2- Role/duties of the admin assistant at a senior
level - job description - qualities of the admin assistant person
- personal development plan
- action plan
- setting own targets
- setting departmental targets
- dealing with changing priorities of people and
tasks - monitoring and evaluating progress
effectiveness in the workplace
- skills required planning, delegating,
organising, directing and controlling - identification of time stealers
- time management strategies
- benefits to the individual and organisation of
good time management - consequences to the individual and organisation
of poor time management
- features of effective teams
- leadership skills and skills of team members
- benefits to the individual and the organisation
of effective team working
3Working practices
Contracts of employment
- Permanent
- fixed term
- Temporary
- full-time/part-time
- job share
- career breaks
- Outsourcing
- Flexible working hours
- home-working/ tele-working
- Hot-desking
- Impact on individual and organisation
impact of changing working practices on the
modern working environment
The working environment
Methods of communicating organisational and legal
- office layout (cellular and open plan)
- ergonomics
- employee morale and wellbeing
- current legislation affecting the work
Consequences of breaches of organisational and
legislative procedures
- Induction training
- Intranet
- Notice boards
- email, memo, newsletter
- Training sessions
- Posters
- Videos
- Role playing
- Organisational firm loss of customers,
inefficiency (money wasted) employee
demotivation, increased stress, disciplinary
action - Legislative firm fines, prosecution, closure
employee disciplinary action, prosecution
4Recruitment and selection procedures
Staff development processes
- internal and external advertising
- job description
- person specification
- applications
- interviews
- tests
- employment checks
- staff appraisal appraisal and review process
- continuous professional development (CPD) -
life-long learning - staff training in-house and external
recruiting, developing and supporting staff
Procedures relating to staff welfare
- counselling
- advice on grievance and disciplinary procedures
- procedures for dealing with absence and illness
- staff friendly issues health at work, work-life
balance initiatives (flexible working patterns,
leave arrangements), other services such as
subsidised canteen, free car parking, social
5Types of meetings and committees
Responsibilities of key members
- Chairperson during a meeting
- Secretary before, during and after a meeting
(internal and external, including organising a
venue) - Consequences of inadequate preparation for
- Annual General Meeting
- Extraordinary General Meeting
- Board
- Committee
Terms used in the conduct of meetings
impact of technology on the conduct and
organisation of meetings
- quorum
- postpone
- adjournment
- motion
- proposer
- seconder
- Unanimous
- Resolution
- Ex officio
- In camera
- Verbatim
- Rider
- vote
- Amendment
- ballot
- Abstain
- majority
- casting vote
- address the chair
- point of order
- standing orders
- Lie on the table
- No confidence
- Proxy vote
- unanimous
Documentation relating to meetings
- video conferencing
- audio conferencing
- E-diary
- E-mail
- Internet and network meetings
- Mobile and video phones
- notice of meeting
- Agenda
- Chairpersons agenda
- minutes (including action minutes)
- Attendance list
6customer service
The importance of customer service policies to
the organisation
methods of evaluating policy
written customer care strategy
service level agreements (SLAs)
complaints procedure
Quality management systems
- Usefulness
- How complaints are dealt with
- Mission statements
- Ensuring the quality of customer care
- Importance of customer service
- Impact of poor customer service
- satisfaction surveys
- customer focus groups
- market research
- Mystery shopper
- Suggestion schemes
- Quality standards
- Total quality management (TQM)
- 4 elements of TQM defining quality, commitment,
measuring quality, ensuring quality
- Key aspects of SLAs
- 2 elements service element and management
element - Importance of SLAs