Title: Garifuna Radio Drama
1Garifuna Radio Drama For HIV/AIDS Prevention
Los Ancestros No Mueren (Mouwetiñu
Wayunagu) Honduras 2005
2Formative Research
- 9 focus groups with adolescents and young adults
in Garifuna communities - Corozal, Sambo Creek,
Nueva Armenia y Trujillo - 6 in-depth interviews with positive deviants 3
men y 3 women - 2 in-depth interviews with PLHA
- 2 in-depth interviews with Garifuna leaders in
Tegucigalpa San Pedro Sula
3 Creative Design of Radio Drama
- Creative workshop to establish the radio drama
technical committee - Workshop took place Tela Atlántida, Diciembre
de 2004 - Casting of Actors 30 youth that participated in
the Garifuna EE theatre groups and adults from
different Garifuna communities participated in a
workshop on acting for radio. 20 were finally
4Radio Drama Production
- 90 scripts 2 script writers
- Review team HIV/AIDS technical aspects,
culture, gender etc.
5(No Transcript)
6Taping and Editing
- Estudio Fonchin en San Pedro Sula
- 20 weekends (Friday Sunday) to produce the 90
episodes - .
7Process of Production
Investigación Formativa
Sub Comité de IEC Garífuna
Comité de Diseño
- Guionista y Coguionista
- Asesor y asesora garífuna
- Asesora en equidad/género
- Equipo de revisión
- Elenco Artístico
- Productor artístico
- Estudio de Grabación
Equipo de Movilización Comunitaria
- Lanzamiento
- Oficial
- Lanzamientos
- Locales
- Festivales
- Arte y Salud
- Concursos de
- cartas
Validación Inicial, intermedia Grupos
Focales Sondeo de Opinión
Materiales Promocionales Camisetas Afiche Mapa H
ojas Volantes
8Radio Drama Production
- 90 episodes, 15 minutes each
- 2 songs by Sherif
- 3 traditional Garifuna songs
- 4 promotional spots
- 2 microprograms promoting letter writing contest
- El que sabe gana
9Garifuna Community in Honduras (Poster)
10Products of Radio Drama
- 1 promotional T-shirt
- 1 Poster
- CD with songs
- Community Map
- 26 Street Banners
- Flyers promoting radio drama schedule and radio
stations - Flyers promoting the Health Festivals Arte y
11Broadcasting of the Radio Drama
- 300 hours of transmission during 4 months 10
daily transmissions in 7 radio stations in 5
cities - 4 promotional spots for one month, 7 radio
12Broadcasting of the Radio Drama
- 70 of the 42 Garifuna communities are being
reached by the radio drama (All communities in
Atlántida and Cortés 7 in Colón). - According to the rapid assess met conducted in 7
communities in August 05, 67 of youth aged 15-24
recalled the radio drama
- 3050 T-shirts distributed
- 1,280 Posters distributed
- 21,300 flyers distributed
- 720 CDs with music distributed
- 26 community maps (one in each community)
- 26 street banners (one in each community)
- 1 Discussion Guide to use to radio drama as an
educational tool
14Community Mobilization
- 28 communities participated
- 17 in Colón
- 3 in Cortés
- 8 in Atlántida.
15Community Mobilization
- Training of Community Mobilizers 2 workshops en
Tela y Trujillo, 40 community mobilizers - Radio Drama launching June 2 in La Ceiba.
Participation of 180 community leaders, including
mayors, vice-mayors, health and education
directors, patronatos religious leaders, midwives
and NGOs, USAID, ONUSIDA, Fondo Global, PNUD,
16Community Mobilization
- 28 Local Launching Events 803 people
participated - 23 Health Festivals Arte y Salud 4,063
Garifuna youth participated and received
information about the radio drams, HIV/AIDS
messages and exposed to theatre with messages
17(No Transcript)
18Community Mobilization
- Letter-writing contest July and August
- 130 letters received from 11 communities,
expressing satisfaction with the radio drama, use
of Garifuna language and culture and addressing
- Flyers distributed in each house to promoter
- Pre-testing IEC Subcomittee and Radio Drama
design team conducted pre-testing -
- 16 Focus Groups with youth and adults from
Garifuna communities - Transmission Monitoring conducted by Vallejo y
Asociados - Rapid Assessment of the Radio Drama 329 youth
interviewed in 7 communities
20Use of Radio Drama as Educational Tool
- Training of 16 health educators and promoters of
NGOs from the following communities Corozal,
Sambo Creek, Río Esteban, Nueva Armenia,
Travesía, Bajamar, Masca, San Juan, Triunfo de la
Cruz, Trujillo, Limón, Santa Rosa de Aguan
21Use of Radio Drama as Educational Tool
- Meetings with 60 school directors/teachers of 3
departments received a package and were trained
22Production of the Second Garifuna Radio Drama
- Current re-transmission of Ancestros No Mueren
(November to March 2006, with community
mobilization activities) - Story Development, Plot, and sub-plots, time-line
and character profiles are currently being
developed - South-south collaboration continues (CPC
Nicaragua) - First scripts written in Nov and Dec 05
- Launching in April 06