Title: GlobiFer
- New perspective on oral iron supplementation
2Iron in the diet
- There are only two forms of bio-available iron
- Heme iron from meat products Iron bound to
natural hemoglobin or myoglobin - Non-heme iron from plants, dairy and syntethic
iron supplements Otherwise chemically bonded iron
3Iron absorption
Heme iron is easily absorbed as a whole structure
with high bio-availability.
absorption 15-20
Non-heme iron must be dissolved before uptake.
Because of low absorption reactive free iron ions
remain in the gut.
absorption 2-4
4Heme iron supplementation
- Bovine or porcine heme iron tablet
supplementation originally pioneered by Cryoguard
has been used in Scandinavia largely without any
serious side effects reported for over 25 years. - Because of the comparatively low iron content of
hemoglobin in relation to its bulk all heme iron
products until now have most of their iron
content in the form of added non-heme iron salts.
5New form of raw material
- Iron integrated with hemolyzed hemoglobin in a
special process is perceived by the body as heme
iron. - The added iron will be absorbed with the
hemoglobin. No reactive free iron ions are left
in the gut.
6Iron integrated hemoglobin
- Exclusive and unique raw material
- that derives from extensive
- development.
- Documented in vitro for binding and in vivo
for absorption. - High bio-availability, well tolerated.
7Efficient and well tolerated
- Uptake is not affected by low acid content in the
stomach (achylia because of other simultaneously
ingested food or medication such as antacids and
proton pump inhibitors). - No free iron ions are left in the gut. Hemoglobin
not absorbed is inert and will not irritate.
Absorption (typical)
Side-effects (typical)
Heme iron
Non-heme iron
Non-heme iron
Heme iron
Typical non-heme tablet
- 18 mg iron, Fe
- Iron integrated hemoglobin
- Dosage 2 tablets/day
- 36 mg heme iron
- 5,8 mg Fe absorbed
- 5,8 mg bio-available iron
- 100 mg iron Fe
- Ferrous fumarate, sulphate or other non-heme
complex - Dosage 1 tablet/day
- 100 mg non-heme iron
- 4,6 mg Fe absorbed
- 4,6 mg bio-available iron
Source Z Ernahrungswiss. 1993 Mar32 (1) 67-70
Comparative absorption of ferrous and heme-iron
with meals in normal and iron deficient
subjects. Ekman M, Reizenstein P.
9Advantages of GlobiFer
- Simple dosage one or two tablets once per day
- Sufficient efficacy
- Iron absorbed in all situations
- Safe Cannot be overdosed
10Experience with GlobiFer
- Iron integrated hemoglobin tablets manufactured
since 2006 - Marketed in the Nordic countries (JernBalans),
Cyprus, Iran (GlobiFer) and China (Hemofolic) - Olympic preparate for China in Athens and Beijing
- No side-effects reported
- Excellent therapy results
11OTC use
- There is a clear vacancy worldwide for a
well-tolerated safe iron preparation as well as a
steady growth for self-medication. - The potential is great, almost one third of all
fertile women continually need iron
supplementation because of menstrual blood loss.
12Clinical use
- Many chronic patients in the field of Chronic
Kidney Disease, gastro-intestinal diseases,
Chronic Heart Failure and others have to resort
to intravenous or intramuscular iron injections
when their digestive system can no longer stand
the side-effects of syntethic oral iron. - GlobiFer products have the potential to replace,
postpone or at least prolong the intervals
between costly, inconvenient and painful
injections. This means substantial savings for
the community.
13Concluded studies
- In-vitro test
In order to establish that iron integrated
hemoglobin behaves like regular hemoglobin an
in-vitro test was made with gastric juice and
subsequent analysis of iron content of the
filtrate. This showed an iron content of roughly
1 mcg per 18 mg Fe added, which means that
practically no free iron ions are released in the
gut. AnalyCen 2005 - Comparative Dose-Response Study
- A cross-over test of initial absorption of
GlobiFer tablets, Hemofer tablets and AproFer
capsules of 18 mg Fe (heme iron) and Niferex
capsules with 100 mg Fe (non-heme iron).
