Title: An operational necessity to limit Salary Inflation
1The Indisputable Case for SponsoredEmployment
from Overseas
- An operational necessity to limit Salary
Inflation - An operational initiative to reduce Staff
Turnover - A strategic step to assure Staff Supply Quality
- A direct operational Saving to the PL
- Filipinos workers will increase Productivity
2Limit Salary Inflation
- Australias economy is booming creating strong
employment growth - Australia is already at full employment, so where
do the extra people come from? - Educational might be a long term solution, but
International staffing is the only near-term
solution. - Local Australian staff can only be poached from
other businesses - at inflated salaries - Nobody leaves their current job for less money.
- Businesses should include a strategy to employ a
percentage of International workers. - Creates a braking effect on salary levels with
an attractive option to local poaching. - Highly skilled workers can then be initially
employed at lower job classifications, and at
entry levels in the respective salary bands.
3Reduce Staff Turnover Cost
- The average employee tenure in an Australian
business is now only 12 months. - A recognition that employees can increase their
salary much fast by job-hopping rather than with
one employer - Staff loyalty declines in a full employment
market encouraging people to change jobs. - This increases staff turnover
- The cost of turnover i.e. replacing and
retraining a person in Australia can be up to 70
of their annual salary. - So if an employer can keep a 50,000 employee for
3 years (and save one turnover cycle) then they
effectively save the business up to 35,000 - Employing overseas staff on a 3-year 457 visa
addresses all of these turnover issues and can
significantly improve the PL
See for yourself Click here and download our
Cost-of-Turnover Calculator
4Assure Staff Supply Quality
- Think of an Immigrant Sponsorship Agreement as a
operational 2-year Staff Planning tool. - Use it to guarantee staff supply with an
individual Recruitment Agency. - Plan for growth and recruit to the plan
- Establish a pipeline of International candidates
to the standards required by the business. - To underpin the supply of essential staff
- Inclusion of tailored assessment processes to
each business ensures that quality of staff is
achieved. - To obtain high standards of skilled overseas
workers. - Obtain continued client feedback on each
placement. - To continually track quality of overseas workers
5Direct Savings to the PL
Sponsored Overseas Employment - Client Fee and Savings Calculator Sponsored Overseas Employment - Client Fee and Savings Calculator Sponsored Overseas Employment - Client Fee and Savings Calculator Sponsored Overseas Employment - Client Fee and Savings Calculator Sponsored Overseas Employment - Client Fee and Savings Calculator Sponsored Overseas Employment - Client Fee and Savings Calculator Sponsored Overseas Employment - Client Fee and Savings Calculator Sponsored Overseas Employment - Client Fee and Savings Calculator Sponsored Overseas Employment - Client Fee and Savings Calculator
The client benefits of employing International labour. The client benefits of employing International labour. The client benefits of employing International labour. The client benefits of employing International labour. The client benefits of employing International labour. The client benefits of employing International labour. The client benefits of employing International labour. The client benefits of employing International labour. The client benefits of employing International labour.
ltEnter your Client Agency variables in the boxes belowgt ltEnter your Client Agency variables in the boxes belowgt SAVINGS
Agency fee of annual remuneration package 18.0 gtgtgtgt Total Agency fee to Client Total Agency fee to Client Total Agency fee to Client 8,640 (A)
Remuneration package of Australian resource 58,000 gtgtgtgt Agency fee saving to Client Agency fee saving to Client Agency fee saving to Client 1,800
Expected remuneration of FLB candidate 48,000 gtgtgtgt Comparable Agency fee for a client zero sum gain Comparable Agency fee for a client zero sum gain Comparable Agency fee for a client zero sum gain Comparable Agency fee for a client zero sum gain Comparable Agency fee for a client zero sum gain 75.0
Expected duration of employment (2 to 4 years) 3 gtgtgtgt Total Salary Expense Saving to Client Total Salary Expense Saving to Client Total Salary Expense Saving to Client Total Salary Expense Saving to Client 30,000 36,010
Total additional Client expenses for International sponsorships Total additional Client expenses for International sponsorships 4,430
Sponsorship Nomination Fees 280
Candidate International Return Air-fare 1,200 gtgtgtgt Total Recruitment Saving to Client Total Recruitment Saving to Client Total Recruitment Saving to Client Total Recruitment Saving to Client 27,370 (B)
Local Travel Logistics on Australian Arrival 250
Australian Health Insurance 2,700
Produced by FLB Overseas (Aust) Pty Ltd Produced by FLB Overseas (Aust) Pty Ltd Produced by FLB Overseas (Aust) Pty Ltd Produced by FLB Overseas (Aust) Pty Ltd
www.flboverseas.com.au www.flboverseas.com.au www.flboverseas.com.au www.flboverseas.com.au
Click here to download our Direct Savings
6Higher levels of Productivity
- Productivity is defined as Output/Cost.
- Therefore the there are only three ways to
increase employee productivity - Increase employee Output
- Reduce employee labour cost
- or do Both 1 2.
- Filipino workers yield higher productivity
- In Australia only to work to improve their family
situation back in the Philippines (strong
Christian family values) - Higher skilled workers will work in lower paid
jobs - Hardworking and trustworthy and will work longer
hours - Resulting in both Increased output AND reduced
labour cost