Title: Adult Critical Acute Care Services an international perspective
1Adult Critical (Acute) Care Services-an
international perspective
- Graham Ramsay
- Medical Director
2(No Transcript)
3Comparison of United Kingdom with the Netherlands
4Health Care Financing
- UK 6.5 of GNP
- Netherlands 9 of GNP
- euro 34
billion -
5UK v NL
- Western Infirmary Glasgow
- 1200 beds
- 8 non-cardiac ICU beds
- University Hospital Maastricht
- 800 beds
- 18 non-cardiac ICU beds
- 6 HDU beds
6ICU bed numbers
- Percentage of acute beds
- UK 2.9
- Netherlands 6
- USA 13
7UK v NLStaffing
- Glasgow
- 5 anaesthetists
- 1 surgeon
- 1 respiratory physician
- Maastricht
- 3 surgeons
- 4 physicians
- 3 anaesthetists
- 1 respiratory physician
8ICU staffing
- Full time, part time or combination
- Intensive Care
- Separate primary specialty?
- Supra-specialty?
- Benefits of multidisciplinary supra-specialty
9HDU in Europe
- Extending or replacing inadequate ICU facilities
- Improving efficiency of use of ICU resources
- HDU becomes cost-effective when care requires
more than 1 nurse for 3 patients - Many potential HDU patients are managed in
general wards or in ICU - Boots,
Lipman 2002
11Effect of lack of HDU
- 28 bed surgical ward
- Mean of 1.4 patients/day judged as HDU
- More observations than non-HDU patients
- 11.3 v 4.2 in 24 hours
- Presence of HDU patient adversely affects care of
other patients -
Coggins 2000
12Comparison of units with and without HDU
- 192 patients studied
- 2 groups well matched by POSSUM
- HDU present complications OE 1.09
- No HDU complications OE 1.74
- Shorter hospital stay with HDU
Jones 1999
13Level of care requested and received (UK)
- Requested IC 9,7
- HDU 23.6
- Level not available IC 15.9
- HDU 73.8
- Mortality 1.5 overall and 3.1 if level of care
not achieved -
Turner 1999
14Specialty linked HDU
- Learning environment for trainees
- Nurses do not lose their patients
- Perhaps less efficient
15IC usage in a UK hospital
- 10 month study
- IC occupancy was 100
- 13 of admissions refused
- 26 of bed days were for HDU care of improving IC
patients - Morrow,
Lavery 1996
16Effectiveness study Effect of opening a
Medium Care Unit
- G. Ramsay
- B. Janssen-Solberg
17Patient population ICU2001
- 795 admissions
- Average length of stay 6.5 days
- Bed occupancy 83 ( 92 in 2002)
- Ventilator days 68
- Mortality 18
- 16 re-admissions lt 24 hours
18Inappropriate use of IC bed (12 months)
- 117 patients inappropriate for IC
- 489 nursing days
- Average TISS 19 (sd5.3)
- Suitable for general ward 144 days
- Suitable for MC 293 days
- Medium Care neurology 42 days
19Data after opening of MC(20 weeks)
- 8 IC admissions refused (13 reduction)
- 25 inappropriate days (87 reduction)
- 106 MC patient days on general wards (42
reduction) - 3 re-admissions lt 24 hours (66 reduction)
- IC ventilator days 68 to 91
20Medium Care
- 6 step-down beds
- 75 of admissions surgical
- 10 inappropriate bed use on MC
- admission indication MC usually haemodynamic
monitoring or bronchial toilet
- MC increased IC capacity
- MC bed can not replace an IC bed
- MC admissions controlled by intensivist
- 75 of admissions surgical
- Average TISS score 19.6
22Conclusions on HDU
- Europe is diverse and facilities vary
- UK is underprovided with IC beds
- HDU can improve efficiency of IC bed usage
- Cost-effectiveness proven
- Submit your business case
- Should HDU be central or specialty based?
- Netherlands
- No MRSA bacteraemia seen in 10 years
- C Diff very rare and none on ICU
- West Hertfordshire
- 43 MRSA bacteraemias in 06/07
- 683 cases of C Diff in 06/07
- 15 deaths in last 6 months
24Acute Care
25Changing Health Systems Commonalitiesthe common
challenge of the acutely ill patient
- Cost containment
- Use of for-profit services
- Mobility of workforce
- Working hours ?
- Demographic changes
- Acute hospital beds ?
- Throughput ?, LOS ?
- Emergency admissions ?
- Proportion gt 65 yrs ?
- Clinical error the new epidemic
- Triage chain
- Home / Institution / Other hospital
- Emergency Dept
- Department / Ward
- Home
- Triage elements
- Self-triage
- Pre-ICU triage
- ICU triage
- Post-ICU triage
Flow limitations Inflow Resource
availability Outflow
( Levin PD et al. Intensive Care Med 2001 27
1441-5 )
27Post hospital
Med-Surg Team
Med-Surg Team
Family MD
ER Team
ICU Team
Med-Surg Team
Med-Surg Team
Family MD
ICU Team
ER Team
CC consult
CC consult
D/C consult
F/Up clinic
( McMullin Cook. In Angus Carlet (eds)
Surviving intensive care, 2002 )
Intensive Care expertise
Med-Surg Team
Family MD
Other hospital team
ER Team
ICU Team
Other ER
CC consult
D/C consult
F/Up clinic
CC consult
29Acute Care
- How is AE organised
- Medium Care Unit
- Recovery or PACU 24hour?
- Acute admissions unit
- Hospital management structure
30Problems we do not want
- Code Red (no beds)
- Acute admissions spread over several wards
- Acutely ill patients on poorly staffed wards in
evening and night - Cancelation of elective patients
- Disruption of theatre planning
31Separate patient flows
- Three separate patient flows
- - outpatient
- - acute
- - elective
- Efficient organisation of elective care
- Increased bed occupancy (close to 100)
- Well organised acute care
- Realise an Acute Admissions Unit
- Increased consultant involvement
- 24 hour diagnostics
34Effect of AAU
- 66 AAU beds opened
- 145 ward beds closed
- 48 of patients discharged from AAU to home
within 48 hours - LOS stay acute patients reduced by 1.5 days (40)
- Reduction of 55 wte (wards and AE)
- Investment 4.6m euro !!!!!
- Saving 3.25m euro per year
- Increased efficiency for elective cases
35Develop the Concept
- 3 patient flows
- 3 value chains
- Each flow has specific strategies and performance
indicators - Large degree of individuality
- Recognisable in building, strategy and
- Thinks about the acute care continuum
- Business case for HDU
- Break away from silo culture
- Restructuring
- Focus strategy and goals
- Capacity management
- Trading accounts for specialties