Title: RSLP Collection Description schema
1RSLP Collection Description schema
- Research Support Libraries Programme
- UKOLN, University of Bath
2?e??e??µe?a pa???s?as??
- ?st????? a??pt???? p??t?p?? ?a? t?????sa
?at?stas?. - ?? p??sf??e? ? pe????af? s???????
- ???sµ?? s???????
- ?e????af? 3 ßas??? s?µe?a
- S??µa µetaded?µ????
- ?as??? a????s?- s????a
Sta p?a?s?a t?? p??t?p??
3?st????? ??????sa ?at?stas?
- ?? p????aµµa ?e????se t? 1999.
- S??p?? t?? p?????µµat?? ? pe????af? t?? s???????
st? p?a?s?? t?? ?p??es??? t?? d??t???
ß?ß????????. - ???pt??? e??? µ??t???? Dublin Core ??a s??????.
- ??e? a?apt???e? µ?a p??t? p??s????s? pe????af??
t?? s??????? (??e? efa?µ?ste? se t?????se?
s??????? JISC). - ????? e?d??e? ?d???e? ???s??.
- ?p???e? ??a ap?? e??a?e?? ??a t?? efa?µ??? t??
s??µat?? (?a? ???a ?p?? Perl CGI, Ms- Access,
Roads). - ??e? ???p????e? se RDF/ XML.
4?e????af? se ep?ped? s???????
- ?? p??sf??e?
- ?????? a???t?s? p????f???a?
- ?? ???ste? ß??s???? ?a? e?t?p????? s??????? t??
e?d?af????t?? t??? - ?a?????? p????f???s? se p??t? ep?ped?
- ??µ?µ??? a?a??t?s?
- ??te???? a?a??t?se?? se s??????? µe ??a d?µ?µ???
5???sµ?? S???????
- O? s?????? ????eta? t? s????? ??p????
te?µ?????. ? ?µ?da e??as?a? ??e? ???se? t??
pa?a??t? s??????? - Internet catalogues (p.?. yahoo)
- Subject gateways
- Library, museum and archival catalogues
- Web indexes (p.?. Alta vista)
- Collections of text, images, sounds, datasets,
software, other material or combinations of these
(µp??e? ?a pe????e? databases, CD-ROMs ?a?
s??????? ap? Web resources) - Collections of events
- Library and museum collections
- Archives
- Other collections of physical items
- Digital archives
6?? pe???aµß??e? ? pe????af? s???????
- 3 ßas??? s?µe?a
- ?e????af???? p????f???e?
- ?????f???e? ??a t?? p??sßas?
- ?????f???e? ??a ta d??a??µata ???s??
7Description Schema
- ?????eta? se 4 e??t?te?
- 1?. ?e????af??? µetaded?µ??a ??a t? s??????
- Collection
- 2?. ?etaded?µ??a ??a t?? t?p??es?a t?? s???????
- Location
- 3?. G?a t??? ßas????? s??te?est??/ p??s?pa p??
s?et????ta? µe t? s?????? - Agents
- 4?. G?a t?? e??te????? s?s?et?se?? t?? s???????
- Relationships
8Background t?? s??µat??
- Dublin Core
- IFLA FRBR (Functional Requirements for
bibliographic records) work, expression,
manifestation, item - UKOLN
- Simple Collection Description (E-lib project)
9Description Schema 1? e??t?ta
- ??????ta? ta ßas??? pe????af??? st???e?a ??a t?
s?????? - Fa????ta? ta attributes p?? p???????ta? ap?
t?? pe????af? a??e?a??? ??????.
Title (dc) Note
Identifier (dc) Accrual status
Psysical characteristics (dcformat) Legal status
Type (dc) Access control (dc.rights)
Strength Custodial history
Description (dc) Subject (dc)
Language (dc) Dates accumulation date range, Contents date range
10Description Schema 2?-3?-4? e??t?ta
- ?etaded?µ??a ??a t?? t?p??es?a t?? s???????
