Client signature
Business Name
Rachelle Gaymon, Marketing Consultant Call or
Fast Today to Reserve Phone 215-919-7342
Fax 267-286-0162
Over 50 years of Serving The Philadelphia
Community One Strong Opportunity For Advertisers
3WDAS FM 2009 Priority Access Event Opportunity
(FULL STATION) 30 units
Monday-Friday 6a-10a (5) 30 units 10a-3p (6)
30 units 3p-8p (5) 30 units 8p-12m (5) 30
units Monday Sunday 12m 5a (10) 30
units Saturday Sunday 6a-12m (6) 30
units 6a-8p, Monday-Sunday (50) 30 units on
WDASFM.com (Streaming) 87 Total
Commercials Total Investment 2,370 All
commercials guaranteed to run!
Add 12 months of Key Word for only 120
Please Circle Your Weeks 12/28 1/4
Over 50 years of Serving The Philadelphia
Community One Strong Opportunity For Advertisers
4WDAS FM 2009 Priority Access Event Opportunity
(Value Inventory) 30 units
Monday-Friday 8p-12m (10) 30 units Monday
Sunday 12m-5a (10) 30 units Saturday
Sunday 6a-10a (6) 30 units 8p-12m (8) 30
units 6a-8pm, Monday-Sunday (50) 30 units on
WDASFM.com (Streaming) 84 Total
Commercials Total Investment 1,900 All
commercials guaranteed to run!
Add 12 months of Key Word for only 120
Please Circle Your Weeks Jan Mar 2009
1/11/09, 1/18/09, 1/25/09 2/1/09, 2/8/09,
2/15/09, 2/22/09 3/1/09, 3/8/09, 3/15/09, 3/22/09
Over 50 years of Serving The Philadelphia
Community One Strong Opportunity For Advertisers
5WDAS FM 2009 Priority Access Event Opportunity
(FULL STATION) 15 units
Monday-Friday 6a-10a (5) 15 units 10a-3p (7)
15 units 3p-8p (5) 15 units 8p-12m (5) 15
units Monday Sunday 12m 5a (10) 15
units Saturday Sunday 6a-12m (6) 15
units 6a-8p, Monday-Sunday (50) 15 units on
WDASFM.com (Streaming) 88 Total
Commercials Total Investment 1,995 All
commercials guaranteed to run!
Add 12 months of Key Word for only 120
Please Circle Your Weeks JAN MAR 09 1/11/09,
1/18/09, 1/25/09 2/1/09, 2/8/09, 2/15/09,
2/22/09 3/1/09, 3/8/09, 3/15/09, 3/22/09
Over 50 years of Serving The Philadelphia
Community One Strong Opportunity For Advertisers
6WDAS FM 2009 Priority Access Event Opportunity
(Value Inventory) 15 units
Monday-Friday 8p-12m (10) 15 units Monday
Sunday 12m-5a (10) 15 units Saturday
Sunday 6a-8p (10) 15 units 8p-12m (6) 15
units 6a-8pm, Monday-Sunday (50) 15 units on
WDASFM.com (Streaming) 86 Total
Commercials Total Investment 950 All
commercials guaranteed to run!
Add 12 months of Key Word for only 120
Please Circle Your Weeks JAN MAR 09 1/11/09,
1/18/09, 1/25/09 2/1/09, 2/8/09, 2/15/09,
2/22/09 3/1/09, 3/8/09, 3/15/09, 3/22/09
Over 50 years of Serving The Philadelphia
Community One Strong Opportunity For Advertisers