Title: The Analyst
1The Analysts PerspectiveTaking ICE
Nomenclature Out of the Drivers Seat
- Kevin Moody
- FHWA Resource Center (ENV TST)
2Trend of Resource Attribute
Risk to Sustainability
3The Challenge
- Articulating Causal Links to Risk
- Useful Resource Attribute
- Two-Part Analysis
- Influence Diagrams, Feedbacks, and Adjustments
- Diagnosing Categories of Effects
- Encroachment Alteration
- Induced Growth and Related
- Rationalizing Mitigation Decisions
- Addressing Uncertainty
4Environmental Impacts Analyses
- Analysis is part of assessment
- Single analytic approach, most laws and regs
- Address
- How resource attribute works f(x) y
- Risk to RECs sustainability with project
- rational range of mitigation options
- Analysis has two parts
- Action-focused (exposure-response profile)
- Resource-focused (risk evaluation)
- Action-focused part is input to resource-focused
5Two-Part Analytic Question
- To inform decisions, environmental impact
analyses must be broken into two-parts - How does the action interact with the resource
attribute (exposure-response profile)? - i.e., action-focused
- What does that effect mean from the perspective
of the resource attributes sustainability
(risk)? - i.e., resource-focused
- Not Defined
- Law or Regulation Specific
- set by adminsitrative process
- Resource or Project Specific
- based on natural phenomena, community standards,
perceptions - Focus is on Most Probable State, Resilience,
Trends and Conditions, etc.
7Analysis and Assessment
Disclosing the Implications
Predicting Risk
Identify useful information
Conduct 1. Action-Focused Analysis
Discuss uses and limits of the information
2. Resource-Focused Analysis
- What are Action-Focused Effects?
- Direct (NEPA) Caused by the action and occur at
the same time and place. - Indirect (NEPA) Caused by the action and are
later in time or farther removed in distance, but
still reasonably foreseeable
9Evaluating Risk
- What are Resource-Focused Effects?
- Cumulative (NEPA) Impact on the environment
which results from incremental impacts of the
action when added to other past, present, and
reasonably foreseeable future actions, regardless
of agency or person
10National Environmental Policy ActSection 102
11Endangered Species ActSection 7
12National Historic Preservation ActSection 106
- Alter significant characteristics
- Diminish the integrity of the resource.
13Clean Water ActSection 404
- Direct and Secondary (effects associated with
discharge, but not the result of actual placement
of the material) - Cumulative (the result of numerous piecemeal
minor changes)
14So-called Section 4(f)
- If avoidance is not practicable, analyze impact
to resource (for mitigation) - Paraphrased
- Not all impacts are the same magnitude
- (direct and indirect as warranted)
- Not all resources have the same integrity
- (context does project influence resource status,
trend, or condition?)
15Merging Best Practices
16Useful Information
- APA and IQA reinforce sound science
- Always Disclose
- What we know
- Coherence (numeric and non-numeric)
- What we do not know
- uncertainty
- Relative importance of what we do not know
- reduce uncertainty?
- what if predicted outcome is wrong?
17The Analysts PerspectiveQuestions?