Measurements Hb, serum iron, iron saturation and
ferritin counts at three consecutive points with
3 hour intervals. The bio-availability study had
the objective of investigating absorption of a
single dose over time. We know that non-heme iron
is taken up in the first part of the digestive
system only. This can be seen in a very sharp
dose-response curve from a single administration.
Heme iron has a slow absorption curve and is
taken up much farther into the digestive system.
The results gave a strong indication that
iron-integrated hemoglobin is taken up throughout
the digestive system. Conducted at Vasaparken
Medical Center, Stockholm. End date January 2008.
- Cryoguard cooperates with Ellco Food and APC
Europe in the Eureka-Project SUPLHEMO. Title
Concentrated Haem (Heme) Iron As Bio-Available
Iron Source For Humans Without Side Effects. - SUPLHEMO is supported by state science foundation
Vinnova in Sweden and comprises several clinica
studies in order to evaluate iron integrated
hemoglobin. - Projekt E! 4192 EUROAGRISUPLHEMO.
- Runs 36 months from May 1st 2008.
- Area Medicine and biotechnology.
- Budget 2,41 Meuro.
15Clinical studies SUPLHEMO
- Chronic Kidney Discease is a progressing stress
anemia treated with oral iron salts and later
intravenous iron and erythropoietin to enable
kidney transplantation. Chronic patients have to
resort to injections when their digestive system
can no longer stand the side-effects of syntethic
oral iron. GlobiFer products have the potential
to replace, postpone or at least prolong the
intervals between costly (a huge difference) and
inconvenient injections. - Oral iron salts haemoglobin iron has proven to
be effective. A pilot test to investigate the
efficacy of haem iron to improve anaemia and iron
status in Chronic Kidney Disease patients stage
III / IV and not receiving dialysis.
Investigators Dr Paul Stevens (Cons,
Nephrologist), Dr Ian John (Cons Nephrologist),
Ns Karen Jenkins (Nurse Consultant). All work to
be undertaken in the clinics and labs of Kent and
- Aims and purpose of the proposed investigation is
to assess the tolerability and the effectiveness
of oral haem compared to ferrous sulphate in iron
deficiency anaemic patients with mild or
quiescent IBD and to assess the effect of these
interventions on disease activity.Hypothesis
Oral haem iron supplementation is more effective
and better tolerated than non-haem iron in
patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Investigator Dr Tariq Iqbal, Department of
Gastroenterology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
Birmingham, UK.
16Clinical studies SUPLHEMO
- Preliminary trials in iron deficient women
comparing the efficacy of hemolyzed and
enrichened haemoglobin tablets have started at
the gynecological clinic at Vasaparken Clinical
Center in Stockholm. Preliminary results show
good tolerance and high efficacy for haem iron
preparations. - PREGNANT WOMEN
- A comparison of the efficacy of haemoglobin-based
products AproFer 1000 and GlobiFer is planned to
take place at the University of Uppsala in
collaboration with Center for Clinical testing of
food CKPL and the gynaecological clinic of
the University of Uppsala. - COMPARATIVE DOSE-RESPONSE STUDY (Concluded)
- A cross-over test of initial absorption of
GlobiFer tablets, Hemofer tablets and AproFer
capsules of 18 mg Fe (heme iron) and Niferex
capsules with 100 mg Fe (non-haem iron. The
purpose is to establish and compare
bio-availability. Measurements Hb, serum iron,
iron saturation and ferritin counts at three
consecutive points with 3 hour intervals.
Conducted at Vasaparken Medical Center,
- Investigation of elderly people suffering from
heart insufficiency treated with iron integrated
haemoglobin. The objective will be to prevent
myocardial infunction and therefore heart
insufficiency by administration of haem iron in
order to increase the Hb level and provide enough
oxygen to the heart. This will take place at the
University of UmeƄ (Sweden).
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