Title: Daktronics Touchpad Testing Device
1Daktronics Touchpad Testing Device
- SD0801
- Sarthak Ahuja
- Michael Benson
- Kalana Maldeniya
- Client Daktronics inc.
- Client Representative Kurt Kaski
- Faculty Advisor Dr. Chao You
- Daktronics swimming timing system uses a
touchpad to indicate when the swimmer has
finished each lap. - Our objective is to develop a handheld, battery
powered tester for verifying the operation of the
4 Hardware Requirements
- In its simplest form the tester will give a
visual (LED) and audible (buzzer) indication of
when the touchpad is closed. - A connection to a submersible pressure
measurement device for measuring actuation force. - An LCD for displaying the measured force.
- A female DB9 serial port for connection to a
computer for the purpose of updating firmware,
etc. - The battery power supply should be a switcher for
maximum battery life. - Decoupling caps on the ICs
5Software Requirements
- The tester will display the force measurement, as
well as a latched value indicating the actuation
force. - Turn off the LCD and sleep the micro until an
input is detected from the touchpad input.
When a touch is sensed ? White LED for
visual indication ? A 4 KHz piezo buzzer
driven by Pulse width Modulation through
the microcontroller
- Used in measurements involving displacement of a
stressed, linearly elastic member - Used a compact button style load cell to measure
applied force - Applied force is then calculated and displayed
on the LCD screen - Displayed reading is accurate to /- .25 lbs.
and is logged about 20 microseconds after the
touch is sensed
9Submersible Force Probe
- Uses the load cell to measure the amount of
force necessary to actuate the touchpad
10Final circuit
- A sleep timer is initialized to 0 whenever a
touch is sensed - If is incremented by 1 in every cycle if no touch
is sensed - When it reaches 1500 (10 seconds), the LCD is
turned off, and the PIC enters sleep mode
13Power Supply
14Block diagram of the entire system
15Final Product
- Method of testing
- Decoupling Caps
- Sleeping Mode
- Creating the submersible probe
- Troubleshooting
- 1. DC/DC conv.
- 2. Noise
17Lessons Learned
- Time Management
- More Research
- Priorities
- Parts Ordering
- Debugging
Task Description Duration Start Date End Date
Functional Block Diagram 5 days 1/29/2007 2/2/2007
Gather Components Lists (ALL) 18 days 2/3/2007 2/27/2007
Design Ideas (All) 44 days 2/27/2007 4/26/2007
Rough Schematic (All) 20 days 4/1/2007 4/26/2007
Gather Components (All) 8 days 4/27/2007 5/8/2007
Test Components (All) 23 days 5/9/2007 6/8/2007
Summer Break 74 days 5/14/2007 8/25/2007
Make pcb Board (Kalana) 31 days 9/28/2007 11/9/2007
Test Prototype Board (Kalana and Mike) 18 days 9/17/2007 10/10/2007
Software for PIC (Mike and Sarthak) 18 days 9/17/2007 10/10/2007
Submersible pressure probe (Mike) 21 days 10/5/2007 11/2/2007
Test Software (Mike and Sarthak) 12 days 11/5/2007 11/20/2007
Test Hardware (Kalana and Mike) 14 days 11/23/2007 12/11/2007
Revisions/Modifications (ALL) 18 days 11/28/2007 12/11/2007
Local Expenses Local Expenses Local Expenses Local Expenses Local Expenses Local Expenses Local Expenses
Part Description Part Retail Cost Acquired Cost Notes Units/Board Price/Board
OP AMPS MCP602 4.83 - 1 4.83
Microcontroller 16F876 7.44 - 1 7.44
Lcd Display CFAH2004A-NYG 21.89 21.89 1 21.89
Load Cell FC22 55.00 55.00 1 55.00
Switching Regulator R-785.0-0.5 10.57 10.57 1 10.57
Serial port Db9 9.00 - 1 9.00
Transceiver MAX231CPE 4.70 - 1 4.70
Buzzer CEP-1116 1.95 1.95 1 1.95
Resistors R 2.70 - 8 2.70
Capacitors C 2.73 - 1 2.73
Cristal 20MHz 0.70 - - 1 0.70
Enclosure 19.00 19.00 1 19.00
Fabrication 15.00 15.00 Subject to change 1 15.00
Total Price/Board Total Price/Board Total Price/Board Total Price/Board 155.51
of Boards of Boards of Boards of Boards 1
Total Price Total Price Total Price Total Price 155.51
20Future Work
- Further testing to improve reliability
- Develop a permanent enclosure for the submersible
probe - Add the ability to test other components of the
timing system
- Designed a handheld tester that meets the
clients design requirements - Learned that design is only a small part of the
development timeline, while debugging is much
more time consuming
- Daktronics inc.
- ECE Department
- Dr. Chao You
- Dr. Mark Schroeder
- West Fargo Flyers Swim Team
- West Fargo High School
- Bart Kent