Title: Morgan State University Characteristics
1Morgan State University Characteristics
- Public Comprehensive University
- 6,600 Student Population
- Degrees Offered
- Baccalaureate
- Master -- 21 Programs
- Doctorate -11 Programs
- Doctoral programs Bio-environmental Sciences
Engineering Public Health Business
Administration Science Education Mathematics
Education Urban Educational Leadership
Community College Leadership Higher Education
Administration English History.
2Morgan State University Characteristics
- Academic Units
- School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural
Sciences - School of Business and Management
- School of Education and Urban Studies
- School of Engineering
- Institute of Transportation
- School of Graduate Studies
- Public Health Program
- Institute of Architecture
- College of Liberal Arts
3Entrepreneurial Development and Assistance Center
- Housed in the Earl G. Graves School of Business
and Development - Offer opportunities to students to experience and
participate in entrepreneurship - Provides management assistance to entrepreneurs
- Offers training programs, series of workshops on
starting and expanding a business workshops to
access capital for a small business
4Richard N. Dixon Science Research Center
- Microarray and PCR Organic Chemistry
- Histology/Cytology Surface Analysis
- Neuroscience Thin Film Prep
- Cellular and Molecular Biology Applied
Spectroscopy - Imaging Argon Laser
- Tissue Culture X-Ray Diffraction
- Microbiology /Immunology
- Physiology
- Biotechnology
- Chromatography
- Environmental Toxicology
- Organic Chemistry
5Research Centers
- Knowledge Management Center of Excellence
- - This initiative will investigate ways to
manage the creation of new knowledge and fuse it
with existing knowledge, thereby developing new
integrated knowledge systems for intelligent
decision making and problem solving. - Center for Advanced Energy Systems
Environmental Control Technologies - Some research activities are Propulsion
combustion of the rocket engine hot gas clean up
and gas separation alternative fuels design of
advanced energy systems waste management-utilizat
ion and disposal, and others. - Engineering Visualization Semiconductor Group
- enables technology by developing high
performance 3D graphics visualization tools for
collaborative and interactive environments
simulating and characterizing electronic
structures and devices investing methodologies
for developing how electronic devices behave for
both research and education.
6Research Centers
- Advanced Engineering Design and Manufacturing
- Advanced Realization Characterization of
Architectures for Digital Signaling Processing
(DSP) Engineering (allows MSU students to be
educated in research and implementation of DSP
systems using reconfigurable computing
architectures) - Center for Microwave, Satellite, and RF
Engineering- focuses on semiconductor device
modeling and simulation - Center for Health Disparities Solutions
- Morgan and Johns Hopkins Universities will
conduct research on race disparities and minority
health research and improve health service
capacity of MSU
7School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural
- Chemistry Biology
- Computational chemistry, sensors,
bioinformatics, - Organic synthesis, environmental
virology, toxicology, - geochemistry, micro-gravity studies
science, genetics - Physics Computer Science
- Condensed matter, mossbauer spectroscopy,
software engineering,
computer graphics, - thin film and multi-layer magnetic materials,
computer architecture,
expert systems, - digitized image processing
intelligence - Mathematics
- Combinatorics, topology, information theory,
mathematical modeling, formal power
series, -
abstract differential equations,
ultra filters
8School of Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Environmental, geo-technical, hydrogeology,
geodynamics, traffic, highway, - transportation, construction
- Electrical Computer Engineering
- Networks, semiconductor electronics, computer,
Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Radio
Frequency (RF) Electro-Mechanical Transistors
(EMT) communications - Industrial Engineering
- Manufacturing, human factors, ergonomics.
