Title: LO: to round decimals to the nearest whole number.
1LO to round decimals to the nearest whole number.
2Numbers that, when rounded up or down, will give
the answer 2
3Numbers that, when rounded up or down, will give
the answer 2
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
2.2 2.3 2.4
4Can you think of any two decimal place numbers
that round to 2?
5LO To round up or down after division depending
on the context.
6- I have saved 240. A train ticket costs 52.
How many tickets can I buy?
7- I have saved 240. A train ticket costs 52.
How many tickets can I buy?
What does 4.615384 mean?
8- I have saved 240. A train ticket costs 52.
How many tickets can I buy?
How much would it cost for 4 tickets?
9- I have saved 240. A train ticket costs 52.
How many tickets can I buy?
How much would it cost for 4 tickets?
10- I have saved 240. A train ticket costs 52.
How many tickets can I buy?
How much would it cost for 5 tickets?
11- I have saved 240. A train ticket costs 52.
How many tickets can I buy?
How much would it cost for 5 tickets?
124.615384 means that 240 is more than enough to
buy 4 tickets but not enough to buy 5 tickets.
13LO To round up or down after division depending
on the context.
14- I have 240 cakes. One box holds 52 cakes. A How
many boxes can I fill? B How many boxes would I
need for all the cakes? - A school has 250 children and they are all going
on a trip together. A coach can hold 52 people.
How many coaches are needed? - 3. I have 5 metres of ribbon and I need lengths
of 865cm for the Summer Fair stalls. How many of
these lengths can I get from my ribbon?
15- 4. 5000 football fans are going to a match.
Each stand at the football ground can hold 865
people. How many stands will the fans need?