Title: Economic Subject Matter Meetings
1Economic Subject Matter Meetings
October 2002
Macroeconomic and Agricultural Situation and
2Macro Economic Review of 2002
- Recession Ends-Led by Consumer Spending
- Inflation Moderate
- 6 Trillion Wealth lost in Stock market
- Business Confidence Weak
- Some Interest Rates Fall to 40 Year Lows
- Trade Deficit Large
- 9/11/01 and War on Terrorism
3Real Gross Domestic Product1970-2002
Source Bureau Economic Analysis
4Consumer Price Index1985-2002
Source Bureau Labor Statistics
5Long Term vs Short TermInterest RatesU.S.
30 Year Bond
3 Month Treasury
Source Federal Reserve
6U.S. Unemployment RateAnnual, 1970-2002
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics
7U.S. Goods and Services Trade Balance, 1975-2002
Source Bureau Economic Analysis
8U.S. Budget Deficit/Surplus1970-2002 FY
Source Congressional Budget Office
9U.S. Macro Economic Outlook 2002Compared to 2003
- GDP 3.5
- Inflation 1.7
- Unemployment 5.8
- Interest Rates Down
- GDP 2.75
- Inflation 2.2
- Unemployment 5.6
- Interest Rates Upside Risk
10U.S. Agriculture Gross Cash Income
11U.S. Net Farm Income
12Kentucky Revenue and Expenses
13Kentucky Net Farm Income
14U.S. Direct Government Payments
15Kentucky Direct Government Payments
16Kentuckys Cash Receipts
17U.S. Farm Sector Production Expenses
18U.S. Farm Debt 1970 to 2002
19Debt and Equity for Kentucky
20Agricultural Trade Situation and Forecast
21This presentation was presented with the
Agricultural Situation and Outlook, Fall 2002,
publication number ESM-28, published by the
Department of Agricultural Economics at the
University of Kentucky with an additional
contribution from Kentucky State University in
October 2002. The entire publication can be
accessed on the WWW at http//www.uky.edu/Ag/AgEco
n/publications/esm_28.pdf. Â This article
presents information on the economic situation
and outlook for Kentucky agriculture and is
intended to assist farmers, agribusiness
professionals, Extension filed staff, and others
with interest in agriculture and agribusiness.
Information presented here is based on the most
recent information and research available.
However, the rapidly changing economic and policy
conditions for agriculture limit the usefulness
and life span of conclusions and recommendations
cited here. Decision makers should keep these
facts in mind. Feel free to use the information
included in this publication for other uses, but
please provide professional citation about the
source. This paper is published without formal
review and the views expressed are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views
of the University of Kentucky, the Agricultural
Experiment Station, or the Cooperative Extension
Service. Â If you need additional information
or if you would like to provide comments or
suggestions about this slideshow, please contact
Gregg Ibendahl at gibendah_at_uky.edu or Larry Jones
at ljones_at_uky.edu.
University of Kentucky, Department of
Agricultural Economics 400 Charles E. Barnhart
Bldg., Lexington, KY 40546-0276 Â Phone
859-257-5762, Fax 859-323-1913 URL