Operations research, object - oriented programming, MEMS
9 Extramural Funding by Year in Million Dollars
10Collaborators, Grantors, Primes(Past and Present)
- Corporate
- - Hewlett Packard
- - Agilent Technologies
- - Boeing Space and Communications
- - Northrop Grumman
- - Black Decker
- - Cisco Systems
- - Raytheon
- - SAIC
11Institutions of Higher Education
- Partnerships, Subcontracts, Contracts, Agreements
- Johns Hopkins University
- Carnegie Mellon
- University of Michigan
- Mississippi State University
- Howard University
- Brown University
- Florida AM University
- Morehouse School of Medicine
- Northwestern University
- Bowie State University
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore
- University of Maryland
12Collaborators, Grantors, Primes
- Government
- DoD
- NAV Air
- DoE
13Collaborators, Grantors, Primes
- Government
- USEd
- Army
14State Agencies
- Maryland Higher Education Commission
- Housing Authority of Baltimore City
- Maryland State Highway Administration
- Baltimore County Commission on Disabilities
- State of Md, Dept of Human Resources
- State of Maryland, Dept. of Health and Mental
Hygiene - Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration
- State of MD, Dept. of Transportation
15Building/Increasing Readiness Building Small
Business Infrastructure
- Teaming Agreement
- Certification of Independent Price Determination
- Place of Performance
- Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports
- Cost Accounting Standards Notices and
Certification - Disclosure Statement - Cost Accounting Practices
and Certifications - Certification of Toxic Chemical Release Reporting
- Identification and Assertion of Use, Release, or
Disclosure Restrictions
16Past Performance Citations
- (Working Seminars should be held on past
performance content including) - Contract Number and Title
- Contractor
- Method and Type of Contract
- Description, location and relevancy of work
- Contract Dollar Value and Status
- Date of Award and Completion Date
- Problems Encountered and Demonstrated Corrective
Action - Past Experiences
17Past Performance Citation (s)(continuation)
- Type and Extent of Subcontracting
- Compliance with FAR 52.219-8 and FAR 52.219-9
- Contracting Officer/ COR
- Administrative Contracting Officer
18HBCU Needs for Small Business Collaborations/Partn
- Hands-on Workshops
- Preparation of past performance citation
- Working understanding of certain FAR clauses
- Infrastructure
- Dedicated Space
- Release Time
19 HBCU/MI Research Consortium Structure and
Board of Directors
Board of
US Army Medical Research and Material
US Army Medical and Research
Materiel Command CG
Science Board Leading Academicians Government
Managers Business Sector Leaders
Program Goals
Maryland Congressional Delegation
USAMRAA/SADBU Contact Mr. Jerome Maultsby
Federal Resource Oversight
Funding Support
Maryland State Government
Seed Funding
Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research C
Pilot Program
Center for Collaborative
Research 501 (C) 3-Not for Profit
Tech Transfer
Business Community
Institute for Defense Research
20Avenues of Training
- Maryland Research and Applied Sciences Consortium
- Workshops/Seminars
- National Sponsored Programs Administrators
Alliance (NSPAA) - SRA and NCURA
- Internships
21Suggestions on developing Partnerships between
HBCUS and Small Businesses
- Objective
- To deliver superior services and supplies that
provide the total solution to the customer - School of Business and Small business can provide
counseling and training on financial analysis,
marketing, accounting, cash flow projections - Distribute capability statements (Market
ourselves) - Work together on developing contracts and
- grant proposals
- Collaborate in Small Business Innovation Research
and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs
22Quotes from Senator Barbara Mikulski
- Science and Technology
- In the global economy, we must work to create
new technologies which lead to new jobs which
saves lives - Maryland must develop a Silicon Alley, like
Californias Silicon Valley.
23HBCUs and MIs Must
- Learn the laws and regulations
- Know the structure of the businesses with which
we want to collaborate and team - Be familiar with e-commerce
- Develop past performance records
- Participate in the DoD mentor-protégé program
- Know which small businesses are willing to work
with us - Constantly view the internet and know specialty
areas of Small Businesses
24HBCUs and MIs Must
- Understand Technology Transfer
- Be ready for commercialization
- Improve the finance system
- Improve infrastructure for effective evaluations
of work or - Hire Consultants to to evaluate effectiveness of
services with businesses - Obtain Endowments