Title: Emergence: From the Beginning
1EmergenceFrom the Beginning
- Intro to Nanotechnology
- Foothill De Anza Colleges
2Emergence the Foundation of Nano
- Emergence of everything
- The first three minutes
- Emergence of order
- Interconnected networks
- The atom as the central nanostructure
- Caught between physics and chemistry
- The unit of currency in materials science
3Emergence of Everything
- Emergence
- Emergence of phenomena and properties
- The First Three Minutes
- Crystallizing matter and energy
- Emergence of scale
- Hidden Order
- Emergence of interconnected networks
4The First Three Minutes
- An enormous expansion from a singularity called
the big bang - From ultra dense, hot energy, matter
precipitated, and formed particles - Our universe is the result of this event,
including the presence of atoms - Everything present in our universe today formed
during these three minutes
5Cooling and Expansion
- Emergence of forces
- Gravitational force
- Strong force
- Weak force
- Emergence of particles
- Hadrons (from quarks)
- Leptons
- Electrons, muons, and neutrinos
6Emergence of Systems
- Particles from energy
- Atoms and periodic table
- Molecules and molecular networks
- Life, organisms, ecosystems
- Gaia as a complex adaptive system?
7Building Blocks of the Universe
8Emergence of Properties
- Forces separating
- Gravitational
- Strong
- Weak
- Electromagnetic force
- Quantum properties
- Charge, spin, orbitals
9The Atom - Emerged
- Quarks (six total, up / down)
- Hadrons (proton and neutron)
- Leptons (electrons, neutrino)
- Weak forces (nuclear decay)
- Electron rules periodic table
10Emergence of Forces
11Complex Adaptive Systems
- complex system A complex system is a system whose
properties are not fully explained by an
understanding of its component parts. Complex
systems consist of a large number of mutually
interacting and interwoven parts, entities or
agents. They are woven out of many parts, the
Latin complexus comes from the Greek pleko or
plektos, meaning "to plait or twine."
(Gell-Mann). Complex systems is also often used
as a broad term addressing a research approach
which includes ideas and techniques from chaos
theory, artificial life, evolutionary computation
and genetic algorithms. http//www.answers.com/top
12Complex Adaptive Behavior
13Features of Complex Systems
- Emergence - more is different
- Relationships are non-linear
- Relationships contain feedback loops
- Complex systems are open
- The parts cannot contain the whole
- Complex systems have a history
- Complex systems are nested
- Boundaries are difficult to determine
- Complex networks
14Complex Networks
- Hidden Order
- Aggregation of systems
- Emergence of new properties
- Scale Free Networks
- Fractal based information rules?
- Self assembly process
- Self recognition, self replication
- Life?
15Emergence of Information
- Higgs boson / universe
- Chaos theory, fractals, Julia sets
16Emergence of Disciplines
- Math operating system of the universe
- Physics the universe in motion
- Chemistry physics in motion
- Biology molecular networks
- Ecology interconnected networks
17(No Transcript)
18Nanoscale Emergence
- We live in an emergent universe
- Billiard balls vs. fuzzy functions
- Quantum rules have leveled out
- Ensembles act in Newtonian physics
- In smaller networks of 1,000s of atoms
- Atoms influenced by the quantum world
- The trick is to tap the inner rules of nature,
and design them into our world
19Nanoscale Emergence
Emergent properties ?
Atoms Electrons Quanta
Dust Rain Rocks
Billiard balls
Fuzzy functions
? Quantum properties
Angstroms (10-8 cm)
Microns / meters
Concept by Robert Cormia
20Nanoscale Paradigm
1950 2000 Era of materials
Miniaturization from the top down
Quantum properties from the bottom up
Moores Law 20th Century
Moores Law 21st Century
2000 2050 Era of quanta
Concept by Hilary Lackritz
21Nanoscale Dimension
- Matter
- Energy
- Information
- Forces
- Quantum states
- Self assembly
Force interaction of matter and energy Quantum
states interaction of energy and
information Self assembly interaction of matter
and information
Nanotechnology touches the inner universe
22Nanoscale Dimension
Quantum states
Concept by Robert Cormia
- Our world is emergent
- Networks of complexity
- Complex adaptive systems
- Networks are nested (disciplines)
- The atom and the periodic table
- Nanotechnology works in a fuzzy world
- Where quanta become particles
- The First Three Minutes
- Emergence
- Hidden Order
- Santa Fe Institute (SFI)Â -http//www.santafe.edu/
- Linked
- Scale free networks