Title: THIS
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3 With
Ms. Clark
More Nonfiction Elements
All Nonfiction
Nonfiction Elements
Types of Nonfiction
Nonfiction Stories I
Nonfiction Stories II
5I am the direct specific meaning or dictionary
A 100
6What is denotation?
A 100
7I am a short piece of nonfiction that examines a
single subject from a limited point of view.
A 200
8What is an essay?
A 200
9I am the type of writing that can be found in
news reports, encyclopedia articles, and in
A 300
10What is objective writing?
A 300
11I am a type of nonfiction intended to create a
mood or an emotion or to recreate a person,
place, thing, or experience.
A 400
12What is description?
A 400
13I am a piece of autobiographical writing that
captures certain highlights or meaningful moments
in ones past.
A 500
14What is memoir?
A 500
15Of the four acknowledged heroes of the event,
three are able to account for their behavior.
Donald Usher and Eugene Windsor, a park-police
helicopter team, risked their livesBut the
person most responsible for the emotional impact
of the disaster is the one known at first simply
as the man in the water. (Balding, probably in
his 50s, an extravagant moustache.) He was seen
clinging with five other survivors to the tail
section of the airplane. I am this type of
B 100
16What is exposition?
B 100
17When I was born, he was farming near Inglewood.
Later, when he started fishing, we moved to Ocean
Park, near Santa Monica, and until they picked
him up, thats where we lived, in a big frame
house with a brick fireplace, a block back from
the beach. I am this type of nonfiction.
B 200
18What is narration?
B 200
19His cheeks were coated with an armor of frost,
one eye was frozen shut, and his speech was
slurred. I am this type of nonfiction.
B 300
20What is description?
B 300
21Do I think a childs intake of violent or
horrifying programs should be limited? Yes, I do,
and thats why I have a high shelf. But the
pressure groups who want to see all horror
arbitrarily removed from television make me both
uneasy and angry. The element of Big Brotherism
inherent in such an idea causes the unease the
idea of a bunch of people I dont even know
presuming to dictate what is best for my children
causes the anger. I feel that deciding such
things myself is my rightand my
responsibility. I am this type of nonfiction
B 400
22What is persuasion?
B 400
23One visitor opened his mouth in a silent scream
simply at the sight of boxesgreat stretches of
three-tiered wooden boxes in the womens
barracks. They were about six feet wide, about
three feet high, and into them from five to ten
prisoners were shoved for the night. I am this
type of nonfiction.
B 500
24What is description?
B 500
25I am the New Zealand guide who spoke to my wife
just before my death.
C 100
26Who is Rob Hall?
C 100
27In It Cant Be Helped, I am the reason the
father is not with the family.
C 200
28What is he has been imprisoned because he is
considered an enemy alien?
C 200
29I am the reason King decided to write, Now You
Take Bambi.
C 300
30What is to persuade the readers that parents
should decide what their children watch, not the
C 300
Place A Wager
C 400
32One of his threats to keep us younger kids in
line was Im going to sell you to the Chinaman.
When I had entered kindergarten two years
earlier, I was the only Oriental in the class.
They sat me next to a Caucasian girl who happened
to have very slanted eyes. I looked at her and
began to scream, certain Papa had sold me out at
last. My fear of her ran so deep I could not
speak of it, even to Mama, couldnt explain why I
was screaming. For two weeks I had nightmares
about this girl, until the teachers finally moved
me to the other side of the room. I am this
literary element.
C 400
33What is anecdote?
C 400
34A brick building where sterilization experiments
were carried out on women prisoners. The guide
tries the doorits locked. The visitor is
grateful that he does not have to go in, and then
flushes with shame. I am an example of this type
of writing.
C 500
35What is subjective writing?
C 500
36In I Cant Be Helped, I am the fear that the
narrator has.
D 100
37 What is the fear of Oriental faces?
D 100
38From Into Thin Air, My eyesight failed and I
was unable to climb to the summit. Consequently,
I was left for dead.
D 200
39Who is Beck Weathers?
D 200
40In Now You Take Bambi, I am the type of stories
that King summaries at the beginning of his
essay. He forces us to look at them in a new
D 300
41What is fairy tale?
D 300
42In No News from Auschwitz, I am the news that
Rosenthal wants readers to know.
D 400
43What is what happened in the camps and to show
readers how visitors respond to what they see?
D 400
44From Into Thin Air, the number of men and women
who lost their lives on Mt. Everest.
D 500
45What is 12?
D 500
46I am an account of a persons life, written or
told by another person.
E 100
47What is biography?
E 100
48I am a belief held without judgment or proof.
E 200
49What is opinion?
E 200
50I am the specific form of nonfiction narrative
depicted in It Cant Be Helped.
E 300
51What is autobiography?
E 300
52I am subjective and generally reveal a great deal
about the writers personality and tastes. I am
usually used in a conversational tone. I am
based on a writer's feelings and response to a
personal experience.
E 400
53What is personal essay?
E 400
54You snake in the grass! The use of snake is an
example of me.
E 500
55What is connotation?
E 500
56I am something true or accurate. I can be proven.
F 100
57What is fact?
F 100
58Everyman is a focus in this story.
F 200
59What is The Man in the Water?
F 200
60I am the type of writing where the writer reveals
their feelings, their judgments, even their
F 300
61What is subjective writing?
F 300
62I am a form of literature based on a fact.
F 400
63What is nonfiction?
F 400
64By now, fourteen years after the last batch of
prisoners was herded naked into the gas chambers
by dogs and guards, the story of Auschwitz has
been told a great many times Four million people
died here, the Poles say. I am this type of
F 500
65What is objective writing?
F 500
66The Final Jeopardy Category is Types of
Nonfiction Please record your wager.
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67No News from Auschwitz Man in the Water Now
You Take Bambi or Snow White Thats Scary I am
the specific form of nonfiction common to these
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68What is an essay?
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69for Playing Jeopardy!
Ms. Clark English II