Title: Teaching Through Problem Solving
1 Teaching Through Problem Solving
- __________________________________________________
___________________ - Adapted from
- Van de Walle (2007). Elementary and Middle
School Mathematics Teaching Developmentally,
(6th Ed.). Pearson Allyn Bacon, pp. 37-70.
2Value of Teaching With Problems
- Places students attention on ideas and sense
making - Develops mathematical power
- Develops the belief in students that they are
capable of doing mathematics and that is makes
sense - Provides ongoing assessment data that can be used
in instructional decisions - Allows entry point for a wide range of students
3GoalsTeaching about Problem Solving
- Strategies and Process
- Develop problem analysis skills
- Develop and select strategies
- Justify solutions
- Extend of generalize problems
- Metacognition
- Monitor and regulate actions
- Disposition
- Gain confidence and belief in abilities
- Be willing to try and persevere
- Enjoy doing mathematics
4Hierarchy of Thinking
- Upper two levels
- Higher-Order
Upper Three Levels --Reasoning
5A problem is defined by
- Any task or activity for which a student has
no prescribed or memorized rules or methods, nor
is there a perception by the student that there
is a specific correct solution method. - (Hiebert et al., 1997)
6Features of a Good Math Problem
- Must begin where the students are
- Task must take into consideration the current
understanding of the students - Problematic or engaging aspect of the problem
must be due to the mathematics the students are
to learn - Mathematics of the problem should be the focus
not the context or creation of a product - Must require justifications and explanations of
answersshould be an important part to problem
7Example of Problem-Based Task
- The following task might be used in grades 5-6
as part of the development of fraction concepts - __________________________________________________
______ - Place an X on the number line about where
11/8 would be. Explain why you put the X where
you did. Perhaps you will want to draw and label
other points on the line to help explain your
8Types of Problems
- Process Problems
- Requires solution processes other than
computational procedures - Translation Problems
- Include one- and two-step story problems
typically found in textbooks - Application Problems
- Generally uses computation once data is gathered
and a decision about a solution strategy has been
made - Puzzles
9- U.S. teachers usually spend a small portion
of a lesson explaining or reviewing an idea and
then have students go through a set of exercises.
Lessons in this format follow the
explain-then-practice pattern. Teachers find
themselves going from desk to desk re-teaching
and explaining to individuals. This is in
contrast to a lesson built around a single
problemwhich is the typical approach for
student-centered problem-based lessons. - __________________________________________________
____ - Teaching through problem solving suggests a
simple three part structure for lessons. - Before
- During
- After
10Problem-Solving Lesson
Three-Part Format
- Before--Introducing
- During--Exploring
- After--Summarizing
11Before Phase
- Be sure the task is understood by students
- Establish expectations for how students are to
work and what products are to be prepared - Prepare students mentally for the task by
activating student prior knowledge related to the
12During Phase
- Let gogive students a chance to work without
guidance. - Observe interactions and listen for group ideas,
strategies, and work procedures to use in class
discussions - Offer assistance when needed, either when all
members of a group raise their hands or if a
group is not working - Provide an extension for groups that finish more
quickly than others
13After Phase
- Engage class in productive discussionencourage
student-student dialogue and not just
student-teacher dialogue that may exclude the
class by having students ask questions also - Listen actively without evaluationhave students
explain methods, solutions, and justifications
for answers - Summarize main ideas and identify problems that
could be used for future explorations - Some Questions to Consider
- How did you organize your work?
- What problems did you encounter?
- What strategies did you use? Which were most
helpful? - How did you arrive at your solution?
- What other strategy might have been used instead?
14Planning for Instructionwhat to consider
- Selecting appropriate tasks and materials
- Identifying sources of problems
- Clarifying the teachers role
- Organizing and implementing instruction
- Changing the difficulty of problems by altering
the --Problem Context --Problem Structure
15Selecting Effective Tasks
- Sources of Effective Tasks
- Textbooks
- Standards-Based Curricula
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
JournalMathematics Teaching in the Middle School - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Navigation Series books - Internet Lesson Plans
16Steps for Task Selection
- 1. How is the activity done?
- Actually do the activity to determine how
students might do the activity, what materials
are needed, what is recorded or written down, and
what misconceptions may emerge. - 2. What is the purpose of the activity?
- Determine what mathematical ideas are developed
by the activity. Are these ideas concepts or
procedural skills? What connections can be made
to other topics? - 3. Will the activity accomplish its purpose?
- 4. What must the teacher do?
- --In the before part of the lesson?
- --In the during part of the lesson?
- --In the after part of the lesson?
17Planning a Problem-Based Lesson
- Content and Task Decisions
- Begin with the Math!
- Articulate clearly the ideas you want students to
learn as a result of the lesson - Consider your students
- What do the students already know and understand
about the topic - Decide on task
- Keep it simplegood tasks need not be elaborate
- Predict what will happen
- Think about what your students will likely do
with the taskmodify task as needed based on your
- Teaching Actions
- Articulate student responsibilities
- Think about how students will supply information
about what they learned - Plan the Before portion of lesson
- Think about the During portion of the lesson
- Think about the After portion of the lesson
Last, Write the Lesson Plan
18Variations of the Three-Part Lesson
- MinilessonsTasks that do not require the entire
class period--think-pair-share strategy is useful - Workstations and GamesCan be set-up around the
room without the need to distribute and collect
materials to allow students to work on different
tasks and concepts - Problem-Solving MenuA menu is a collection of
activities for a student to do. A menu can
provide class work activities for several days, a
week, or for a longer period of time. The tasks
on the menu or not hierarchical and do not
conceptually build upon each other.
19Four Step Guide for Solving a Problem
- Understand the Problem
- Read and explore
- Plan
- Devise a strategy to use to solve the problem
- Carry out the Plan
- Solve the problem
- Look Back
- Reflect on answer and justify solution
20Some Problem-Solving Strategies
- Look for Patterns
- Consider all Possibilities
- Make an Organized List
- Draw a Picture
- Guess and Check
- Write an Equation
- Construct a Table or Graph
- Act it Out
- Use Objects
- Work Backward
- Solve a Simpler (or similar) Problem
21How much to tell and not to tell
- Three types of information teachers should
provide to their students - Math conventions
- Alternative methods
- Clarification of students methods
22Diversity in the Classroom
- In addition to using a problem-based approach,
consider the following to attend to the diversity
in the classroom. - Be sure that problems have multiple entry points
- Plan differentiated tasks
- Use heterogeneous groupings
- Make accommodations and modifications for
English-language learners - Listen carefully to students
23Drill or Practice?
- Practice
- Different problem-based tasks or experiences,
spread over numerous class periods, each
addressing the same basic ideas - Drill
- Repetitive, non-problem-based exercises designed
to improve skills or procedures already acquired
24What does practice provide?
- Increased opportunity to develop conceptual ideas
and more elaborate and useful connections - Opportunity to develop alternative and flexible
strategies - Greater chance for all students to understand,
not just a few - Clear message that math is about figuring things
out and making sense
25What does drill provide?
- Increased facility with a strategy but only with
a strategy already learned - Focus on a singular method and an exclusion of
flexible alternatives - False appearance of understanding
- Rule-oriented view of what mathematics is about
26When is drill appropriate?
- An efficient strategy for the skill to be drilled
is already in place - Automaticity with the skill or strategy is a
desired outcome
- Practice as Homework
- Allows students to practice at home
- Communicates to parents that math is sense-making
and has value - Drill as Homework
- Keep it short
- Provide a key
- Do not grade based on correctness
- Do not use class time going over drill homework