Title: Mobile VPN over WLAN a Teleservice of the UMTS
1Mobile VPN over WLAN a Teleservice of the UMTS
- C. F. Grecas, I. S. Venieris
2VPNs Structure
The public nature of the facilities connecting
the sectors of the VPN is not perceived by the
3The Mobile VPN architecture employing the UMTSs
core network
4The WLANs basic architecture
- DS Distribution System (Ethernet)
- AP Performs the wireless-to-wired bridging
function - BSA Basic Service Area covered by a single AR
- ESS Linkage of two or more BSAs belonging to
the same DS
5The UMTS structure
6The protocol stack modification of the SGSN
- For the requirements of the Mobile VPN the SGSN
degenerates into a typical layer 3 router
7The protocol stack modification of the GGSN
- Similar horizontal extension are made to
- the GGSN protocol stack
8The VPN's subnets connected to the UMTS Core
Every WLAN section constitutes an ESS All the MSs
are registered as members of every ESS
9The Location Update mechanism (IP layer)
- Host-specific routes
- ICMP packets
10Traffic Handling within the MPVN
Within the same ESS (WLAN resources/techniques) Be
tween different ESSs (Section Router, PLMN
platform ) To and from the public Internet
(Section Router)
11Cohabitation with the conventional UMTS services
- The coexistence with the rest of the UMTS
services is to be assured by the cell granularity
of the UMTS cells - The system specifications foresee even the
employment of pico-cells in the areas of heavy
traffic - A trade off should be adopted between the UMTS
and WLAN Mobile Station following the QoS