Title: Voxelbased Heterogenous Modeling for SurfaceMicromachined MEMS
1Voxel-based Heterogenous Modeling for
Surface-Micromachined MEMS
- Andy Perrin
- Venkat Ananthakrishnan
- Radha Sarma
- G. K. Ananthasuresh
- (NSF Grant DMI 99-70059)
- Surface-micromachined MEMS devices can have very
complicated geometries.
MUMPS micromotor
- Two problems
- (Forward Problem) Given a process and the masks,
what does the part look like? - (Inverse Problem) Given a process and a desired
part geometry, what do the masks look like? - We care about the part geometry, so we want to
solve the inverse problem, but to solve it, we
need the forward problem.
4Forward Problem Strategy
- Define some mathematical operators that can be
composed with each other to yield process steps. - If each process step can be reduced to some
composition of operators, it does not matter how
that step is actually implemented. - Develop a practical implementation.
5State-change operators
Query operators
6Forward Problem Voxels
- Voxels are well adapted to
- Heterogenous modeling (multiple materials)
- Layered manufacturing processes
- Creating meshes for later analysis (FEA, etc.)
- Topology optimization
- Etching multiple layers
- Problems with voxels
- Rendering speed
- Memory requirements
7Forward Problem Heterogenous Modeling
- Voxels can store local material information.
(Currently, we store a string indicating the
material in each voxel.) - Our mathematical model can be combined with Kumar
and Duttas (1998) representations of
heterogenous solid models.
8Forward Prob Implementation
- Four layer types
- Conformal
- Stack
- Via
- Planar
- Two etch types
- anisotropic
- isotropic
9Kinds of Layers
Planar Via Stack
10Kinds of Etches Anisotropic
11Kinds of Etches Isotropic
12User Interface
'stack' 'Substrate' 0.06666 1 'stack'
'Oxide' 0.13332 2 'etch' 'etch1' 0.13333
'Oxide' 'anisotropic' 1 'conformal'
'Polysilicon' 0.06666 3 'etch' 'etch2'
0.066663 'Polysilicon' 'anisotropic' 2
'etch' 'etch3' 0.19998 'Oxide'
'isotropic' 2
14Inverse Problem Strategy
- For each step of the given process do the
following - If the process step is a deposit command, deposit
that layer in a new intermediate model (IM). - If it is an etch command, compare the current IM
to the given model and extract a mask etch the
IM with it. - Check/correct masks if they need modification
update IM.
15Inverse Problem Strategy
- Mask correction routine yields three
possibilities - No solutions (impossible to build with given
process) - One solution (convenient!)
- Many solutions (Develop a figure of merit and
choose the best.)
16Inverse Problem Limitations
- Restricted to conformal layers
- Restricted to anisotropic etches
17Future Work
- Incorporate via, planar layers and isotropic etch
in inverse problem - Apply topology optimization and combine with
inverse problem to automatically design
structures. - Feature based modeling
18Thanks to...
- Dr. G.K. Ananthasuresh, Venkat Ananthakrishnan,
Radha Sarma for their work, help, and support. - NSF Grant DMI 99-70059