Title: Year 8 Number 1 Homework Holiday Planning
1Year 8 Number 1HomeworkHoliday Planning
2- For this homework you are being asked to plan a
holiday. - You will be given a fixed amount of money.
- Using the resources available, you will then need
to decide your - destination
- dates
- accommodation
- spending money
- food
- excursions
- and much more
3First choice Decide who is going, this will give
you the budget. Only you 1000 You and a
friend 1500 You and your family 2000
4Minimum Homework Use the links to choice a
location and time. Produce a display of your
decision. Make sure you leave some money for
food, trips, etc. Be creative and look to
5Main Homework Use the links to access
information. Produce a display of your
decisions. Include details on currency, type of
accommodation, food. Be creative and look to
6Extension Homework Use the links to access
information. Produce a display of your
decisions. Include details on currency, type of
accommodation, food, excursions, insurance, car
hire, car parking, etc. Be creative and look to