Title: Keiretsu In Good Times and Bad
1Keiretsu In Good Times and Bad
STOC Supply Chain Seminar
February 2006 Kenneth M. Hooper CFPIM,
C.P.M. Executive Manager and Principal Consultant
www.ERMassoc.com 607-754-6404
Innovation is now recognized as the single most
important ingredient in any modern economy
The Economist
3Innovation Definition
People creating value through the
implementation of new ideas
Innovation Network
4Supplier Relationships Models
- Managing Vendor Partnerships Jeffery K.
Liker, University of Michigan and Thomas Y.
Choi, Arizona State University - Selecting Vendors for Partnerships Douglas
M. Lambert and A. Michael Knemeyer of Ohio State
HBR December 2004
5Benefits of Keiretsu
- Cost reduction
- Improved quality
- Faster development of product and processes
6Keiretsu Definition
Close-knit networks of vendors that
continuously learn, improve and prosper along
with their parent companies
7Keiretsu Performance
- Parent rated most preferred to work with
- Faster product design
- Greater innovation with vendors
- Reduced cost
- Better initial quality and long term
durability - Greater reliability and fewer recalls
8GM Comeback Strategy
- Develop Winning Cars and Trucks
- Revitalize Sales and Marketing Strategies
- Achieve Greater Cost Reduction and Quality
- Significantly Reduce Health Care Burden
9Toyota Production System
The Achievement of Business Performance by
the Parent Company Through Bullying Suppliers is
Totally Alien to the Spirit of the Toyota
Production System
Taiichi Ohno
10Supplier Selection
- Do you want a partnership with every supplier?
- Which suppliers warrant the investment?
- Which supplier is a candidate for partnership?
11Partnership Preparation
- Focus your efforts
- Consolidate your suppliers
- Apply the Partnership Model
12Focus Your Efforts
Two by Two Matrix of what is Important to you
- Complexity versus Volume Matrix
- Potential for Cost Reduction versus
- Potential for Innovation Matrix
13Focus Your Efforts
14Focus Your Efforts
15Consolidate Your Suppliers
- Reduce supplier base
- Leverage your spend
- Reduce your workload
16The Partnership Model
- Target high-potential relationships
- Align expectations - Drivers -
17Driver Categories
- Asset and cost efficiencies
- Customer service enhancements
- Marketing advantages
- Profit growth and stability
18Individual and Team Driver Goals
- Individual bullet point descriptions
- Metrics
- Targets
- Ratings
- Reassemble teams
- Team review and goal acceptanceDevelop
partnership driver score
19Facilitator Evaluation
- Compatibility of corporate cultures
- Compatibility of mgt philosophy/techniques
- Strong sense of mutuality
- Symmetry between the two parties
- Develop Facilitator Score
20Additional Facilitators
- Shared competitors
- Physical proximity
- Potential for exclusivity
- Prior relationship experience
- Shared end users
- Determine combined facilitator score
21Propensity to Partner
Three by Three Matrix Facilitator by Driver
- Arms-length
- Type I, coordination limited
- Type II, activities of multiple divisions
integrated - Type III, each company views the other as
- an extension of itself
22Propensity to Partner
23Joint Activities and Processes
- Action plan to put partnership in place
- If decided not to pursue - success
- If decided to pursue - success
24When to Implement Keiretsu?
When you need
- Cost reduction
- Improved quality
- Faster development of product and processes
25Keiretsu In Good Times and Bad
STOC Supply Chain Seminar
February 2006 Kenneth M. Hooper CFPIM,
C.P.M. Executive Manager and Principal Consultant
www.ERMassoc.com 607-754-6404