Title: Reaching Across Cultures by Reaching Across the Street
1Reaching Across Cultures by Reaching Across the
- Club JC
- A Ministry to the Hmong in the Fox Valley
2I Thessalonians 28We loved you so much that we
were willing to share with you not only the
Gospel of God but our lives as well.
Sharing the Gospel Sharing our Lives
- Club JC exists to
- love and reach out to the Hmong children and
their families, - demonstrate what is means to be one of Gods
children, - help establish a foundation for life built on
Gods Word and - encourage them to start and grow in a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ.
3The foundation of my ministry
- Lots of visitors in our home from all over the
world. - Love was demonstrated in our home and to others
around us. - Church and family sponsored
- Vietnamese family.
- Relationships were highly valued.
4Mission Trips to THAILAND
- CCC opportunity
- Life changing
- Heart called to the people of SE Asia.
5Teaching ELL at Columbus Elementary School
6My prayer...Lord, Please let me bring just
one Hmong family to church so I can tell them
about you.
7Gods answer
- Some kids ask
- Can we come to church with you?
- Can my brothers and sisters come?
- Can my cousins come?
8Club JC is born
9Long-term, loving involvement.
- Pastor Joshua Vangs
- answer to our question?
- How do we reach the Hmong?
10Pennys Story
11Sue and Rachels Story
12Erin, Kristin and Todds Story
13My Girls
14The Gardens Gardening was a part of everyday
life for the Hmong in Laos and they are skilled
- Purpose
- To provide an opportunity for the
- Hmong to share the fruits of
- their skills with us
- To be a blessing to the Hmong
- To provide a way for our church body
- and Hmong adults to connect
- To demonstrate Gods love
- Opportunity
- As you drive out the back road of church,
- please wave and say hello. Or even better
- stop and see their gardens. Before you know it,
- youll have a new friend and maybe
- even a chance to share the Gospel
- and your life.
15My DreamLong-term loving involvement
I Thessalonians 28We loved you so much that we
were willing to share with you not only the
Gospel of God but our lives as well.