TRUE OR FALSE History When the very popular
reform king, Josiah, was killed in battle the
Jews found out that sometimes their religious
beliefs were in error. When David discovered
that his first born son, Absalom, was revolting
against him, David ordered his soldiers to kill
2TRUE OR FALSE Theology Jesus showed deep regard
for the temple, but placed himself above the
temple. II Isaiah is the book of the Hebrew
Scripture which includes the Suffering Servant
Songs. Scriptural contextualists believe there
is fiction in the Bible in the form of stories
like Job and Jonah.
3MULTIPLE CHOICE History The king of Persia who
defeated the Babylonians A)Cyrus
B)Nabonidus C)Nebuchadnezzar D)Sargon E)Sennach
erib. The Greek translation of the
Hebrew Scriptures was done by descendants of the
A)Lost Tribes B)Samaritans C)Anawim
D)Diaspora E)Exiles.
4MULTIPLE CHOICE Theology The prophecy of a
New Covenant was given by A)Isaiah
B)Jeremiah C)Micah D)Ezekiel E)none. The
question of Gods nationalism was discussed in
this book of the Bible A)Job B)Jeremiah
C)Jonah D)Josiah E)Joshua.
52. if I had died then, I would be at rest now
sleeping like the kings and rulers who build
ancient palaces. (Job) 8. I am glad to die
at your hands, because I have the assurance
that God will raise us from death. But there
will be no resurrection to life for you
Antiochus. (II Maccabees) A comparison of
quote 2 with 8 indicates that beliefs in the
Bible were not always the same.
6Good luck on your exams!!!