- ??a ta p??s?pa
- ??a t?? e??te????? s?s?et?se??
Location Location
General attributes name, identifier, access conditions, see also (URI) Physical location postal address, country, post code
Associated agents On line location locator
Collector (dc) Administrator (dc)
Sub-collection Described collection
Super-collection Associated collection
Catalogue or description Associated publication
11?a??de??µa pe????af? µ?a? ?a???af???? s???????
- Title S?????? e??as??? ?a???af?a?
- Identifier DL10
- Description ? s?????? ap?te?e?ta? ap? e??as?e?
t?? f??t?t?? ?? ?p??e? ????? ??afte? µe ß?s? ??a
????? e??t?µat??????. - Strength ? s?????? ?a??pte? ??a µe???? e???? t??
?a???af???? pa??d?s?? - Physical characteristics ? s?????? pe???aµß??e?
4000 text documents 1000 f?t???af?e? - Physical characteristics ??e???eta? photo editor
??a t?? p??ß??? t?? f?t???af??? - Language gre (e???????)
- Type collection
- Subject pa??d?s?, ?a???af?a, p??f?????
pa??d?s? - Accrual Status ? s?????? e??a? e?e??? ?????
sta?e?? pe???d???t?ta a?a???s??. - Accumulation date range 1980/1982
- Contents date range 1960/
- Note ?? e??as?e? e??a? ????sµ??e? se
ß?ß???det?µ????? t?µ??? - Access control de? ep?t??peta? ? a?apa?a???? t??
?????? ????? ip address t?? pa?/µ??? - Access control ? p??sßas? st? f?s??? s??????
???eta? µ??? µe ?de?a t?? ß?ß/??? - Legal status ? s?????? a???e? st? ß?ß???????
?a???af?a? t?? ?a?ep?st?µ??? - Custodial history ? s?????? ß?????e st?
ß?ß??????? ?ste?a ap? d??e? t?? ?a????t? ?.
12S????e?a t?? pe????af??
- Super- collection S??????? ?a???af????
Sp??dast????? - Sub- collection s?????? e??as???
- Sub- collection s?????? f?t???af???
- Collector G. ?. Sp???d????
- Owner ?a?ep?st?µ?? ?T????
- ?dministrator?p?????st??? ???t?? ??ß????????
- Physical Location ??ß??????? ?a???af?a?
?a?ep?st?µ?? ?????? - Postal Address ?a?ep?st?µ???p??? ?????f??
- Access conditions e??a? a????t? t? p??? ap?
10-1400 µ.µ.?.a. - Locator http//www.dl.lib.gr/laografia...
- G?a ???e p??s?p? µp????? ?a d????? ta e???
st???e?a Name, id, Tel no, role, Fax no, Email
address, Biography/ history
??te t? ???µa e?te t? id e?te t? URI t?? s???????
13Ge???? s?µe?a
- S??p?? de? ?ta? ?a d?µ???????e? ??a p??t?p?
a?t??at?stas?? t?? EAD, a??? ??a ap?? p??t?p? ??a
t?? pe????af? s??????? st????µ??? st? Dublin
Core. - ?p???e? a?t?st????s? (mapping) t?? RSLP µe t?
Isad t? Ead. - ???a? s?µa?t??? t? ?e????? ?t? ???s?µ?p??e? ??a
t?? t?µ?? ???sµ???? ?????sµ?t?? ??sa????? ?a?
e?d??? s??µata s??ta??? p.? ??a t?? ?µe??µ???e?.
14Ge???? s?µe?a
- ???e? µ??? st?? pe????af? t?? s??????? de?
p?????? se pe????af? a?t??e?µ????. (se a?t??es?
µe t? Ead Isad). - ?e? e??a? t?s? p???s?? ?a? de? ??e? d???µaste?
?d?a?te?a ??a s??????? ??e?t??????? p????.
- G?a p????f???e? s?et??? µe t? project ?a? t?
s??µa µetaded?µ???? ep?s?efte?te - http//www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/rslp/